Aulë: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Liña 9:
== Aulë e a creación dos Ananos ==
Desesperado por ter discípulos aos que poder transmitir os seus coñecementos, e negándose a agardar até a aparición dos [[Fillos de Ilúvatar]], Aulë creou a súa propia raza de seres, os [[Anano (Terra Media)|Ananos]]. Porén, non tiña unha idea clara do aspecto que terían os Fillos de Ilúvatar, e por mor do caos que provocara Melkor, Aulë fixo aos Ananos fortes, rexosinquebrantábeis e pouco dispostos a ser dominados por outros, alén de plasmar neles algúns dos seus valores e desexos para a Terra Media. Con todo, Aulë non tiña o poder de outorgar vida independente ás súas creacións: só estaban animadas cando as tiña noo seu pensamento posto nelas.
Cando a súa obra estivo completa, Aulë comezou a ensinarlles aos Ananos a lingua que elaborara para eles, o [[Khuzdul]]. Entón Ilúvatar faloulle e preguntoulle por que tentaba sobrepasar os límites do seu poder e autoridade creando nova vida. Aulë arrepentiuse, respondendo que o impulso da creación espertara nel por obra de Ilúvatar, e que o único que desexaba eran outros seres aos que amar e instruír, cos cales puidese compartir a beleza do mundo. Admitiu que a súa impaciencia empurrárao á insensatez e someteu as súas creacións a Ilúvatar. Dando por feito que serían destruídas, dispúxose a esmagar os sete [[Pais dos Ananos]] cun grande martelo, chorando mentres o facía. Pero cando os Ananos xa se encollían temendo o golpe, Ilúvatar detivo a man de Aulë e fíxolle ver que aceptara a súa ofrenda dotando aos Anantos de espíritos de seu, posto que doutro xeito non poderían ter sentido medo.
When Aulë had completed his work he began to instruct the Dwarves in the language he had made for them, [[Khuzdul]]. Then Ilúvatar spoke to him, asking why he would seek to exceed his power and authority by attempting to make new life. Aulë repented, answering that the drive to create was kindled in him by Ilúvatar, and that he only wished for other beings to love and teach, with whom to share in the beauty of the world. He admitted that his impatience had driven him to folly and submitted his creations to Ilúvatar. Assuming that they should be destroyed, he made to smite the seven [[Fathers of the Dwarves]] with a great hammer, weeping as he did so. But as the Dwarves shrank from the blow, Ilúvatar stayed Aulë's hand and showed that he had already accepted his offer by gifting the Dwarves with spirits of their own, else they could not have been afraid.
Ilúvatar accepted them as his adopted children, however as it was ordained that the Elves were to be the first-born race, he set the Dwarves to sleep until after the [[Awakening of the Elves]]. He told Aulë that while both were his children, their creation was outside the scope of the Music of the Ainur, and often strife would arise between the Dwarven race and the Elven race as the events of the world unfolded.