Hidroxilo: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
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Liña 3:
Un '''hidroxilo''' é un grupo formado por un átomo de osíxeno unido covalentemente cun átomo de hidróxeno. Por hidroxilo pódense entender estas tres cousas:
*O grupo funcional OH, chamado '''grupo hidroxilo''' ou '''grupo alcohólico''' ou '''grupo OH'''. Trátase dun grupo químico unido [[covalente]]mente a unha molécula, como sucede nos [[alcohol|alcohois]]. Por exemplo CH<sub>3</sub>-OH ([[metanol]]).
*O '''anión hidroxilo''' (OH<sup>-</sup>) ou '''anión hidróxido'''. Aquí o hidroxilo está cargado negativamente en forma de anión e forma parte das substancias como os [[hidróxido]]s, formadas por un metal e un anión hidroxilo. Por exemplo, NaOH <ref>[http://chemistry104.blogspot.com/2006/01/how-to-talk-like-chemist-hydroxide.html Hydroxide, hydroxyl? Aren't they the same thing?]</ref>.
*O '''radical hidroxilo''' (·OH), que é un grupo OH libre pero neutro e moi reactivo.
is a [[chemistry|chemical]] group containing an [[oxygen]] atom [[covalent bond|covalently bonded]] with a [[hydrogen]] atom. In inorganic chemistry, the hydroxyl group is known as the [[hydroxide ion]],<ref>[http://www.answers.com/topic/hydroxyl#ixzz1aDaRsXYK McGraw-Hill Science & Technology Encyclopedia]</ref> and scientists and reference works generally use these different terms though they refer to the same chemical structure in different chemical combinations.<ref>[http://chemistry104.blogspot.com/2006/01/how-to-talk-like-chemist-hydroxide.html Hydroxide, hydroxyl? Aren't they the same thing?]</ref>
The neutral form of the hydroxyl group is a [[hydroxyl radical]]. The hydroxyl [[anion]] (OH<sup>−</sup>) is called [[hydroxide]]; it is a diatomic ion with a single negative electronic charge. In discussions of synthetic methods in organic chemistry the hydroxyl group ('''–OH''') is referred to as a [[functional group]], when it is linked to a larger organic molecule.