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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
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This bird nests solitarily in marshes among coarse vegetation such as [[Scirpus|bulrushes]] and [[Typha latifolia|cattails]], with the female building the nest and the male guarding it. The nest is usually about {{convert|15|cm|in|0|abbr=on}} above the water surface and consists of a rough platform of dead stalks and rushes, sometimes with a few twigs mixed in, and lined with bits of coarse grass. Up to about six eggs are laid and are incubated by the female for twenty-nine days. The eggs are bluntly ovoid in shape, olive-buff and unspeckled, averaging {{convert|49|by|37|mm|in|2|abbr=on}} in size. The chicks are fed individually, each in turn pulling down the female's beak and receiving regurgitated food directly into its beak. They leave the nest at about two weeks and are fully-fledged at six to seven weeks.<ref name=Witherby/>
== Status ==
The bird's numbers are declining in many parts of its range because of habitat loss. This is particularly noticeable in the southern part where chemical contamination and human development are reducing the area of suitable habitat.<ref name=Gardner/> However, the bird has an extremely large range and a large total population, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature has assessed its conservation status as being of "Least Concern".<ref name=iucn/> The American bittern is protected under the United States [[Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918]].<ref>{{cite web |url=
http://www.fws.gov/migratorybirds/RegulationsPolicies/mbta/mbtandx.html |title=List of Migratory Bird Species Protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act as of December 2, 2013 |work=Migratory Bird Program |publisher=U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service |accessdate=27 November 2015}}</ref> It is also protected under the Canadian [[Migratory Birds Convention Act]] of 1994 to which both Canada and the United States are signatories.<ref name=MacDowell>{{cite book|last1=MacDowell |first1=Laurel Sefton |title=An Environmental History of Canada |year=2012 |publisher=UBC Press |isbn=978-0-7748-2103-2 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=j7-803ot3DIC |page=113}}</ref>
== Status ==
As poboacións desta ave están declinando en moitas partes da súa área de distribución debido á [[perda de hábitat]]. Isto é especialmente obvio na parte sur, onde a contaminación químic e o desenvolvemento humano están reducindo a área dos hábitats axeitados.<ref name=Gardner/> Porén, a ave ten unha área de distribución extremadamente grande e unha poboación total tamén grande, polo que a [[Unión Internacional para a Conservación da Natureza]] considera o seu estado de conservación como "pouco preocupante".<ref name=iucn/> A especie está protexida pola Lei do Tratado de Aves Migratorias de 1918 dos Estados Unidos.<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.fws.gov/migratorybirds/RegulationsPolicies/mbta/mbtandx.html |title=List of Migratory Bird Species Protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act as of December 2, 2013 |work=Migratory Bird Program |publisher=U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service |accessdate=27 November 2015}}</ref> ItTamén isestá alsoprotexida protectedpola underLei theda CanadianConvención [[Migratoryde BirdsAves ConventionMigratorias Act]]do ofCanadá de 1994 toda whichque bothtanto Canadaos andEstados theUnidos coma Unitedo StatesCanadá areson signatoriessignatarios.<ref name=MacDowell>{{cite book|last1=MacDowell |first1=Laurel Sefton |title=An Environmental History of Canada |year=2012 |publisher=UBC Press |isbn=978-0-7748-2103-2 |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=j7-803ot3DIC |page=113}}</ref>
== Notas ==