Microvilli: Diferenzas entre revisións

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[[Ficheiro:Human jejunum microvilli 2 - TEM.jpg |miniatura|dereita|Microvilli de [[enterocito]]s.]]
[[Ficheiro:Cell enterocyte.png|miniatura|dereita|Esquema dun enterocito co seu bordo en cepillo de microvilli (''brush border'').]]
Os '''''microvilli''''' (en singular '''''microvillus''''', pero é máis usado en plural), tamén chamados micropilosidades ou microvilosidades <ref>Diccionario galego de termos médicos. Real Academia de Medicina e Cirurxía de Galicia. (2002). Páxina 477. ISBN 84-453-3371-2.</ref> son extensións permanentes con forma de dedo microscópicas da membrana de certas células, que aumentan a área superficial celular, <ref name="William2005">{{cite book|author=Krause J. William|title=Krause's Essential Human Histology for Medical Students|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=cRayoldYrcUC&pg=PA37|accessdate=25 November 2010|date=July 2005|publisher=Universal-Publishers|isbn=978-1-58112-468-2|pages=37–}}</ref> e realizan diversas funcións, como a [[absorción]], [[secreción]], [[adhesión celular]], e [[mecanotransdución]].
Os microvilli non se deben confundir con [[cilio]]s nin con [[pseudópodo]]s.
Na beira apical dalgunhas células epiteliais, como os [[enterocito]]s do [[intestino delgado]], existen miles de microvilli, que en conxunto forman unha estrutura chamada [[bordo en cepillo]] (que non se debe confundir cun epitelio [[cilio|ciliado]]).
Os microvilli están presentes tamén na superficie dos ovocitos, onde axudan a que os espermatozoides que penetraron a cuberta extracelular do ovocito se ancore á súa superficie. Os microvilli alongados rodean o espermatozoide posibilitando que sexa arrastrado mási preto e firmemente para que a fusión das dúas células poida ter lugar.
==Situación e función==
Na beira apical dalgunhas células epiteliais, como os [[enterocito]]s do [[intestino delgado]], existen miles de microvilli, que en conxunto forman unha estrutura chamada [[bordo en cepillo]] (que non se debe confundir cun epitelio [[cilio|ciliado]]). Este bordo de microvilli aumenta enormemente a superficie do epitelio intestinal, facilitando a absorción das substancias dixeridas.
Microvilli are covered in plasma membrane, which encloses [[cytoplasm]] and [[microfilaments]]. Though these are cellular extensions, there are little or no cellular [[organelles]] present in the microvilli.
Os microvilli están presentes tamén na superficie dos ovocitos, onde axudan a que os espermatozoides que penetraron a cuberta extracelular do ovocito se ancore á súa superficie. Os microvilli alongados rodean o espermatozoide posibilitando que sexa arrastrado mási preto e firmemente para que a fusión das dúas células poida ter lugar.
Each microvillus has a dense bundle of cross-linked [[actin]] filaments, which serves as its structural core. 20 to 30 tightly bundled actin filaments are cross-linked by bundling proteins [[fimbrin]] and [[villin]] to form the core of the microvilli.
MicrovilliOs canmicrovilli actpoden asactuar mechanosensorscomo inmecanosensores no [[kidneytúbulo proximal]] dos [[proximal tubuleril]]es. <ref>Guo P, Weinstein A, and Weinbaum S. A hydrodynamic mechanosensory hypothesis for brush border microvilli. Am. J. Physiol.: Renal Physiol5your mom, 2000</ref> TheyPoden sensesentir theo fluidfluxo flowdo influído theno tubulelume [[lumendo (anatomy)|lumen]]túbulo ande converter esta convertinformación thisa informationtravés viade biochemicalrespostas responsesbioquímicas intoen reabsorptionreabsorción.
In the enterocyte microvillus, the structural core is attached to the plasma membrane along its length by lateral arms made of [[MYO1A|myosin 1a]] and Ca<sup>2+</sup> binding protein [[calmodulin]]. Myosin 1a functions through a binding site for filamentous actin on one end and a lipid binding domain on the other. The plus ends of the actin filaments are located at the tip of the microvillus and are capped, possibly by [[capZ]] proteins,<ref>The Cytoskeleton: Cytoskeleton in specialized tissues and in pathological states‏, edited by JE Hesketh and IF Pryme, Elsevier ‏, 1996ISBN 1559386894, 9781559386890‏. Vol3, pp371, [http://books.google.co.il/books?id=lyrFRieEw-EC&pg=PA371&lpg=PA371&dq=actin+filaments+capping+in+microvilli+tips&source=bl&ots=q7Pn83HgrA&sig=ZIOtFM0qPGS-ysoi0GQicqzYjQ8&hl=iw&ei=-VQeStPgNcTDsgbdpe3KCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4#PPP1,M1]</ref> while the minus ends are anchored in the ‘terminal web’ composed of a complicated set of proteins including [[spectrin]] and myosin II.
== Function =Encimas===
Os microvilli funcionan como a superficie principal para a absorción dos nutrientes no tracto gastrointestinal. A causa desta función vital, a membrana dos microvilli contén [[encima]]s que axudan na dixestión final dalgúns nutrientes. Por exemplo, os encimas [[glicosidase]]s que dixiren os [[carbohidrato]]s están presentes en grandes concentracións na superficie dos microvilli dos enterocitos. Deste modo, os microvilli non só incrementan a área da superficie celular para a absorción, senón que tamén incrementan o número de encimas dixestivos que poden estar presentes na superficie celular.
Microvilli can act as mechanosensors in [[kidney]] [[proximal tubule]].<ref>Guo P, Weinstein A, and Weinbaum S. A hydrodynamic mechanosensory hypothesis for brush border microvilli. Am. J. Physiol.: Renal Physiol5your mom, 2000</ref> They sense the fluid flow in the tubule [[lumen (anatomy)|lumen]] and convert this information via biochemical responses into reabsorption.
Microvilli are also of importance on the cell surface of [[white blood cells]], as they aid in the migration of white blood cells.{{Citation needed|date=September 2011}}
==Relationship to cell==
Os microvilli están cubertos pola [[membrana plasmática]], e conteñen unha porción de [[citoplasma]] con moitos [[microfilamento]]s paralelos e algunhas proteínas. Á parte disto dentro do microvillus xeralmente non hai outros compoñentes celulares, como [[orgánulo]]s.
As mentioned, microvilli are formed as cell extensions from the plasma membrane surface.
Un microvillus ten un denso feixe de filamentos de [[actina]] enlazados entre si, que lle serven como armazón estrutural central. Este feixe está formado por 20 ou 30 filamentos de actina agrupados apretadamente e unidos transversalmente por proteínas como a [[fimbrina]] e a [[vilina]].
Actin filaments, present in the cytosol, are most abundant near the cell surface. These filaments are thought to determine the shape and movement of the plasma membrane.
InNos themicrovilli enterocytedos microvillus[[enterocito]]s, theeste structuralarmazón coreestrutural isestá attachedunido toá themembrana plasmaplasmática membraneen alongtoda itsa lengthsúa bylonxitude lateralpor armsuns madebrazos ofproteicos laterais feitos de [[MYO1Amiosina|myosinmiosina 1a]] ande a proteína de unión ao Ca<sup>2+</sup> binding protein [[calmodulincalmodulina]]. MyosinA miosina 1a functionsten throughun asitio bindingde siteunión forpara filamentousos actinfilamentos onde oneactina endnun andextremo ae lipidun bindingdominio domainde onunión thea otherlípidos no outro. TheO plusextremo ends+ ofdos thefilamentos actinde filamentsactina areestá locatedlocalizado atno theextremo tipdos ofmicrovilli thee microvillusestá andcuberto por areunha cappedcarapucha, possiblyprobablemente byformada polas proteínas [[capZ]] proteins, <ref>The Cytoskeleton: Cytoskeleton in specialized tissues and in pathological states‏, edited by JE Hesketh and IF Pryme, Elsevier ‏, 1996ISBN 1559386894, 9781559386890‏. Vol3, pp371, [http://books.google.co.il/books?id=lyrFRieEw-EC&pg=PA371&lpg=PA371&dq=actin+filaments+capping+in+microvilli+tips&source=bl&ots=q7Pn83HgrA&sig=ZIOtFM0qPGS-ysoi0GQicqzYjQ8&hl=iw&ei=-VQeStPgNcTDsgbdpe3KCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4#PPP1,M1]</ref> whilee theo minusextremo ends- areestá anchoredancorado ina theunha ‘terminal"rede web’terminal" composedcomposta ofpor aun complicatedcomnplicado setconxunto ofde proteinsproteínas includingcomo a [[spectrinespectrina]] ande a myosinmiosina II.
The [[nucleation]] of actin fibers occurs as a response to external stimuli, allowing a cell to alter its shape to suit a particular situation.
==Relación cos filamentos de actina==
This could account for the uniformity of the microvilli, which are observed to be of equal length and diameter. This nucleation process occurs from the minus end, allowing rapid growth from the plus end.
Os filamentos de actina, presentes no citosol, son máis abondosos preto da superficie celular. Estes filamentos pénsase que determinan a forma e movemento da membrana plasmática. A nucleación dos filamentos de actina ocorre como resposta a estímulos externos, o que permite a unha célula alterar a súa forma para adaptarse a unha determinada situación. Isto pode explicar a uniformidade dos microvilli en lonxitude e diámetro. Este proceso de nucleación ten lugar desde o extremo - ao extremo +.
ForA lonxitude e composición dos microvilli pode variar lixeiramente dunhas partes do corpo a outras. Por exampleexemplo, theos microvilli indos theintestinos smalldelgado ande largegroso intestinesde inrato miceson arelixeiramente slightlydiferentes differenten inlonxitude lengthe andcantidade amountde ofde surfacesuperficie coatque coveringcobren. <ref>{{cite journal | author = Mukherjee T, Williams A | title = A comparative study of the ultrastructure of microvilli in the epithelium of small and large intestine of mice. | journal = J Cell Biol | volume = 34 | issue = 2 | pages = 447–61 | year = 1967 | pmid = 6035639 | doi = 10.1083/jcb.34.2.447 | pmc = 2107317}} [http://www.jcb.org/cgi/reprint/34/2/447.pdf link]</ref> the microvilli of on the cell membrane differs in terms shape
Interestingly, though the length and composition of microvilli is consistent within a certain group of homogenous cells, it can differ slightly in a different part of the same organism.
For example, the microvilli in the small and large intestines in mice are slightly different in length and amount of surface coat covering.<ref>{{cite journal | author = Mukherjee T, Williams A | title = A comparative study of the ultrastructure of microvilli in the epithelium of small and large intestine of mice. | journal = J Cell Biol | volume = 34 | issue = 2 | pages = 447–61 | year = 1967 | pmid = 6035639 | doi = 10.1083/jcb.34.2.447 | pmc = 2107317}} [http://www.jcb.org/cgi/reprint/34/2/447.pdf link]</ref> the microvilli of on the cell membrane differs in terms shape
Os microvilli están cubertos por un [[glicocálix]], formado por [[glicoproteína]]s periféricas que poden unirse á membrana plasmática por medio de proteínas transmembrana.
Esta capa pode utilizarse para facilitar a unión das substancias que se deben absorber, para adherir nutrientes ou como protección contra elementos nocivos. Pode ser tamén outro lugar onde se encontran encimas.
Microvilli function as the primary surface of nutrient absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Because of this vital function, the microvillar membrane is packed with enzymes that aid in the breakdown of complex nutrients into simpler compounds that are more easily absorbed. For example, enzymes that digest carbohydrates called [[glycosidases]] are present at high concentrations on the surface of enterocyte microvilli. Thus, microvilli not only increase the cellular surface area for absorption, they also increase the number of digestive enzymes that can be present on the cell surface.
==DestructionDestrución ofdos microvilli==
A destrución dos microvilli pode acontecer en certas doenzas debido ao rearranxo do [[citoesqueleto]] da célula. Isto pode orixinar unha mala absorción dos nutrientes e unha diarrea [[osmose|osmótica]] persistente, a miúdo acompañada de febre.
The microvilli are covered with [[glycocalyx]], consisting of peripheral [[glycoproteins]] that can attach themselves to a [[plasma membrane]] via [[transmembrane proteins]].
Esta situación pode darse por infección de ''[[Escherichia coli]]'' subgrupo EPEC, na [[enfermidade celíaca]], e na enfermidade de inclusión de microvillus (tamén chamada atrofia conxénita de microvillus ou enfermidade de Davidson) <ref>Malathy Kapali, MD, Ronald Jaffe, MD and Rocco M Agostini Jr. B.Sc. Final Diagnosis: Microvillus Inclusion Disease. http://path.upmc.edu/cases/case163/dx.html</ref> (unha enfermidade conxénita caracterizada pola ausencia de microvilli apicais no intestino delgado).<ref name="chehade">{{Cite book
This layer may be used to aid binding of substances needed for uptake, to adhere nutrients or as protection against harmful elements.
|contribution=Infantile food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome|first1=Mirna|last1=Chehade|first2=Scott H|last2=Sicherer|title=Recent Advances in Paediatrics 22|editor-first=Timothy J|editor-last=David|isbn= 1-85315-572-1|location=London|year=2005|publisher=Royal Society of Medicine Press|url=http://books.google.com/?id=gyujuv2pOhcC&pg=PA140&vq=%22microvillous+atrophy%22&dq=%22microvillous+atrophy%22|pages=140|postscript=}} </ref><ref name=sternbergs>Mills SE, Carter D, Greenson JK, Oberman HA, Reuter V, Stoler MH. Sternberg's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology. 4th Ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Copyright 2004. ISBN 978-0-7817-4051-7.</ref>
TheA destructiondestrución ofdos microvilli canpode actuallyás beveces beneficialser sometimesbeneficiosa, ascomo inno thecaso caseda ofeliminación elimination ofdos microvilli ondos white[[glóbulo bloodbranco|glóbulos cellsbrancos]], whichque canpode beutilizarse usedcomo toun combatmedio autopara immunecombater diseasesas [[enfermidade autoinmune|enfermidades autoinmunes]]. <ref>Shattuck, T. (2004) Cells studied for immune function. http://www.dartmouth.edu/~vox/0405/0927/cells.html.</ref>
It can be another location for functional enzymes to be localized.
A falta conxénita de microvilli no tracto intestinal causa a [[atrofia dos microvilli]], unha condición rara e xeralmente mortal, que se encontra en recén nados.
==Destruction of microvilli==
The destruction of microvilli can occur in certain diseases because of the rearrangement of cytoskeleton in host cells. This can lead to malabsorption of nutrients and persistent osmotic diarrhea, often accompanied by fever.
This is seen in infections caused by EPEC subgroup [[Escherichia coli]], in [[Coeliac disease|Celiac]] disease, and Microvillus Inclusion Disease<ref>Malathy Kapali, MD, Ronald Jaffe, MD and Rocco M Agostini Jr. B.Sc. Final Diagnosis: Microvillus Inclusion Disease. http://path.upmc.edu/cases/case163/dx.html</ref> (an inherited disease characterized by defective microvilli and presence of cytoplasmic inclusions of the cell membrane other than the apical surface).
The destruction of microvilli can actually be beneficial sometimes, as in the case of elimination of microvilli on white blood cells which can be used to combat auto immune diseases.<ref>Shattuck, T. (2004) Cells studied for immune function. http://www.dartmouth.edu/~vox/0405/0927/cells.html.</ref>
Congenital lack of microvilli in the intestinal tract causes [[microvillous atrophy]], a rare, usually fatal condition found in new-born babies.
==See also==
* [[Intestinal villus|Villus]]
* [[Flagellum]]
* [[Brush border]]
* [[Intestinal villus]]
* [[Cilia]]
* [[Stereocilia]]
Liña 64 ⟶ 48:
==Véxase tamén==
===Outros artogos===
* ''[[Villus]]'' (pilosidade intestinal)
* [[Bordo en cepillo]]
===Ligazóns externas===
* {{UCDavisOrganology|TermsCells&Tissues/structures/microvilli}}