Carádridos: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Liña 45:
=== Reprodución ===
A gran maioría dos crádridoscarádridos son monógamos. Algúns, como ''[[Vanellus vanellus]]'' (avefría), son [[políxino]]s, outros, como o ''[[Charadrius moontanus]]'' ten un sistema de múltiples postas rápidas que pode ser acompañado de poliandria secuencial. En ''[[Charadrius morinellus]]'', as femias compiten polos machos e os machos proporcionan todos os coidados parentais ás crías.<ref name=":0">{{Cite book|title=[[Handbook of the Birds of the World]]. Volume 3, Hoatzin to Auks|last=Piersma|first=Theunis|publisher=Lynx Edicions|year=1996|isbn=84-87334-20-2|editor-last=del Hoyo|editor-first=Joseph|location=Barcelona|pages=400–401|chapter=Family Charadriidae (Plovers)|quote=|editor-last2=Elliott|editor-first2=Andrew|editor-last3=Sargatal|editor-first3=Jordi|via=}}</ref> Cando están reproducíndose, defenden os seus territorios con exhibicións aéreas visibles.<ref name="EoB" />
Charadridae lay two to four eggs into the nest, which is usually a shallow scrape in the open ground, and incubate the clutch for 21–30 days.<ref name=":0" /> In species where both parents incubate the eggs, females and males vary in the way they share their incubation duties, both within and between species. In some pairs, parents exchange on the nest in the morning and in the evening so that their incubation rhythm follows 24-hour day, in others females and males exchange up to 20 times a day.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Bulla|first=Martin|last2=Valcu|first2=Mihai|last3=Dokter|first3=Adriaan M.|last4=Dondua|first4=Alexei G.|last5=Kosztolányi|first5=András|last6=Rutten|first6=Anne L.|last7=Helm|first7=Barbara|last8=Sandercock|first8=Brett K.|last9=Casler|first9=Bruce|title=Unexpected diversity in socially synchronized rhythms of shorebirds|url=|journal=Nature|volume=540|issue=7631|pages=109–113|doi=10.1038/nature20563}}</ref>
CharadridaePoñen layde twodous toa fourcatro eggsovos intono the nestniño, whichque isadoita usuallyser aunha escavación shallowpouco scrapeprofunda inen thecampo open groundaberto, ande incubateincuban thea clutchposta fordurante de 21 a 21–3030 daysdías.<ref name=":0" /> InEn speciesespecies wherenas bothque parentsambos incubateos theproxenitores eggsincuban os ovos, femalesas andfemias malese varyos inmachos thevarían wayna theymaneira shareen theirque incubationcomparten dutiesas tarefas de incubación, bothtanto withindentro andcoma betweenentre speciesespecies. InNalgunhas some pairsparellas, parentsos exchangeproxenitores onintercámbianse theno nestniño inpola themañá morninge andao inserán thepara eveningfacer sounha thatincubación theirininterrompida incubationdurante rhythm followsas 24-hour dayhoras, innoutras othersas femalesfemias ande malesmachos exchangeintercámbianse up tounhas 20 timesveces aao daydía.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Bulla|first=Martin|last2=Valcu|first2=Mihai|last3=Dokter|first3=Adriaan M.|last4=Dondua|first4=Alexei G.|last5=Kosztolányi|first5=András|last6=Rutten|first6=Anne L.|last7=Helm|first7=Barbara|last8=Sandercock|first8=Brett K.|last9=Casler|first9=Bruce|title=Unexpected diversity in socially synchronized rhythms of shorebirds|url=|journal=Nature|volume=540|issue=7631|pages=109–113|doi=10.1038/nature20563}}</ref>
[[Charadriinae|Charadriidae]] are protective over their eggs and offspring. The parents protect their young by uttering an alarm call, performing [[distraction display]] and they may even attack the predator or intruder. The chicks are precocial; their parents do not feed them.
Son aves que protexen moito os seus ovos e crías. Os proxenitores protexen os pitos emitindo unha chamada de alarma, realizando unha [[exhibición de distració]] e mesmo poden atacar o predador ou intruso. Os pitos son precoces e non son alimentados polos pais.
== Notas ==