Please help my bot to write in gl


Can you help me tranlating the edit summaries of my bot for glwiki?

  • bot=Bot:
  • summary_replace_deadlink=replacing dead link {0} with {1}
  • summary_update_deadlink=repairing dead link {0}
  • summary_replace_outdated=replacing outdated link {0} with {1}
  • summary_update_outdaded=repairing outdated link {0}
  • bot=Bot:
  • summary_replace_deadlink=Ersetze defekten Weblink {0} durch {1}
  • summary_update_deadlink=Repariere defekten Weblink {0}
  • summary_replace_outdated=Ersetze veralteten Weblink {0} durch {1}
  • summary_update_outdated=Repariere veralteten Weblink {0}
"replace" is used if the domain has changed, "update" if the domain stays the same
"outdated" is used if the url is still available but will be switched off soon, "deadlink" if the url is already unreachable.
{0} and {1} are placeholders for the domain name(s)

Merlissimo 17:48, 20 agosto 2009 (UTC)

  • bot=Bot:
  • summary_replace_deadlink=substitúo a ligazón rota {0} por {1}
  • summary_update_deadlink=arranxo a ligazón rota {0}
  • summary_replace_outdated=substitúo a ligazón obsoleta {0} por {1}
  • summary_update_outdated=arranxo a ligazón obsoleta {0}



Bot status revoked after community decision due to inactivity for more than one year. If want to operate it again, please make a new request and we will be pleased to consider it • Estatus de bot revogado logo de decisión da comunidade, debido a unha inactividade superior a un ano. Se queres operalo de novo, por favor, volve a facer unha solicitude de status e estaremos encantados de examinala --Xabier Cid Talk 2 me, please 12 de xaneiro de 2014 ás 22:22 (UTC)Responder