Benvido(a) Apcbg á Galipedia: esta é a túa páxina de discusión, que che servirá para recibir mensaxes doutros colaboradores. Ademais, tes a túa páxina de usuario, onde podes poñer os teus datos, intereses, etc. Se tes dúbidas consulta:

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English: Hello and welcome to Galipedia! Thank you for your contributions. I hope you like the place and decide to stay.--Rocastelo(fálame aquí) 17:21, 22 maio 2006 (UTC)

RE: Reference: The Future of the Falkland Islands and Its People

  • Apcbg, o que vostede fai é sen lugar a dúbidas spam, por favor non insista en inserir esa referencia nesta Wikipedia. --Moderador 10:28, 6 xuño 2006 (UTC)

Ivanov, you'd better justify why your paper fulfills conditions 2 and 6 of "What should be linked to" section in External links and why isn't affected by condition 11 in section "Links to normally avoid". --Ecemaml 14:14, 6 xuño 2006 (UTC)

Dear Ecemaml:
May I remind you that the topic here (see the title above) is ‘RE: Reference: The Future of the Falkland Islands and Its People’. The reference in question, removed from the article ‘Illas Malvinas - Falkland Islands’, was as follows:
(End of quote)
That paragraph was not ‘External links’ but ‘Bibliography’, and the reference itself is a published book. If the problem is that the book happens to be available online, then the link to the online text could be removed without removing the book itself as a reference.
Condition 11?
You say that the website is mine?
Surely you have made your checks before throwing allegations around?
And surely you have seen that the website says "WebPage published by Inter-Mediacion, since October 25, 1996", and that "INTER-MEDIACION. Inc. is a Florida, USA company etc."?
You do not mean that I am Inter-Mediacion, do you?
Then why trying to mislead people? Apcbg 15:59, 6 xuño 2006 (UTC)
  • Por favor Apcbg e Ecemaml cesen o seu debate sobre este tema. Se desexan continuar discutindo, por favor trasladen a discusión a un sitio web externo a esta Wikipedia. Apcbg en Wikipedia:Cousas que non se deben facer ten a resposta as súas preguntas. Pídolle unha vez máis que non insista en intentar inserir esa referencia nesta Wikipedia porque non será aceptada. Esta é a derradeira mensaxe sobre este asunto. --Moderador 18:01, 6 xuño 2006 (UTC)
Dear Moderador, I repeat that I accept your decision, even though its concrete reasons escape me. Best, Apcbg 18:42, 6 xuño 2006 (UTC)