O miriwoong é unha lingua aborixe de Australia que segundo datos do censo de 2016, era falada por 156 persoas en Kununurra, Australia Occidental. Pertence á familia lingüística de linguas jarrakanas. Todos os falantes nativos son de idade avanzada e por iso se considera unha lingua en perigo de desaparecer. Porén, as novas xeracións adoitan estar familiarizadas con moito vocabulario miriwoong e utilízano cando falan crioulo australiano ou inglés aborixe australiano.

Outros nomes:Miriwung
Falado en: Australia Australia
Rexións: Kununurra, Australia Occidental
Total de falantes: 156 (2006)[1]
Familia: Linguas jarrakanas
Códigos de lingua
ISO 639-1: --
ISO 639-2: ---
ISO 639-3: mep
  1. ABS (ed.). "Census 2016, Language spoken at home by Sex (SA2+)". stat.data.abs.gov.au (en inglés). Arquivado dende o orixinal o 26 de decembro de 2018. Consultado o 6 de novembro de 2020. 

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Outros artigos



  • Galbat-Newry, G., (4 de setembro de 2016) Miriwoong waniwoogeng! Language is the only way to understand our ancient culture. thegardian: Australian Edition, https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2016/sep/04/miriwoong-waniwoogeng-language-is-the-only-way-to-understand-our-ancient-culture
  • Kofod, F. M. (1978). "The Miriwung language (East Kimberley): a phonological and morphological study". 
  • Kofod, FM, 1976. Simple and Compound Verbs: Conjugation by Auxiliaries in Australian Verbal System: Miriwung. Canberra: Australian Institute for Aboriginal Studies.
  • Olawsky, Knut, J. (2010) Revitalisation Strategies for Miriwoong In Re-awakening languages: theory and practice in the revitalisation of Australia's indigenous languages. In Hobson, J., Lowe, K., Poetics, S. & Walsh, M. (Eds.) Sydney University Press: Sydney
  • Olawsky, Knut J., 2010. Going public with language: involving the wider community in language revitalisation. En J. Hobson, K. Lowe, S. Poetsch e M. Walsh (eds.), Re-Awakening Languages: Theory and Practice in the Revitalisation of Australia’s Indigenous Languages. Sydney, Australia: Sydney University Press, pp. 75.
  • Olawsky, Knut, 2013. The Master-Apprentice language learning program down under: experience and adaptation in an Australian context. Language documentation and conservation, 7
  • McGregor, William (2004). Taylor & Francis, ed. The Languages of the Kimberley, Western Australia. Londres, Nova York. ISBN 0-415-30808-9. 
  • Galbat-Newry, G., (2002) Mirima Dawang Woorlab-gerring Language and Culture Centre. Ngoonjook: A Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues. 21 26-49.

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