Evolución converxente: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
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[[Ficheiro:Armidillidium.vs.glomeris.jpg|miniatura|dereita|Especies de [[milpés]] ([[miriápodos]] e de [[crustáceos]] [[Armallidiidea]] parecen case idénticos, pero o segundo é un cruistáceo terrestre que se adaptou adquirindo defensas similares ás dos miriápodos.]]
OneUn ofdos theexemplos mostmellor well-knowncoñecidos examplesde ofevolución convergentconverxente evolutioné iso theollo cameraen eyecámara ofdos [[cephalopodcefalópodo]]s (e.g., squid), [[vertebratevertebrado]]s (e.g., mammals) and [[cnidariacnidarios]] (e.g., box jellies).<ref name="'Kozmik2008'">{{cite journal|last=Kozmik|first=Z|coauthors=Ruzickova, J; Jonasova, K; Matsumoto, Y.; Vopalensky, P.; Kozmikova, I.; Strnad, H.; Kawamura, S.; Piatigorsky, J; Paces, V; Vlcek, C|title=From the Cover: Assembly of the cnidarian camera-type eye from vertebrate-like components|journal=Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences|date=1 July 2008|volume=105|issue=26|pages=8989–8993|doi=10.1073/pnas.0800388105|url=http://www.pnas.org/content/105/26/8989.full|accessdate=3 May 2013}}</ref> O Theirseu lastúltimo commonantepasado ancestorcomún hadtiña atcomo mostmáximo a veryunha simple photoreceptivemancha spotfotorreceptora, butpero un [[evolutionevolución ofdo the eyeollo|aconxunto range ofde processesprocesos]] ledlevou toa theun progressiveprogresivo refinementrefinamento ofdesta thisestrutura structureata too theavanzado advancedollo cameraen eye&nbsp;—cámara, withpero onecunha subtlesutil differencediferenza: TheO cephalopodollo eyedo iscefalópodo "wired"está inconectado thede forma oposta ao oppositedos directionvertebrados, withxa bloodque andos nervenervios vesselse enteringvasos fromsanguíneos theentran backpola ofparte thede atrás da [[retina]], ratheren thanvez thede por frontdiante ascomo innos vertebratesvertebrados.<ref name=SCM2005/> Pero Thenoutros similarityaspectos, ofa thesemellanza structuresdas in other respectsestruturas, despitea thepesar complexda naturecomplicada ofnatureza thedo organórgano, illustratesilustra howcomo therehai arealgúns someretos biologicalbiolóxicos, challengescomo (vision)a thatvisión, haveteñen anunha optimalsolución solutionóptima.
TheAs insectspezas mouthpartsbucais showdos ainsectos multitudemostran ofmoitos exceptionalexemplos goodbos examplesnos toque studyse andpode reconstructestudar thee convergentreconstruír evolutiona ofevolución organsconverxente inde theórganos contexten ofcanto formá andsúa forma e functionfunción. TheAs mouthpartspezas consistbucais ofconstan adun setconxunto ofde homologousórganos organshomólogos, rebuiltreconstruídos accordingsegundo toa theirsúa functionfunción ofpara dietarya intake.inxestión Theirda efficiencydieta ofde dietarycada intakeanimal. canA beboca testedorixinal experimentally.era [[Convergentmasticadora Evolution]]e ofdespois manydiversificouse, groupspero ofdespois insectsdiferentes ledgrupos fromdesenvolveron originalprobóscides biting-chewingalongando mouthpartsas tosúas differentpezas derivedbucais funcionpara types.alimentarse Theyde buildflores a([[lepidóptero]]s, [[proboscisneuróptero]]s, at flower-visiting insects for example,[[coleóptero]]s).<ref name="Krenn-2005">[[Harald W. Krenn|Krenn HW]], Plant J, Szucsich NU (2005) Mouthparts of flower-visiting insects. Arthropod Structure & Development 34: 1-40</ref><ref name="Krenn-2008">[[Harald W. Krenn|Krenn HW]], Gereben-Krenn B-A, Steinwender BM., Popov A (2008) Flower visiting Neuroptera: mouthparts and feeding behaviour of Nemoptera sinuata (Nemopteridae). European Journal of Entomology 105: 267-277</ref><ref name="Krenn-2011">Bauder J, Lieskonig N, [[Harald W. Krenn|Krenn HW]] 2011. The extremely long-tongued Neotropical butterfly Eurybia lycisca (Riodinidae): Proboscis morphology and flower handling. Arthropod Structure & Development 40: 122-127</ref><ref name="Krenn-2012-1">Wilhemi A, [[Harald W. Krenn|Krenn HW]] (2012) Elongated mouthparts of nectar-feeding Meloidae (Coleoptera). Zoomorphology 131: 325-337 DOI: 10.1007/s00435-012-0162-3</ref><ref name="Krenn-2012-1"/> which are able to ingest food very efficiently or biting-sucking mouthparts, showing different function mechanisms at different groups od blood-sucking insects.
ThereHai aretamén alsovarios severalexemplos examplesde ofconverxencia convergencenas at[[secuencia thede levelADN|secuencias ofde DNAADN]] ande protein sequences[[proteína]]s, includingcomo theo lysozymeencima enzyme[[lisocima]] indos monkeysmonos ande cowsvacas, whichnos haveque independentlyevolucionou evolvedindependentemente foreguta fermentationfermentación no tubo dixestivo anterior.<ref name=Zhang /> SimilarlyIgualmente, severalvarias proteinsproteínas (includingcomo prestina [[prestina]]) thatque areestá implicatedimplicada inna highaudición frequencyde hearingsons inde mammalsalta havefrecuencia undergoneen numerousmamíferos parallelsufriu aminonumerosos acidcambios replacementsde in[[aminoácido]]s batsparalelamente anden dolphins,[[morcego]]s bothe of[[golfiño]]s, whichdous haveanimais evolvedque ultrasonicdesenvolveron hearingsistemas forde [[Animalecolocación]] echolocation|echolocationpor [[ultrasón]]s.<ref name="Liu2010first">{{cite journal | author = Liu Y, Cotton JA, Shen B, Han X, Rossiter SJ, Zhang S | title = Convergent sequence evolution between echolocating bats and dolphins. | journal = Current Biology | volume = 20 | issue = | pages = R53-54 | year = 2010 | month = | pmid = | doi = | url = | issn = }}</ref><ref name="Liu2010">{{cite journal | author = Liu, Y, Rossiter SJ, Han X, Cotton JA, Zhang S | title = Cetaceans on a molecular fast track to ultrasonic hearing | journal = Current Biology | volume = 20 | issue = | pages = 1834–1839 | year = 2010 | month = | pmid = | doi = | url = | issn = }}</ref><ref name="Davies2011">{{cite journal | author = Davies KTJ, Cotton JA, Kirwan J, Teeling EC, Rossiter SJ | title = Parallel signatures of sequence evolution among hearing genes in echolocating mammals: an emerging model of genetic convergence | journal = Heredity | volume = | issue = | pages = | year = 2011 | month = | pmid = | doi = 10.1038/hdy.2011.119 | url = | issn = }}</ref>
ConvergentA evolutionevolución isconverxente commonlyfaise notedevidente whenxeralmente consideringcando these morphologyconsidera ofa animalmorfoloxía speciesdos animais, butpero therehai aretamén manymoitos diverseexemplos examplesentre ofas theplantas. phenomenonOs infroitos [[plantcomestibles biology]]ou asestruturas well.similares Aapareceron en diversas plantas. trueUn [[fruitfroito]] suchverdadeiro ascomo anunha applemazá incorporates one or more [[ovule]]s and their accessory tissues, but many edible plant-derived tissues commonly regarded as fruits actually arise from different embryological structures. This implies a convergent process in which genetically unrelated precursors assume a common form under selective pressure, in this case the competition for seed dispersal through consumption by animals.<ref name="evolution_seed">{{cite journal | author = Lorts C, Briggeman T, Sang T | title = Evolution of fruit types and seed dispersal: A phylogenetic and ecological snapshot | journal = Journal of Systematics and Evolution | volume = 46 | issue = 3 | pages = 396–404 | year = 2008 | doi = 10.3724/SP.J.1002.2008.08039 | url = http://www.plantsystematics.com/qikan/manage/wenzhang/jse08039.pdf}}</ref>
==Evolución paralela e evolución converxente==