Valinor: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Manudosde (conversa | contribucións)
Manudosde (conversa | contribucións)
Liña 22:
Os Valar descubriron o que Melkor fixera, pero era tarde de máis para detelo. O propio Melkor, consciente de que fora descuberto, fora ao lar do Alto Rei dos Elfos Noldorin, [[Finwë]] e roubara as preciadas xoias dos Noldor, os [[Silmarils]], matando o rei tamén. Mentres os Valar cavilaban en como evitar que os Elfos se enfrontasen entre si e en como deter a Melkor, este destruíu as [[Dúas Árbores de Valinor]] coa axuda de [[Ungoliant]] (o que sumiu a Valinor nunha noite sen fin), e fuxiu de volta á súa fortaleza da Terra Media, [[Angband (Terra Media)|Angband]].
As Dúas Árbores, única fonte de luz de Valinor e da [[Terra Media]], morreran. A derradeira flor e o derradeiro froito delas foron entregados a dous dos [[Maiar]] para os transportaren en cadanseu barco, navegando arredor do mundo a diferentes horas do día, de xeito que nin Valinor nin a Terra Media permanecesen sumidos na escuridade para sempre. A flor converteríase no [[Sol]], de intenso brillo amarelo, e o froito na [[Lúa]], de luz branca e pálida.
The Two Trees, from which all light both in Valinor and in [[Middle-earth]] came, were dead. The last flowers of the Trees were given to two [[Maia (Middle-earth)|Maiar]] each in their own ship to sail around the world forever at different times of the day so that neither Valinor nor Middle-earth would forever be in darkness. One was called the Sun, and it shined a bright yellow. The other was called Moon and it shone with a pale white light.
As a result of the killing of king Finwë the majority of the Noldor lead by the maker of the Silmarils and King Finwë's son, [[Fëanor]], declared their rebellion and decided to pursue Melkor, ever after known as Morgoth, to Middle Earth to win back their jewels and avenge their king. The Noldor would not listen to [[Manwë]], the king of the Valar, telling them that they had themselves come to Valinor of their own free will and that the Valar had no desire to rule or control any of them. But Manwë's messenger said also that if they choose to leave and to fight Melkor on their own, the Valar would not help them and that they would suffer great pain and grief on their journey.