Santa Bárbara, California: Diferenzas entre revisións

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=== Mediados e finais do século XIX ===
[[Ficheiro:Sant Barbara - State Street 1880s.jpg|leftminiatura|thumbesquerda|A ''State Street'' en 1880 mirando cara ao norte desde a rúa ''Canon Perdido'']]
[[Ficheiro:Santa Barbara County Courthouse Mural room.jpg|miniatura|Sala Mural (anteriormente Sala de Audiencias da Xunta de Supervisores) dentro do Palacio de Xustiza do [[condado de Santa Bárbara, California|condado de Santa Bárbara]]. Os murais representan a historia de Santa Bárbara. Esta sala utilízase ocasionalmente como sala de audiencias.]]
Un gran cambio se produciu rapidamente despois da adquisición de Santa Bárbara polos Estados Unidos. A poboación duplicouse entre 1850 e 1860. En 1851, o agrimensor Salisbury Haley deseñou o trazado do plano das rúas en cuadrículas y creó doglegs en ciertas intersecciones.{{sfn|Tompkins|1983|p= 113}} Wood construction replaced adobe as American settlers moved in; during the Gold Rush years and following, the town became a haven for bandits and gamblers, and a dangerous and lawless place. Charismatic gambler and highwayman [[Jack Powers]] had virtual control of the town in the early 1850s, until driven out by a posse organized in San Luis Obispo. English gradually supplanted Spanish as the language of daily life, becoming the language of official record in 1870.<ref>Baker, p. 34-35</ref> The first newspaper, the ''Santa Barbara Gazette'', was founded in 1855.<ref>Baker, p. 39</ref>
Un gran cambio se produciu rapidamente despois da adquisición de Santa Bárbara polos Estados Unidos. A poboación duplicouse entre 1850 e 1860. En 1851, o agrimensor Salisbury Haley deseñou o trazado do plano das rúas en cuadrículas.{{sfn|Tompkins|1983|p= 113}} Construcións de madeira substituíron ás de adobe cando os colonos [[estadounidense]]s se estableceron alí. Durante os anos da [[Febre do ouro de California|febre do ouro]] e os seguientes, a cidade converteuse nun refuxio para bandidos e xogadores, e nun lugar perigroso e sen lei. O carismático xogador e bandoleiro Jack Powers tiña o control virtual da cidade a principios da década de 1850, até que foi expulsado por un grupo organizado en San Luis Obispo. O [[lingua inglesa|inglés]] foi gradualmente substituíndo ao [[lingua castelá|español]] como o idioma da vida cotiá, converténdose no idioma do rexistro oficial en [[1870]].
While the [[American Civil War|Civil War]] had little effect on Santa Barbara, the disastrous drought of 1863 ended the Rancho Period, as most of the cattle died and ranchos were broken up and sold. Mortimer Cook, a wealthy entrepreneur, arrived in 1871 and opened the city's first bank. Cook later served two terms as mayor.<ref>{{cite news|last1=Redmon|first1=Michael|title=Early Banks and Banking in Santa Barbara|url=|work=[[Santa Barbara Independent]]|date=December 10, 2014}}</ref> Cook founded the first National Gold Bank of Santa Barbara in 1873. The building of [[Stearns Wharf]] in 1872 enhanced Santa Barbara's commercial and tourist accessibility; previously goods and visitors had to transfer from steamboats to smaller craft to row ashore. During the 1870s, writer [[Charles Nordhoff (journalist)|Charles Nordhoff]] promoted the town as a health resort and destination for well-to-do travelers from other parts of the U.S.; many of them came, and many stayed. The luxurious Arlington Hotel dated from this period. In 1887 the railroad finally went through to Los Angeles, and in 1901 to San Francisco: Santa Barbara was now easily accessible by land and by sea, and subsequent development was brisk.<ref>Baker, pp. 56–59, 66</ref>
{{sfn|Baker|2004|p= 34-35}} O primeiro xornal, o ''Santa Barbara Gazette'', foi fundado en 1855.{{sfn|Baker|2004|p=39}}
PeterAída J.que Barber,a an[[Guerra architect,civil designedestadounidense]] manytivo Latepoucos Victorianefectos styleen residencesSanta Bárbara, anda serveddesastrosa twiceseca asde mayor[[1863]] puxo fin ao "Período Rancho", inxa 1880que anda againmaioría indo 1890.gando Amorreu yeare afteros Barber'sranchos termdividíronse ase mayorvendéronse. Mortimer Cook, Presidentun Benjaminempresario Harrisonrico, becamecheegou theen first[[1871]] ofe fiveabriu presidentso toprimeiro visit[[banco]] Santada Barbaracudade. Cook despois exerceu durante dous mandatos como alcalde.<ref>{{cite news|last1=Redmon|first1=Michael|title=TheodoreEarly RooseveltBanks visitsand Banking in Santa Barbara|url=|accessdatework=FebruarySanta 5,Barbara 2015|agency=Independent|newspaper=Independent|date=September10 16,de decembro de 2014}}</ref>
Cook fundou o primeiro ''National Gold Bank of Santa Barbara'' en [[1873]]. El edificio de Stearns Wharf en 1872 mellorou a accesibilidade comercialey turística de Santa Bárbara; anteriormente, os bens e os visitantes tiñan que trasladarse desde os barcos de vapor a embarcacións máis pequenas para chegar a terra. Durante a década de [[1870]], o escritor Charles Nordhoff promoveu a cidade como un centro de saúde e destino para viaxeiros acomodados doutras partes dos EE. UU.; moitos deles foron alí, e moitos quedaron. O luxoso hotel Arlington data deste período. En [[1887]] o ferrocarril finalmente chegou até [[Os Ánxeles]] e, en [[1901]], a [[San Francisco]]: daquela podíase acceder facilmente a Santa Bárbara por terra e mar, e o desenvolvemento posterior foi rápido.{{sfn|Baker|2004|pp= 56–59, 66}}
Peter J. Barber, un arquitecto, deseñou moitas residencias de [[estilo victoriano]] tardío e exerceu dúas veces como alcalde, en 1880 e, novamente, en 1890. Un ano despois do mandato de Barber como alcalde, o presidente [[Benjamin Harrison]] foi o primero dos cinco presidentes que visitaron Santa Bárbara.<ref>{{cite news|last1=Redmon|first1=Michael|title=Theodore Roosevelt visits Santa Barbara|url=|dataacceso=19 de febreiro de 2020|newspaper=Independent|data=16 de setembro de 2014}}</ref>
=== Principios do século XX até a Segunda Guerra Mundial ===
[[Ficheiro:SantaBarbaraVenturaOilGasFields.png|thumbminiatura|Map250px|Mapa ofdos Santacampos Barbarade Oilpetróleo ande Gase Fieldsgas de Santa Barbara.]]
Xusto antes do comezo do [[século XX]] descubriuse petróleo en Summerland, e a rexión ao longo da praia leste de Santa Bárbara brotaron numerosas torres de perforación e plataformas para perforar en alta mar. Este foi o primeiro campo petrolífero en alta mar do mundo; aa extracción de petróleo en alta mar converteríase nunha práctica polémica na zona de Santa Bárbara, que continúa até os nostros días.{{sfn|Baker|2004|p= 63}}
Just before the turn of the 20th century, oil was discovered at the [[Summerland Oil Field]], and the region along the beach east of Santa Barbara sprouted numerous oil derricks and piers for [[Offshore drilling|drilling offshore]]. This was the first offshore oil development in the world; oil drilling offshore would become a contentious practice in the Santa Barbara area, which continues to the present day.<ref>Baker, p. 63</ref>
Santa BarbaraBárbara housedalbergou theo world'sestudo largestde movie[[cinema]] studiomáis duringgrande thedo mundo durante a era ofdo silent[[cine filmmudo]]. ''Flying A Studios'', aunha divisiondivisión ofda the [[''American Film Manufacturing Company]]'', operatedoperaba onen twodúas citycuadras blocksda centeredcidade atcentradas en State ande Mission betweenentre [[1910]] ande [[1922]], withen theque industrya shuttingindustria downfoi locallypechando ande movingtraladándose toa [[Hollywood]] oncecando itse outgrewsaturou theesta areaárea, needingnecesitando theos resourcesrecursos ofdunha aempresa largermáis citygrande. En ''Flying A'' ande thenoutros otherestudios smallerlocais localmáis studiospequenos producedproducíronse approximatelyaproximadamente 1, 200 films[[filme]]s duringdurante a theirsúa tenurepermanencia inen Santa BarbaraBárbara, ofdas whichcales approximatelyaproximadamente 100 survivesobreviven.<ref>Tompkins, 1976, p. 258</ref><ref>{{sfn|Baker, |2004|p.= 72</ref>}}<ref>Birchard, p. 49</ref>
DuringSanta thisBarbara periodhoused the world's largest movie studio during the era of silent film. Flying A Studios, a division of the [[American Film Manufacturing Company]], operated on two city blocks centered at State and Mission between 1910 and 1922, with the industry shuttinod, the [[Alco Hydro-Aeroplane Company|Loughead Aircraft Company]] was established on lower State Street, and regularly tested seaplanes off of East Beach. This was the genesis of what would later become [[Lockheed Corporation|Lockheed]].
[[File:Santa Barbara County Courthouse, California.jpg|thumb|left|The new Santa Barbara County Courthouse was dedicated on August 14, 1929.]]
The magnitude 6.3<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Catalog of Santa Barbara Earthquakes|publisher=Institute for Crustal Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara|accessdate=September 29, 2014}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|last=Southern California Earthquake Data Center|title=Significant Earthquakes and Faults, Santa Barbara Earthquake|url=|accessdate=September 29, 2014|url-status=dead|archiveurl=|archivedate=03 de xaneiro de 2015|urlmorta=si}}</ref> [[1925 Santa Barbara earthquake|earthquake of June 29, 1925]], was the first destructive earthquake in California since the 1906 San Francisco quake, which destroyed much of downtown Santa Barbara and killed 13 people. The earthquake caused infrastructure to collapse including the Sheffield Dam.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=1925 Santa Barbara Earthquake: In Brief||accessdate=August 1, 2018}}</ref> The low death toll is attributed to the early hour (6:44&nbsp;a.m., before most people were out on the streets, vulnerable to falling masonry). While this quake, like the one in 1812, was centered in the Santa Barbara Channel, it caused no tsunami. It came at an opportune time for rebuilding, since a movement for architectural reform and unification around a [[Spanish Colonial Revival architecture|Spanish Colonial style]] was already underway. Under the leadership of [[Pearl Chase]], many of the city's famous buildings rose as part of the rebuilding process, including the [[Santa Barbara County Courthouse]], sometimes praised as the "most beautiful public building in the United States." There is also the unfortunate incident that happened in 1907, which included a horrific train accident that took the lives of 32 people.<ref>{{cite news|last1=Redmon|first1=Michael|title=1907 Train Wreck|url= |work=[[Santa Barbara Independent]]|date=July 2, 2013}}</ref>