Xeografía de Escocia: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Breogan2008 (conversa | contribucións)
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Breogan2008 (conversa | contribucións)
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A única terra que fai fronteira con Escocia é [[Inglaterra]], que percorre 97km en dirección noreste dende o [[Fiorde de Solway]] ata o [[Mar do Norte]] na costa leste.<ref name="Atlas">{{cita libro |autor=Munro, D |título=Scotland Atlas and Gazetteer |páxinas=1–2 |publisher=Harper Collins |ano=1999}}</ref> Separada pola [[Canle do Norte]], a illa de Irlanda está a 31km da punta suroeste das terras escocesas.<ref name="Atlas"/> Noruega está localizada a 310 km ó norete de Escocia cruzando o Mar do Norte. O [[Océano Atlántico]], que bordea a costa oeste de Escocia e as illas do norte, inflúe no [[clima temperado]] e marítimo do país.<ref name="scotlandclimate">{{cita web | apelido = | nome = | authorlink = | ano = 2001 | url = http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/location/scotland/index.html | título = Met Office: Scottish climate | work = | publisher = [[Met Office]] | dataacceso = 20 de agosto de 2007 |archiveurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20070527202029/http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/location/scotland/index.html |archivedate = 27 de maio de 2007}}</ref>
A topografía de Escocia distínguese pola [[Falla das Highland]], que atravesa as terras de Esocia dende [[Helensburgh]] ata [[Stonehaven]].<ref name="Boundary">{{cita web | apelido = | nome = | url = http://www.scottish-places.info/features/featurefirst7728.html | título = Overview of Highland Boundary Fault | work = | publisher = Gazetteer for Scotland, University of Edinburgh | dataacceso = 23 de agosto de 2007}}</ref> A liña de falla separa dúas [[Xeografía física|rexións físicas]], as [[Highlands]] no norte e no oeste, e as [[Terras Baixas Escocesas|Lowlands]] do sur e leste.<ref name="Fault">{{cita web | apelido = | nome = | authorlink = | url = http://www.snh.org.uk/publications/on-line/geology/loch_lomond_stirling/highland_line.asp | título = Loch Lomond to Stirling - the Highland Line | work = | publisher = Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) | dataacceso = 23 de agosto de 2007}}</ref> TheA morerexión ruggedmáis accidentada das Highland regioncontén containsa themaioría majoritydas ofzonas Scotland'smontañosas mountainousde terrainEscocia, includingonde these highestsitúa peako punto máis alto do país, [[Ben Nevis]]. As Lowland areas, inna theparte southernsur partde of ScotlandEscocia, areson flattermáis andchas homee too mostfogar ofda themaior population,parte especiallyda thepoboación, narrowespecialmente waist ofna landestreita betweencintura theentre [[Firth of Clyde]] and thee [[Firth of Forth]] knowncoñecida ascomo theCinto [[Central Lowlands|Central Belt]]central.<ref name="Fault"/> [[Glasgow]] isé thea largestmeirande citycidade inde ScotlandEscocia, althoughmalia que [[EdinburghEdimburgo]] isé thea [[Capital city|capital]] ande politicalo centrecentro ofpolítico thedo countrypaís.<ref name="settlements">{{citecita web | lastapelido = | firstnome = | authorlink = | yearano =2004 | url= http://www.gro-scotland.gov.uk/files1/stats/04mid-year-estimates-localities-table4.pdf | titletítulo = Mid 2004 Localities estimates - Localities in descending order of size | work = | publisher = General Register of Scotland (GROS) | accessdatedataaccceso = 2007-08-23 de agosto de 2007}}</ref>
An abundance of natural resources such as [[coal]], [[iron]] and [[zinc]] contributed significantly to the industrial growth of Scotland during the 19th and early 20th centuries.<ref>Lynch, M (2001), Industry to 1770s; pp211 ''Oxford Companion to Scottish History''</ref> Today, [[energy]] is a major component of Scotland's economy.<ref name="energy">{{cite web | last = | first = | authorlink = | date = 2007-05-23 | url = http://www.scottishexecutive.gov.uk/News/News-Extras/visionenergy | title = A vision for the future of energy in Scotland | work = Speech by the Minister for Enterprise, Energy and Tourism, Jim Mather | publisher = Scottish Executive | accessdate = 2007-08-24}}</ref> Whilst Scotland is the largest producer of [[North Sea oil|petroleum]] in the [[European Union]], the production potential of [[Renewable energy in Scotland|renewable energy]] has emerged as an important economic and environmental issue in recent years.<ref name="energy"/>