Hormona liberadora da gonadotropina: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
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A actividade da GnRH é moi baixa durante a [[nenez]], e actívase na [[puberdade]]. Durante os anos reprodutivos, os pulsos desta hormona son fundamentais para que o proceso reprodutivo funcione correctamente e se controle polos bucles de retroalimentación. Porén, unha vez que se establece o embarazo, xa non se require a actividade da GnRH. A actividade pulsátil pode ser interrompida por doenzas hipotalámico-hipofisarias, xa sexan disfuncións (por exemplo, [[supresión hipotalámica]]) ou lesións orgánicas (trauma, tumor). Os niveis elevados de [[prolactina]] fan diminuír a actividade da GnRH. Polo contrario, a [[insulina|hiperinsulinemia]] incrementa a actividade pulsátil, o que altera a actividade da LH e FSH, como se pode ver na [[síndrome de ovario poliquístico]] (PCOS). A produción de GnRH está ausente conxenitamente na [[síndrome de Kallmann]].
GnRH activity is very low during [[childhood]], and is activated at [[puberty]]. During the reproductive years, pulse activity is critical for successful reproductive function as controlled by feedback loops. However, once a pregnancy is established, GnRH activity is not required. Pulsatile activity can be disrupted by hypothalamic-pituitary disease, either dysfunction (i.e., [[hypothalamic suppression]]) or organic lesions (trauma, tumor). Elevated [[prolactin]] levels decrease GnRH activity. In contrast, [[insulin|hyperinsulinemia]] increases pulse activity leading to disorderly LH and FSH activity, as seen in [[polycystic ovary syndrome]] (PCOS). GnRH formation is congenitally absent in [[Kallmann syndrome]].
TheAs GnRHneuronas neuronssecretoras arede regulatedGnRH byestán manyreguladas differentpor afferentdiversas neuronsneuronas aferentes, usingque severalutilizan differentverios transmitters[[neurotransmisor]]es (includingcomo [[norepinephrinenorepinefrina]], [[GABA]], [[glutamateglutamato]]). ForPor instanceexemplo, a [[dopaminedopamina]] appearsparece toestimular stimulatea LHliberación releasede LH (througha través da GnRH) inen estrogen-progesterone-primedfemias femalesestimuladas con estróxeno e proxesterona; dopaminee maya inhibitdopamina parece inhibir a liberación de LH releaseen infemias ovariectomizedás femalesque se estirpou o [[ovario]]. <ref name="isbn0-521-42665-0">{{citecita booklibro | authorautor = Brown RM | authorlink = | editor = | others = | titletítulo = An introduction to Neuroendocrinology | edition = | language = | publishereditor = Cambridge University Press | location =- Cambridge, UK | yearano = 1994 | origyear = | pages = | quote = | isbn = 0-521-42665-0 | oclc = | doi = | url = | accessdate = }}</ref> A [[Kisspeptinkisspeptina]] appearsparece toser beun an importantimportante regulator ofda GnRHliberación releasede GnRH. <ref name="pmid16373418">{{cite journal | author = Dungan HM, Clifton DK, Steiner RA | title = Minireview: kisspeptin neurons as central processors in the regulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone secretion | journal = Endocrinology | volume = 147 | issue = 3 | pages = 1154–8 | year = 2006 | month = March | pmid = 16373418 | doi = 10.1210/en.2005-1282 | url = | issn = }}</ref> GnRHA releaseliberación cande alsoGnRH bepode regulatedtamén byser regulada polo [[estrogenestróxeno]]. ItInformouse hasde beenque reportedhai thatneuronas thereprodutoras arede kisspeptin-producingkisspeptina neuronsque thattamén alsoexpresan expresso [[estrogen receptor|estrogen do estróxeno|receptor alphado estróxeno alfa]]. <ref name="pmid16621281">{{cite journal | author = Franceschini I, Lomet D, Cateau M, Delsol G, Tillet Y, Caraty A | title = Kisspeptin immunoreactive cells of the ovine preoptic area and arcuate nucleus co-express estrogen receptor alpha | journal = Neurosci. Lett. | volume = 401 | issue = 3 | pages = 225–30 | year = 2006 | month = July | pmid = 16621281 | doi = 10.1016/j.neulet.2006.03.039 | url = | issn = }}</ref>
==A GnRH noutros órganos==