Valinor: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Manudosde (conversa | contribucións)
Manudosde (conversa | contribucións)
Liña 18:
Máis tarde, os Valar ouviron que os Elfos espertaran na Terra Media, onde Melkor non tiña rival. Propuxeron traer aos Elfos á seguridade de Valinor, pero para facelo antes tiñan que eliminar a Melkor da ecuación. Librouse unha guerra, e Utumno, o bastión de Melkor foi completamente destruído. Logo moitos Elfos marcharon para Valinor e fundaron alí as súas cidades, co que comezou e idade da gloria de Valinor.
Con todo, houbo un problema: Melkor regresara a Valinor como prisioneiro, e pasadas tres [[Idades da Terra Media|Idades]], foi liberado polos Valar ao creren, erroneamente, terlle extraído o mal pola forza. Logo da súa posta en liberdade, comezou a sementar a discordia nas mentes dos Elfos de Valinor, dicíndolles que os Valar os trouxeran alí co único propósito de controlalos e apropiarse dos seus dominios na Terra Media, e que eran prisioneiros dos Valar. Tamén dixo en segredo a cada unha das estirpes élficas que era superior ás demais estirpes, e crendo isto, os Elfos comezaron a pronunciarse os uns en contra dos outros.
There was a problem, however. Melkor had come back to Valinor as a prisoner, and after three [[Ages of Middle-earth|Ages]], was released on the mistaken theory that the evil had been forced out of him. After being released, he started planting seeds of dissent in the minds of the elves in Valinor, saying that the Valar had brought them here so that they would control them and claim their lands in Middle-Earth as their own and that they were prisoner of the Valar. He also secretly told each of the different Elven kinds that they were superior to the other kinds and, believing his lies, the elves eventually openly spoke out against each other.
The Valar learned of this and saw what Melkor had done, but it was too late to stop Melkor. Melkor himself, knowing that he was discovered, had gone to the home of the Noldorin elves' High King [[Finwë]] and stolen the Noldorin elves' prized jewels, the [[Silmarils]] while killing the king in the process. As the Valar sat thinking of what measures to take to hinder the elves from fighting amongst each other and how to stop Melkor, Melkor destroyed the [[Two Trees of Valinor]] with the help of [[Ungoliant]] (bringing an endless night to Valinor), and fled back to Middle-earth, to his other stronghold, [[Angband (Middle-earth)|Angband]].