Oroxenia caledoniana: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
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A principal fase da oroxenia caledoniana (desde hai 425 a 400 millóns de anos) denomínase fse escandiana en Escandinavia e ''fase grampiana'' en [[Gran Bretaña]].<ref name=Jones2003>Jones & Blake (2003), pp. 47–50</ref> Foi causada pola colisión entre [[Laurentia]] e [[Báltica]]. O océano de Iapetus pechouse primeiro poolo norte e despois polo sur. Por tnto, o coque entre Báltica e Laurentia tivo lugar un pouco antes que entre Avalonia e Laurentia. O choque continental empezou no [[Silúrico]] medio e a formación das montañas tivo lugar no [[Devónico]] temperán (desde hai 420 a 405 millóns de anos).<ref>Fossen & Dunlap. 1998</ref><ref>Torsvik ''et al.'' (1996)</ref> En [[Norteamérica]], o choque entre Avalonia e Laurentia denomínase [[oroxenia acadiana]].
According to some authors, the Caledonian continental collisions involved another microcontinent, [[Armorican terrane|Armorica]] (southern [[Portugal]], most of the north of [[France]] and parts of southern Germany and the [[Czech Republic]]), even smaller than Avalonia.<ref>Ziegler (1990) suggests the collision of Armorica with Laurussia formed the southern (Mid-European) branch of the Caledonian mountains</ref> This microcontinent probably did not form one consistent unit, but was instead a series of fragments, of which the current [[Armorican Massif|Armorican]] and [[Bohemian Massif]]s are the most important. The ocean between the combined continental mass of Laurentia, Baltica and Avalonia (called [[Euramerica|Euramerica, Laurussia or Old Red Continent]]) and Armorica is called the [[Rheic Ocean]].
Segundo algúns autores, os choques continentais caledonianos implicaron outro microcontinente, [[Armórica (continente)|Armórica]] (sur de [[Portugal]] e gran parte da Península Ibérica, a maior parte do norte de [[Francia]] e partes de Alemaña e a [[república Checa]]), aínda máis pequeno que Avalonia.<ref>Ziegler (1990) suxire que o choque de Armórica con Laurusia formou a rama sur (centroeuropea) das montañas caledonianas</ref> Este microcontinente probablemente non formab unha unidade consistente, senón unha serie de fragmentos, dos cales os actuais [[Macizo Armoricano|Macizos Armoricano]] e [[Macizo Bohemio|Bohemio]] son os máis importantes. O océano situado entre as masas continentais combinadas de Laurentia, Báltica e Avalonia (chamadas [[Euramérica|Euramérica, Laurusia ou Continente do arenitovermello antigo]]) e Armórica denomínase [[océano Reico]].
The paleogeographic position of the Armorica crustal fragments between the Ordovician and [[Carboniferous]] is highly disputed though. There are indications that the Bohemian Massif started moving northward from the Ordovician onward,<ref>Schätz ''et al.'' (2002)</ref> but many authors place the accretion of the Armorican terranes with the southern margin of Laurussia in the Carboniferous [[Hercynian orogeny]] (about 340 million years ago). The [[Rhenohercynian basin]], a [[back-arc basin]], formed at the southern margin of Euramerica just after the Caledonian orogeny. According to these authors, a small rim from Euramerica rifted off when this basin formed. The basin closed when these Caledonian deformed terranes were accreted again to Laurussia during the Hercynian orogeny.<ref>See the reconstructions in Cocks & Torsvik (2006) for this view. Another reconstruction of the collision of Armorica with Euramerica can be found in Stampfli ''et al.'' (2002)</ref>