Xenocidio camboxano
O xenocidio camboxano (en khmer: របបប្រល័យពូជសាសន៍) foi obra do réxime maoísta[1] dos Khmer vermellos (en francés: Khmer Rouge ou KR; en khemer: Khmer Krahom), un partido político que gobernou a chamada Kampuchea Democrática entre 1975 e 1979, cunha concepción extremista da revolución.
Baixo a dirección de Pol Pot, o réxime propúxose a creación dun modelo socialista agrario baseado nos ideais do maoísmo e o stalinismo. A súa política caracterizouse pola ruralización forzada dos habitantes dos núcleos urbanos, torturas, execucións masivas, traballos forzados xeneralizados e malnutrición, custando a vida de aproximadamente un cuarto da poboación do país.[2] En cifras concretas, entre millón e medio e tres millóns de camboxanos faleceron. O xenocidio finalizou coa invasión vietnamita.[3] Descubríronse máis de 20 000 fosas comúns, chamadas Campos da Morte.[4] Os principais descubrimentos destas fosas déronse entre 1995 e 1996.[5]
O obxectivo principal dos Khmer vermellos era purificar o país, en similitude ó tentado pola Alemaña nazi, crear unha raza superior ou, como dixo un líder khemer: «a purificación da poboación».[6] Como a maioría das vítimas eran de etnia khmer, a mesma dos seus verdugos, ás veces denomínase ó proceso un "autoxenocidio".[7]
O 2 de xaneiro de 2001, o goberno camboxano aprobou unha lexislación para axuizar un número limitado de dirixentes vermellos. Estes comezaron o 17 de febreiro de 2009.[8] O 7 de agosto de 2014, Nuon Chea e Khieu Samphan foron declarados culpables e sentenciados a cadea perpetua polos seus crimes de lesa humanidade.[9]
editar- ↑ Jackson, 1992: 219
- ↑ Etcheson, 2005: 119; Heuveline, 1998: 49-65
- ↑ Mayersan, 2013: 182
- ↑ DeMello, 2013: 86
- ↑ Kohn, 2013: 256
- ↑ Hannum, 1989: 88s
- ↑ Vallvé Bermejo, 2005: 102
- ↑ Mendes, 2011: 13
- ↑ FIDH. “Camboya: Sentencia de 2 ex líderes del Jemer Rojo a cadena perpetua es histórica”. FIDH. Publicado el 7 de agosto de 2014. Consultado o 15 de decembro de 2015.
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editar- Alvarez, Alex (2001). Governments, Citizens, and Genocide: A Comparative and Interdisciplinary Approach. Indiana University Press. ISBN 978-0253338495.
- Alvarez, Alex (2007). "The Prevention and Intervention of Genocide During the Cold War Years". En Samuel Totten. The Prevention and Intervention of Genocide. Transaction. pp. 7–30. ISBN 978-0765803849.
- Barron, John; Anthony Paul (1977). Murder of a gentle land: the untold story of a Communist genocide in Cambodia. Reader's Digest Press. ISBN 978-0883491294.
- Bartrop, Paul R. (2012). A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-0313386787.
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- Beachler, Donald W. (2011). The Genocide Debate: Politicians, Academics, and Victims. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0230114142.
- Boyle, Deirdre (2009). "Shattering Silence: Traumatic Memory and Reenactment in Rithy Panh's S-21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine". Framework: The Journal of Cinema and Media 50 (1/2): 95–106. JSTOR 41552541. doi:10.1353/frm.0.0049.
- Brinkley, Joel (2011). Cambodia's Curse: The Modern History of a Troubled Land. PublicAffairs. ISBN 978-1-610-39001-9.
- Buncombe, Andrew (7 de xuño de 2013). "Cambodia passes law making denial of Khmer Rouge genocide illegal". The Independent. Consultado o 2 de xaneiro de 2014.
- Chan, Sucheng (2004). Survivors: Cambodian Refugees in the United States. University of Illinois Press. ISBN 978-0252071799.
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- DeMello, Margo (2013). Body Studies: An Introduction. Routledge. ISBN 978-0415699303.
- Donlon, Fidelma (2012). "Hybrid Tribunals". En William A. Schabas, Nadia Bernaz. Routledge Handbook of International Criminal Law. Routledge. pp. 85–106. ISBN 978-0415524506.
- Dutton, Donald G. (2007). The Psychology of Genocide, Massacres, and Extreme Violence: Why Normal People Come to Commit Atrocities. Praeger. ISBN 978-0275990008.
- Etcheson, Craig (2005). After the Killing Fields: Lessons from the Cambodian Genocide. Greenwood. ISBN 978-0275985134.
- Frey, Rebecca Joyce (2009). Genocide and International Justice. Facts On File. ISBN 978-0816073108.
- Haas, Michael (1991). Cambodia, Pol Pot, and the United States: The Faustian Pact. ABC-CLIO.
- Hannum, Hurst (1989). "International Law and Cambodian Genocide: The Sounds of Silence". Human Rights Quarterly 11 (1): 82–138. JSTOR 761936. doi:10.2307/761936.
- Heuveline, Patrick (1998). "'Between One and Three Million': Towards the Demographic Reconstruction of a Decade of Cambodian History (1970–79)". Population Studies 52 (1): 49–65. JSTOR 2584763. PMID 11619945. doi:10.1080/0032472031000150176.
- Hinton, Alexander Laban; Lifton, Robert Jay (2004). "In the Shadow of Genocide". Why Did They Kill?: Cambodia in the Shadow of Genocide. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0520241794.
- "KAING Guek Eav". Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). Consultado o 19 de agosto de 2015.
- Kiernan, Ben (2003). "Twentieth-Century Genocides Underlying Ideological Themes from Armenia to East Timor". En Robert Gellately, Ben Kiernan. The Specter of Genocide: Mass Murder in Historical Perspective. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521527507.
- Kurlantzick, Joshua (2008). "China's Growing Influence in Southeast Asia". China's Expansion Into the Western Hemisphere: Implications for Latin America and the United States. Brookings Institution Press. ISBN 978-0-815-77554-6.
- MacKinnon, Ian (12 de novembro de 2007). "Leading Khmer Rouge figures arrested". The Guardian. Consultado o 7 de xaneiro de 2014.
- Mayersan, Deborah (2013). "'Never Again' or Again and Again". En Deborah Mayersen, Annie Pohlman. Genocide and Mass Atrocities in Asia: Legacies and Prevention. Routledge. ISBN 978-0415645119.
- Vannak, Huy (2010). Bou Meng: A Survivor From Khmer Rouge Prison S-21, Justice for the Future Not Just for the Victims. Documentation Center of Cambodia. ISBN 978-9995060190.
- Mendes, Errol (2011). Peace and Justice at the International Criminal Court: A Court of Last Resort. Edward Elgar. ISBN 978-1849803823.
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- Terry, Fiona (2002). Condemned to Repeat?: The Paradox of Humanitarian Action. Cornell University Press. ISBN 978-0801487965.
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- Tyner, James A. (2012). Genocide and the Geographical Imagination: Life and Death in Germany, China, and Cambodia. Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 978-1442208988.
- Verkoren, Willemijn (2008). The Owl and the Dove: Knowledge Strategies to Improve the Peacebuilding. Amsterdam University Press. ISBN 978-9056295066.
- Waller, James. "Communist Mass Killings: Cambodia (1975–1979)". Keene State College. Cohen Center, Keene, NH. 17 de febreiro de 2015. Powerpoint Lecture.