A eclipse do darwinismo: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Liña 89:
== Fin da eclipse ==
[[Ficheiro:Modern Synthesis.svg|miniatura|upright=1.5|Varias das ideas principais sobre evolución confluíron na [[xenética de poboacións]] de inicios do século XX para formar a moerna síntese evolutiva, incluído a competición polos recursos, variación xenética, selección natural, e herdanza particulada ([[xenética mendeliana|mendeliana]]). Isto puxo fin á eclipse do darwinismo.]]
{{ArtigoprincipalArtigo principal|Síntese moderna}}
During the period 1916–1932, the discipline of [[population genetics]] developed largely through the work of the geneticists [[Ronald Fisher]], [[J.B.S. Haldane]], and [[Sewall Wright]]. Their work recognized that the vast majority of [[mutation]]s produced small effects that served to increase the genetic variability of a population rather than creating new species in a single step as the mutationists assumed. They were able to produce statistical models of population genetics that included Darwin's concept of [[natural selection]] as the driving force of evolution.<ref>{{Harv|Mayr|Provine|1998|pp=xi–xii}}</ref>