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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Liña 221:
Algúns xeólogos e historiadores cren que o famoso oráculo de [[Delfos]] da Grecia Antiga (a [[Pitia]]) chegaba ao estado de transo por efecto do etileno que emanaba das fallas xeolóxicas do terreo onde se situaba o templo de Apolo, onde estaba o oráculo, pero non todos os estudosos están de acordo en responsabilizar ao etileno.<ref name=Roach>{{cite news|title= Delphic Oracle's Lips May Have Been Loosened by Gas Vapors|author=John Roach|publisher=National Geographic|date=2001-08-14|url= |accessdate=March 8, 2007 }}</ref>
EthyleneO appearsdescubridor todo haveetileno beenparece discoveredque byfoi [[Johann Joachim Becher]], whoque obtainedo itobtivo byao heatingquentar [[ethanoletanol]] withcon sulfuricácido acidsulfúrico;<ref>{{cite book |first1=Henry Enfield |last1=Roscoe |first2=Carl |last2=Schorlemmer |title=A treatise on chemistry |url= |year=1878 |publisher=D. Appleton |page=611 |ref=harv| volume=1}}</ref> heeste mentionedautor themencionou este gas inna súa hisobra ''Physica Subterranea'' (1669).<ref>{{cite book |first=James Campbell |last=Brown |title=A History of Chemistry: From the Earliest Times Till the Present Day |url= |date=July 2006 |publisher=Kessinger |isbn=978-1-4286-3831-0 |page=225}}</ref> [[Joseph Priestley]] alsotamén mentionsmenciona theeste gas inna súa hisobra ''Experiments and observations relating to the various branches of natural philosophy: with a continuation of the observations on air'' (1779), wherena hecal reportsinforma thatque [[Jan Ingenhousz]] sawviu ethylenecomo synthesizedun intal theSr. sameEnée waysintetizaba byetileno ada Mr.mesma Enéemaneira inen Amsterdam inen 1777 ande thatque Ingenhousz subsequentlyseguidamente producedtamén theproduciu o gas himself.<ref>Appendix, §VIII, pp. 474 ff., [ ''Experiments and observations relating to the various branches of natural philosophy: with a continuation of the observations on air''], Joseph Priestley, London: printed for J. Johnson, 1779, vol. 1.</ref> TheAs propertiespropiedades of ethylenedo wereetileno studiedestudáronas inen 1795 bycatro fourquímicos [[NetherlandsPaíses Baixos|Dutchholandeses]] chemists, Johann Rudolph Deimann, Adrien Paets van Troostwyck, Anthoni Lauwerenburgh ande Nicolas Bondt, whoque foundatoparon thatque itera differeddiferente from [[hydrogen]]do gas andhidróxeno thate itque containedcontiña bothcarbono carbon ande hydrogenhidróxeno.<ref>{{harvnb|Roscoe|Schorlemmer|1878|p=612}}</ref> ThisEste groupgrupo alsotamén discovereddescubriu thatque ethyleneo couldetileno bepodía combinedser withcombinado con [[chlorinecloro]] topara produceproducir theo ''oilaceite ofdos thequímicos Dutch chemistsholandeses'', o [[1,2-Dichloroethane|1,2-dichloroethanedicloroetano]]; thiseste discoverydescubrimento gavedeulle ethyleneo theetileno nameo usednome forco itque atse thatcoñecía timedquela, que era, ''olefiant gas olefiante'' (oil-making gas que fai aceite.)<ref>{{harvnb|Roscoe|Schorlemmer|1878|p=613}}<br/>{{cite book |first=William |last=Gregory |title=Handbook of organic chemistry |url= |year=1857 |publisher=A.S. Barnes & Co. |page=157 |edition=4th American}}</ref>
A mediados do [[século XIX]], empezou a usarse amplamente o sufixo ''-eno'' (unha raíz do grego antigo que se engadía ao final dos nomes femininos e que significaba "filla def") para referirse a unha molécula ou parte dela que contiña uns poucos átomos de hidróxeno menos que a molécula orixinal da que derivaba. Así, ''etileno'' (C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>4</sub>) significaba "filla do [[etilo]]" (C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>5</sub>). O nome etileno era utilizado neste sentido xa en 1852.
In the mid-19th century, the suffix ''-ene'' (an Ancient Greek root added to the end of female names meaning "daughter of") was widely used to refer to a molecule or part thereof that contained one fewer hydrogen atoms than the molecule being modified. Thus, ''ethylene'' ({{chem|C|2|H|4}}) was the "daughter of [[ethyl group|ethyl]]" ({{chem|C|2|H|5}}). The name ethylene was used in this sense as early as 1852.
InEn 1866, theo [[Germany|German]]químico chemistalemán [[August Wilhelm von Hofmann]] proposedpropuxo aun systemsistema ofde hydrocarbonnomenclatura nomenclaturede inhidrocarburos whichno thecal se utilizaban os suffixessufixos -aneano, -eneeno, -ineino, -oneona, ande -uneuno werepara useddenominar toos denotehidrocarburos the hydrocarbons withcon 0, 2, 4, 6, ande 8 fewerátomos hydrogensde thanhidróxenos theirmenos parentque os seus [[alkanealcano]]s parentais.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Hofmann's Proposal for Systematic Nomenclature of the Hydrocarbons|author=A. W. Hofmann, LL.D., F.R.S.|accessdate=2007-01-06|}}</ref> InNeste this systemsistema, ethyleneo becameetileno pasou a denominarsse ''etheneeteno''. O sistema de Hofmann's systemfinalmente eventuallyconverteuse becamena thebase basispara fora theposterior Genevanomenclatura nomenclaturede approvedXenebra byaprobada thepolo InternationalCongreso CongressInternmacional ofde ChemistsQuímicos inde 1892, whichque remainspermaneceu atcomo theo corenúcleo ofda thenomenclatura da actual [[IUPAC]] nomenclature. HoweverPorén, bydaquela, thato time,uso thedo namenome ethyleneetileno wasestaba deeplyfirmemente entrenchedarraigado, ande itseguiu remainstendo inun wideamplo useuso today,ata especiallya inactualidade, theespecialmente na chemicalindustria industryquímica.