Xenopus laevis: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Liña 76:
''X. laevis'' is also notable for its use in the first well-documented method of [[pregnancy test]]ing when it was discovered that the [[urine]] from pregnant women induced ''X. laevis'' oocyte production. [[Human chorionic gonadotropin]] (HCG) is a [[hormone]] found in substantial quantities in the urine of pregnant women. Today, commercially available HCG is injected into ''Xenopus'' males and females to induce mating behavior and to breed these frogs in captivity at any time of the year.<ref>Green, SL. The Laboratory Xenopus sp: The Laboratory Animal Pocket Reference Series. Editor: M. Suckow. Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, Boca Raton, Fla., 2010</ref>
=== ModelBase Organismde Databasedatos forde organismo modelo para ''Xenopus'' ===
[[Xenbase]] isé thea [[Genericbase Modelde Organismdstos Database|Modelde Organismorganismo Databasemodelo (MOD)]] for bothpara ''Xenopus laevis'' ande ''[[Xenopus tropicalis]]''.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.xenbase.org |title=http://www.xenbase.org}}</ref>
== Como mascota ==
''Xenopus laevis'' haveutilízase beencomo keptmascota ase petscomo andanimal researchde subjectslaboratorio sincedesded asa earlydécada asde the 1950s1950. TheySon aremoi extremelyresistentes hardye andde longvida livedlonga, havinge beenen knowncatividade tochegaron livealgúns upa tovivir ata 20 or evenou 30 years in captivityanos.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=17547979&ps=rs |title=NPR December 22, 2007 |publisher=Npr.org |date=2007-12-22 |accessdate=2013-06-08}}</ref>
Nas tendas de mascota os 'X. laevis'' son con frecuencia confundidos con ''Hymenochirus'', que soin moi similares. Porén poden distinguirse doadamente polas seguintes características:
African Clawed Frogs are frequently mislabeled as [[African Dwarf Frog]]s in pet stores. The astute pet owner will recognize the difference, however, because of the following characteristics:
* Os ''Hymenochirus'' teñen os catro pés palmados, e o ''X. laevis'' só ten palmadas as patas de atrás.
* Dwarf frogs have four webbed feet. African Clawed Frogs have webbed hind feet while their front feet have autonomous digits.
* Os ''Hymenochirus'' teñen os ollos situados saos lados da cabeza, mentres que os ''Xenopus'' téñenos na parte superior.
* African Dwarf Frogs have eyes positioned on the side of their head, while African Clawed Frogs have eyes on the top of their heads.
* O fuciño dos ''Hymenochirus'' é bicudo e o dos ''Xenopus'' é máis arredondado.
* African Clawed Frogs have curved, flat snouts. The snout of an African Dwarf Frog is pointed.
== Como praga ==