Cullereiro africano: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Liña 23:
== Bioloxía ==
It lives in marshy wetlands with some open shallow water and nests in colonies in trees or reedbeds. They usually don't share colonies with [[stork]]s or [[heron]]s. The African spoonbill feeds in shallow water, and fishes for various [[fish]],<ref name="africanspoonbill"/> [[molluscs]],<ref name="africanspoonbill"/> [[amphibians]], [[crustaceans]],<ref name="africanspoonbill"/> [[insect]]s<ref name="africanspoonbill"/> and larvae.<ref name="africanspoonbill"/> The animal uses its open bill to catch foods by swinging it from side-to-side in the water, which catches foods in its mouth.<ref name="africanspoonbill"/> Long legs and thin, pointed toes enable it to walk easily through varying depths of water.<ref name ="LPZAfricanSpoonbill">[ "African Spoonbill Fact Sheet, Lincoln Park Zoo"]</ref>
ItViven livesen inzonas marshyhúmidas wetlandspantanosas withcon somezonas opende shallowaugas waterabertas andpouco nestsprofundas ine coloniesaniña inen treescolonias ornas reedbedsárbores ou xunqueiras. TheyNormalmente usuallynon don'tcomparten shareas coloniescolonias withcon [[storkcegoña]]s orou [[herongarza]]s. TheO Africancullereiro spoonbillafricano feedsaliméntase inen shallowaugas waterpouco profundas, and fishes foronde variouspesca [[fishpeixes]],<ref name="africanspoonbill"/> [[molluscsmolusco]]s,<ref name="africanspoonbill"/> [[amphibiansanfibios]], [[crustaceanscrustáceos]],<ref name="africanspoonbill"/> [[insectinsectos]]s<ref name="africanspoonbill"/> ande larvaelarvas.<ref name="africanspoonbill"/> TheUtiliza animalo usesseu itspeteiro openespatulado billaberto topara catchcapturar foodso byalimento swingingmovéndoo itde fromlado side-to-sidea inlado thena water,auga whiche catchespéchao foodscando inatopa its mouthalgo.<ref name="africanspoonbill"/> LongAs legssúas andpatas thin,longas e pointeddelgadas toese enablededas itfinas topermítenlle walkcamiñar easilydoadamente throughen varyingdiversas depthsprofundidades ofde waterauga.<ref name ="LPZAfricanSpoonbill">[ "African Spoonbill Fact Sheet, Lincoln Park Zoo"]</ref>
The African spoonbill is almost unmistakable through most of its [[range (biology)|range]]. The breeding bird is all white except for its red legs and face and long grey spatulate [[beak|bill]]. It has no crest, unlike the [[common spoonbill]]. Immature birds lack the red face and have a yellow bill. Unlike herons, spoonbills fly with their necks outstretched.
É unha especie case inconfundible na maior parte da súa área de distribución. O paxaro en idade reprodutora é todo branco agás nas súas patas e face, que son vermellas, e o longo e espatulado peteiro. Non ten crista, a diferenza do cullereiro ''[[Platalea leucorodia]]''. As aves inmaturas non teñen a cara vermella e o seu pico é amarelo. A diferenza das garzas, os cullereiros voan cos pescozos estendidos.
== Reprodución ==
[[FileFicheiro:African Spoonbill-001.jpg|thumbminiatura|leftesquerda|African spoonbill inEn flightvoo]]
The African spoonbill begins breeding in the winter, which lasts until spring.<ref name="africanspoonbill"/> The spoonbill's nest, generally located in trees above water, is built from sticks and reeds and lined with leaves.<ref name ="LPZAfricanSpoonbill" /> Three to five eggs are laid by the female birds, usually during the months of April or May.<ref name="africanspoonbill"/> The eggs are incubated by both parents for up to 29 days, and upon hatching the young birds are cared for by both parents for around 20 to 30 days.<ref name="africanspoonbill"/> The birds are ready to leave the nest soon afterward, and begin flying after another four weeks.<ref name="africanspoonbill"/>
The African spoonbill is one of the species to which the ''Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds'' ([[AEWA]]) applies.
== Notas ==