Calliphora vicina: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Liña 46:
== Estimación do intervalo post mortem ==
One of the key characteristics of using blow flies in developing a [[post mortem interval]] estimate is the succession of insects that colonize the body. Based on the insects present at the time, a reasonable time frame for death may be established.<ref name="entodeath"/> ''C. vicina'' has its own part in the succession of the corpse.
Unha das características clave de usar estas moscas para facer estimacións dos intervalos post mortem é a sucesión de insectos que colonizan o corpo. Baseándose nos insectos presentes nun momento, pode establecerse un marco temporal razoable para o momento da morte.<ref name="entodeath"/> ''C. vicina'' ten o seu papel nesta sucesión de insectos sobre os cadáveres.
''C. vicina'' plays a major role in corpse colonization during the winter months, with less of a presence during the warmer months when temperature is less of a constraint. This fly has a lower threshold temperature for flight activity than other blow-flies, allowing for greater prevalence during colder periods. This period of activity must be considered when evaluating the presence or absence of this fly.<ref name="estimation"/>
''C. vicina'' xoga un papel principal na colonización dos corpos durante os meses de inverno, pero é menor a súa presenza durante os meses máis cálidos cando a temperatura é unha limitación menor. Esta mosca ten un limiar inferior menor de temperaturas para a actividade de voo que outras moscas da carne, o que lle permite unha permanencia maior durante os períodos máis fríos. Este período de actividade debe considerarse cando se avalía a presenza ou ausencia desta mosca.<ref name="estimation"/>
When using the age of [[maggots]] to determine the PMI, the time before arrival is an important factor. The succession of ''C. vicina'' involves the arrival of adults two days after death. Therefore, two days must be added to the maximum age determined for flies found on the body.<ref>Lang MD, Allen GR, Horton BJ. ''Blowfly succession from possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) carrion in a sheep-farming zone.'' Med Vet Entomol. 2006 Dec;20(4):445-52.</ref>
WhenCando usingse theusa agea ofidade dos [[maggots]] topara determinedeterminar theintervalo PMIpost mortem, theo timetempo beforeantes arrivalda ischegada andos importantadultos ao corpo é un factor importante. TheA successionsucesión ofde ''C. vicina'' involvesimplica thea arrivalchegada ofdos adultsadultos twodous daysdías afterantes deathda morte. ThereforePor tanto, twodeben daysengadirse mustdous bedías addedá toidade themáxima maximumque agefoi determineddeterminada forpolas fliesmoscas foundatopadas onsobre theo bodycorpo.<ref>Lang MD, Allen GR, Horton BJ. ''Blowfly succession from possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) carrion in a sheep-farming zone.'' Med Vet Entomol. 2006 Dec;20(4):445-52.</ref>
== Comportamento ==
''C. vicina'' play an integral part in post mortem interval determination. Factors such as region, weather temperatures, time of day and conditions under which the body was found all contribute to determining a post mortem interval (PMI). To complete the calculation the entomologist must consider what is commonly known about ''C. vicina'' and integrate it with experimental data gathered from a crime scene. The entomologist must know how the blow-fly behaves specifically in the area where the body was discovered. This involves recording environment temperatures at the crime scene as well as retrieving a history of the climate in the region. ''C. vicina'' in particular is adapted to cooler temperatures, appearing most commonly in winter and less often in the summer months.<ref>Battan Horenstein M, Linhares AX, Rosso B, García MD.
''Species composition and seasonal succession of saprophagous calliphorids in a rural area of Córdoba: Argentina.'' Biol Res. 2007;40(2):163-71. Epub 2007 Nov 21</ref> This puts their flight activity threshold at above 55-60&nbsp;°F (13-16&nbsp;°C), a lower temperature than most other blow-flies.<ref name="entodeath">Catts P, Haskell N, ''Entomology & Death: A Procedural Guide'', Joyce's Print Shop, Inc., 1990.</ref> Knowing the threshold temperature allows the entomologist to calculate accumulated [[degree day]]s, which in turn helps determine PMI.