Santa Bárbara, California: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Xusto antes do comezo do [[século XX]] descubriuse petróleo en Summerland, e a rexión ao longo da praia leste de Santa Bárbara brotaron numerosas torres de perforación e plataformas para perforar en alta mar. Este foi o primeiro campo petrolífero en alta mar do mundo; aa extracción de petróleo en alta mar converteríase nunha práctica polémica na zona de Santa Bárbara, que continúa até os nostros días.{{sfn|Baker|2004|p= 63}}
Santa Bárbara albergou o estudo de [[cinema]] máis grande do mundo durante a era do [[cine mudo]]. ''Flying A Studios'', unha división da ''American Film Manufacturing Company'', operaba en dúas cuadras da cidade centradas en State e Mission entre [[1910]] e [[1922]], en que a industria foi pechando e traladándose a [[Hollywood]] cando se saturou esta área, necesitando os recursos dunha empresa máis grande. En ''Flying A'' e noutros estudios locais máis pequenos producíronse aproximadamente 1 200 [[filme]]s durante a súa permanencia en Santa Bárbara, das cales aproximadamente 100 sobreviven.<ref>{{sfn|Tompkins, |1976, |p. =258</ref>}}{{sfn|Baker|2004|p= 72}}<ref>{{sfn|Birchard, |2007|p.= 49</ref>}}
Durante este período, a ''Alco Hydro-Aeroplane Company'' (ou ''Loughead Aircraft Company'') estableceuse na rúa ''State Street'', e probou regularmente [[hidroavión]]s fronte a ''East Beach'' (a praia Leste). Isto fo a xénese do que máis tarde se convertería na [[Lockheed Corporation]].
[[FileFicheiro:Santa Barbara County Courthouse, California.jpg|thumbminiatura|leftesquerda|TheO newnovo Santaxulgado Barbarado Countycondado Courthousede wasSanta dedicatedBárbara oninaugurouse Augusto 14, de agosto de 1929.]]
Santa Barbara housed the world's largest movie studio during the era of silent film. Flying A Studios, a division of the [[American Film Manufacturing Company]], operated on two city blocks centered at State and Mission between 1910 and 1922, with the industry shuttinod, the [[Alco Hydro-Aeroplane Company|Loughead Aircraft Company]] was established on lower State Street, and regularly tested seaplanes off of East Beach. This was the genesis of what would later become [[Lockheed Corporation|Lockheed]].
[[File:Santa Barbara County Courthouse, California.jpg|thumb|left|The new Santa Barbara County Courthouse was dedicated on August 14, 1929.]]
The magnitude 6.3<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Catalog of Santa Barbara Earthquakes|publisher=Institute for Crustal Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara|accessdate=September 29, 2014}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|last=Southern California Earthquake Data Center|title=Significant Earthquakes and Faults, Santa Barbara Earthquake|url=|accessdate=September 29, 2014|url-status=dead|archiveurl=|archivedate=03 de xaneiro de 2015|urlmorta=si}}</ref> [[1925 Santa Barbara earthquake|earthquake of June 29, 1925]], was the first destructive earthquake in California since the 1906 San Francisco quake, which destroyed much of downtown Santa Barbara and killed 13 people. The earthquake caused infrastructure to collapse including the Sheffield Dam.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=1925 Santa Barbara Earthquake: In Brief||accessdate=August 1, 2018}}</ref> The low death toll is attributed to the early hour (6:44&nbsp;a.m., before most people were out on the streets, vulnerable to falling masonry). While this quake, like the one in 1812, was centered in the Santa Barbara Channel, it caused no tsunami. It came at an opportune time for rebuilding, since a movement for architectural reform and unification around a [[Spanish Colonial Revival architecture|Spanish Colonial style]] was already underway. Under the leadership of [[Pearl Chase]], many of the city's famous buildings rose as part of the rebuilding process, including the [[Santa Barbara County Courthouse]], sometimes praised as the "most beautiful public building in the United States." There is also the unfortunate incident that happened in 1907, which included a horrific train accident that took the lives of 32 people.<ref>{{cite news|last1=Redmon|first1=Michael|title=1907 Train Wreck|url= |work=[[Santa Barbara Independent]]|date=July 2, 2013}}</ref>