James Redding Ware

James Redding Ware, coñecido polo pseudónimo Andrew Forrester, nado en 1832 e finado contra 1909 foi un novelista e dramaturgo británico, recoñecido hoxe por ser o primeiro en facer unha detective muller nunha obra de ficción[1], concretamente na obra The Female Detective (1864)[2].

Infotaula de personaJames Redding Ware
Nacemento1832 Editar o valor em Wikidata
Morte1909 Editar o valor em Wikidata (76/77 anos)
Datos persoais
País de nacionalidadeReino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda Editar o valor em Wikidata
Ocupaciónnovelista , dramaturgo Editar o valor em Wikidata
Pseudónimo literarioAndrew Forrester Editar o valor em Wikidata
  • The fortunes of the House of Pennyl: A Romance of England in the Last Century[3] (1860)
  • A Nice Quiet Cottage. A One-act Farce (1863)
  • The female detective (1864)
  • The Road Murder. Analysis of this Persistent Mystery (1865)
  • Opera Comique (1870)
  • The Death Trap; Or a Cat's-Paw. A Drama in Four Acts (1870)
  • The Modern Hoyle; Or, How to Play Whist - Chess - Cribbage - Dominoes - Draughts - Backgammon, and Besique (1870)
  • The Isle of Wight (1871)
  • Bothwell: A Drama in Four Acts (1871)
  • Pipermans' Predicaments. A Farce, in One Act (1871)
  • Bothwell. A Drama, in Four Acts (1871)
  • The Meadows of St. Gervais. A Farce-comedy, in Two Acts (1871)
  • One Snowy Night. A Comedy, in One Act (1871)
  • In Quarantine. A Comedy, in One Act (1871)
  • The Polish Jew: a drama in three acts (Emile Erckmann, Alexandre Chatrian, trans JR Ware 1872?)
  • Before the Bench: Sketches of Police Court Life (1880)
  • Some Social Science. A Satirical Comedy, in Three Acts (1880)
  • Alpine Betrothals. A Swiss Eclogue, for Music (1880)
  • Constant Woman: A Drawing-room Drama for Two and a Parlourmaid (1881)
  • A Woman Will be a Woman. An Original Duologue (1883)
  • Twenty and Forty. An Original Comedy (1883)
  • Life and Speeches of His Royal Highness Prince Leopold (1884)
  • Wonderful Dreams of Remarkable Men and Women (1884)
  • Famous Centenarians(1886)
  • Mistaken Identities: Celebrated Cases of Undeserved Suffering, Self-deception, and Wilful Imposture (1886)
  • The Life and Times of Colonel Fred Burnaby (with RK Mann, 1886)
  • Passing English of the Victorian Era: A Dictionary of Heterodox English Slang and Phrase (1909)
  1. A Dictionary of Victorian Slang (1909) (en inglés)
  2. Segundo algunhas fonte, 1863.
  3. Asinada como as JR Ware.

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