Ricimer: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Liña 1:
[[Image:As Libius Severus-Ricimer MonogramRIC 2716.jpg|thumb|300px|Ricimer's monogram is struck on the reverse of this coin by [[Libius Severus]]. Libius was one of the "puppet" emperors Ricimer put on, to rule behind the throne.]]
'''Ricimer''' (c. [[405]] – [[Agosto 18]], [[472]]) ({{pronEng|ˈrikimer}}), foi un xeral xermánico que governou o [[Imperio Romano Occidental]] durante parte do [[século V]].
Ricimer foi [[ariano]], fillo dun príncipe [[suevo]]. Súa nai era filla de [[Wallia]], rei dos [[visigodos]]. Pasou a súa xuventude na corte de [[Valentiniano III]], onde se distingueu no exército ás ordes de [[Flavius Aëtius]], Valentinian's ''[[magister militum]]'' da parte occidental do Imperio Romano.
TheAs deathsmortes ofde [[ValentinianValentiniano III|ValentinianValentiniano]] ande Aëtius inen 454–55 createdproduciron aun powerbaleiro vacuumde inpoder theno westoeste. AtPrimeiro, first, [[PetroniusPetronio MaximusMaximo]] attemptedintentou toobter seizeo control ofdo the imperial thronetrono, butpero hefoi wasasasinado killedcando wheno therei [[Vandalsvándalos|Vandalvándalo]] king [[GeisericXeiserico]] [[Sacksaco ofde RomeRoma (455)|sackedRoma Romesaqueada]] inen Maymaio ofde [[455]]. [[AvitusAvito]] wasfoi theno madeseguinte Emperoremperador, byco theapoio [[Visigoths]].dos Followingexércitos hisgalos arrivale inos Rome,[[visigodos]]de AvitusTolosa. appointedLogo Ricimerda assúa commanderchegada ofa theRoma, strickenAvito Westernnomeou Empirea (by then reduced toRicimer [[Italycomes]]. andReclutou aun partnovo ofexército southerne [[Gaul]]).unha Heflota raisedsobre atodo newcon armymercenarios and navy from among thedas [[Germanictribos tribesxermánicas| Germanicxermanas]] mercenariesque estaban disponibles en gran availablenúmero toen himItalia.
AfterDespois leavingde Romeabandonar Roma, GeisericXeiserico haddeixara left aunha powerfulpotente fleetflota blockadingbloqueando theas Italiancostas coastitalianas. InEn [[456]], Ricimer, ledcomandando hisa ownsúa fleetpropia out to seaflota, andderrotou defeatedaos thevándalos Vandalsnunha inbatalla anaval sea-fightpreto nearde Corsica. HeTamén alsoos defeatedderrotou theen Vandalsterra onpreto land nearde [[Agrigentum]] inen SicilySicilia. BackedRespaladado bypola thepopularidade popularity thus acquiredconseguida, Ricimer gained theobtivo consento ofconsentimento thedo [[Romansenado Senateromano]] forpara anunha expeditionexpedición againstcontra theo emperoremperador [[AvitusAvito]], whoma hequen defeatedderrotou innunha asanguenta bloodybatalla battle aten [[Piacenza]] ono [[October 16 de outubro]], de [[456]]. AvitusAvito wasfoi takenfeito prisonerprisioneiro, madeconsagrado [[bishopbispo ofde Piacenza]], ande shortlypouco afterwardsdespois sentencedsentenciado toa deathmorte. Logo Ricimer thenobtivo obtained fromde [[LeoLeón I of thedo Byzantineimperio Empirebizantino|LeoLeón I]], theo easternemperador emperororiental aten [[ConstantinopleConstantinopla]], theo titletítulo ofde [[Patricianpatricio]].
Ricimer spentfoi theo restresto ofda hissúa lifevida aso thegovernante ''de facto'' rulerdo ofque whatquedaba wasdo leftimperio ofoccidental, theagora westernreducido ao sur da Gallia e a empireItalia. Sen Howeverembargo, theo wayseu inxeito whichde heexercer exercisedo powerpoder madefixo himdel oneunha ofdas thefiguras mostmáis controversialcontrovertidas figures ofdo hisseu timetempo. Como As''bárbaro'' aque Germanic tribesmanera, henon couldpuido notasumir assumea thepúrpura titleimperial ofe o título de [[Augustusaugusto]] (emperoremperador) himselfel mesmo; onpor theoutra other handbanda, powera oversúa theinfluencia Augustuspoderosa insobre Romeos gaveaugustos himen prestigeRoma anddeulle offeredprestixio hime someinfluencia influencesobre overos theoutros otherpobos Germanicxermánicos peoplesque occupyingocupaban a [[GaulGallia]], [[Spain|Hispania]], and Northern [[Africa]]. ThisIsto leftdoulle himdúas with two optionsopcións — dissolvedisolver thea westerncorte imperial courtoccidental ande rulegovernar officiallyoficialmente ascoma aun ''dux'', orou governorgovernador, ofdun aúnico singleemperador emperoren in ConstantinopleConstantinopla, orou setelevar upas hissúas ownpropias figureheadfiguras emperorsdecorativas ande rulegovernar throughpor themmedio deles. HeEscolleu choseo tosegundo do the lattercamiño, evenincluso goingindo so far astan tolonxe havecoma hispara nameinscribir inscribedo onseu thenome coinagenas alongmoedas withxunto theco emperoremperador.
In [[457]], Ricimer set up [[Majorian]] as his own emperor in the West and induced Leo to give his consent. However, Majorian proved to be a capable ruler and soon became uncomfortably independent. Majorian was defeated (possibly by treachery) by Geiseric near the modern city of [[Valencia, Spain]], while trying to organize an expedition against him, in [[461]]. Ricimer then forced him to abdicate and caused his assassination on [[August 7]], [[461]]. The successor whom Ricimer placed upon the throne was [[Libius Severus]], who proved to be more docile than Majorian, but had to face the disapproval of Leo in the East and rivalry of [[Aegidius]] in Gaul. Upon Libius Severus' death in [[465]] — said to be due to poisoning by Ricimer — this emperor-maker ruled the West for eighteen months without an emperor.
Liña 22:
Ricimer marriedcasou con Alypia, aunha daughterfilla ofde AnthemiusAnthemio ande [[Marcia Euphemia]]. TheyNon se hadsabe noque knowntiveran childrenfillos.
<ref>[http://www.roman-emperors.org/anthemiu.htm Ralph W. Mathisen, "Anthemius (12 April 467 - 11 July 472 A.D.)"]</ref>
Liña 30:
{{s-bef | beforeantes=[[Majorian|Imp. Caesar Iulius Maiorianus Augustus]],<br /> [[LeoLeón I (emperoremperador)|Imp. Caesar Flavius Valerius Leo Augustus]]}}
{{s-ttl | title=[[ListListaxe ofdos latecónsules imperialimperiais Roman consulsromanos|ConsulCónsul]] of thedo [[RomanImperio EmpireRomano]] | yearsanos=[[459]] |regent1=[[Flavius Iulius Patricius]]}}
{{s-aft | afterdespois=[[Flavius Magnus]],<br /> [[Flavius Apollonius]]}}
Liña 47: