Kosrae: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Liña 110:
[[Ficheiro:Kosrae municipalities 1980.png |miniatura| Municipios de Kosrae de 1980
Walung foi absorbida por Tafunsak posteriormente]]
O estado de Kosrae se subdivide en catro municipios.<ref name="census">[{{Cita web |url=http://www.pacificweb.org/DOCS/fsm/2000KosraeCenus/2000%20Kosrae%20Census%20Report_Final.pdf |título=Kosrae State Census Report, 2000 FSM Census of Population and Housing:''Kosrae State is made up of four municipalities known as Lelu, Malem, Utwe and Tafunsak''] |data-acceso=07 de xullo de 2016 |data-arquivo=12 de febreiro de 2016 |url-arquivo=https://web.archive.org/web/20160212112150/http://www.pacificweb.org/DOCS/fsm/2000KosraeCenus/2000%20Kosrae%20Census%20Report_Final.pdf |url-morta=yes }}</ref>
Dos cinco municipios orixinais de 1980 [[Walung]] foi absorbido posteriormente por Tafunsak.<ref name="inhabitants">[http://www.pacificweb.org/DOCS/Trust%20TerritoriesPI/1980%20Trust%20Territory%20Pacific%20Islands/1980%20Number%20of%20Inhabitants.pdf Trust Territory Pacific Islands 1980 Number of Inhabitants]</ref>