Leelah Alcorn: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Carolyn Washburn, editora do xornal estatal ''[[The Cincinnati Enquirer]]'', afirmou que o incidente "plantea problemas importantes que agardamos que dean pé a conversas nas familias de toda a nosa rexión".<ref name=Coolidge /> Washburn tamén recibira cartas ridiculizando o uso por parte do xornal do nome escollido por Alcorn nas novas sobre a súa morte.<ref name=enquirer>{{cite web|url=http://www.huffingtonpost.com/andrew-gelwicks/a-tender-age-for-suicide-_b_6455800.html|title=A Tender Age for Suicide: Inside Leelah Alcorn's Memorial Service|first=Andrew|last=Gelwicks|date=January 13, 2015|work=The Huffington Post|accessdate=January 14, 2015|dead-url=no|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160224080322/http://www.huffingtonpost.com/andrew-gelwicks/a-tender-age-for-suicide-_b_6455800.html|archivedate=February 24, 2016|df=mdy-all}}</ref> Nunha entrevista para o mesmo xornal, Shane Morgan, fundadora e presidenta do grupo activista TransOhio, afirmou que malia que no 2014 presenciáranse melloras para o movemento de dereitos trans, a morte de Alcorn ilustraba "como as persoas trans aínda son vitimizadas e aínda non se lles respecta".<ref name=Coolidge /> Morgan tamén afirmou que malia que entendía a ira dirixida cara ós pais de Alcorn, "non había excusa para as ameazas á familia".<ref name=CNN1/>
Allison Woolbert, executive director of the Transgender Human Rights Institute, informed ''The Independent'' that Alcorn's case was "not unique"; the newspaper highlighted research from the [[Centers for Disease Control and Prevention|US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]] indicating that LGBT youth are about twice as likely to attempt suicide than heterosexual, [[cisgender]] teenagers.<ref name=Molloy /> ''[[Newsweek]]'' similarly placed Alcorn's suicide within its wider context of [[transphobia|transphobic]] discrimination, highlighting that the [[Youth Suicide Prevention Program]] reports that over 50 percent of transgender youths attempt suicide before the age of 20, and that the [[National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs]] recently published a report indicating that 72 percent of LGBT homicide victims in 2013 were transgender women.<ref name=Newsweek />
[[Kevin Jennings]] of the [[Arcus Foundation]] also situated Alcorn's death within wider problems facing young LGBT people. In his view, she became "an international symbol of the ongoing challenges faced by LGBT youth", adding that her death "reminds us of a basic lesson still being taught to young people across America: When it comes to gender identity, it's best to be cisgender; and when it comes to sexual orientation, it's best to be straight."<ref>{{cita publicación periódica|last=Jennings |first=Kevin |title=Leelah Alcorn and the Continued Struggle for Equity for LGBT Students |journal=The Educational Forum |volume=79 |number=4 |year=2015 |page=344 |doi=10.1080/00131725.2015.1069512}}</ref>
[[Ficheiro:Remembering trans young people 2015.jpg|miniatura|esquerda|Ilustración en memoria de varias rapazas transxénero que se suicidaron en 2014 e 2015, incluíndo a Leelah Alcorn]]
Allison Woolbert, directora executiva do Transgender Human Rights Institute, declarou no ''The Independent'' que o caso de Alcorn "non era único". O xornal descacou unha investigación dos [[Centros para o Control e Prevención de Enfermidades]] que indicaba que os mozos LGBT tiñan case o dobre de probabilidades de tentar suicidarse que os adolescentes [[cisxénero]] heterosexuais.<ref name=Molloy /> ''[[Newsweek]]'' incluíu o suicidio de Alcorn nun contexto máis amplo de discriminación [[transfobia|transfóbica]], destacando que o [[Youth Suicide Prevention Program]] emitira un informe no que indicaba que máis do 50% dos mozos transxénero tentaban suicidarse antes de cumprir os 20 anos.<ref name=Newsweek /> Segundo [[Kevin Jennings]] da [[Arcus Foundation]], Alcorn converteuse "nun símbolo internacional dos desafíos contínuos ós que ten que enfrontarse a xuventude LGBT", engadindo que "nos Estados Unidos aínda se ensina a lección de que en relación á identidade de xénero, é mellor ser cisxénero; e en relación coa orientación sexual, é mellor ser hetero".<ref>{{cita publicación periódica|last=Jennings |first=Kevin |title=Leelah Alcorn and the Continued Struggle for Equity for LGBT Students |journal=The Educational Forum |volume=79 |number=4 |year=2015 |page=344 |doi=10.1080/00131725.2015.1069512}}</ref>
Under the Twitter hashtag #RealLiveTransAdult, many transgender people posted encouraging tweets for their younger counterparts,<ref>{{cite web |url=http://abcnews.go.com/US/transgender-teen-leelah-alcorns-death-inspires-reallivetransadult-hashtag/story?id=27927271 |title=Leehlah Alcorn: Transgender Teen's Death Inspires #RealLiveTransAdult Hashtag |date=December 31, 2014 |website=ABC |accessdate=October 26, 2015 |dead-url=no |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160412102545/http://abcnews.go.com/US/transgender-teen-leelah-alcorns-death-inspires-reallivetransadult-hashtag/story?id=27927271 |archivedate=April 12, 2016}}</ref> while other hashtags, such as #ProtectTransKids, and the term "Rest in Power", also circulated on Twitter.<ref name=restinpower1>{{cite web|url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/12/31/transgender-teen-who-died-of-an-apparent-suicide-fix-society-please/|title=Transgender teen who died of an apparent suicide: ‘Fix society. Please.’|first=Terrence|last=McCoy|date=December 31, 2014|website=The Washington Post|accessdate=January 4, 2015|dead-url=no|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20150705023927/http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/12/31/transgender-teen-who-died-of-an-apparent-suicide-fix-society-please/?tid=hpModule_9d3add6c-8a79-11e2-98d9-3012c1cd8d1e|archivedate=July 5, 2015|df=mdy-all}}</ref><ref name=restinpower2>{{cite web |url=http://www.dailydot.com/news/leelah-alcorn-hashtag-reallivetransadult/ |title=#RealLiveTransAdult gives trans teens hope after Leelah Alcorn tragedy |first=Aja |last=Romano |date=December 31, 2014 |website=The Daily Dot |accessdate=January 4, 2015 |archiveurl=https://www.webcitation.org/6cZvDmgpk?url=http://www.dailydot.com/news/leelah-alcorn-hashtag-reallivetransadult/ |archivedate=October 26, 2015 |deadurl=yes |df=mdy }}</ref><ref name=restinpower3>{{cite web |url=http://wgntv.com/2014/12/31/transgender-teen-pleads-in-suicide-note-my-death-needs-to-mean-something/ |title=Transgender teen pleads in suicide note: ‘My death needs to mean something’ |date=December 31, 2014 |website=WGNtv |accessdate=January 4, 2015 |archiveurl=https://www.webcitation.org/6cZueRGui?url=http://wgntv.com/2014/12/31/transgender-teen-pleads-in-suicide-note-my-death-needs-to-mean-something/ |archivedate=October 26, 2015 |deadurl=yes |df=mdy }}</ref> A [[change.org]] petition was set up calling for Leelah's chosen name to be included on her [[gravestone]],<ref name=Time>{{cite news |url=http://time.com/3651037/leelah-alcorn-transgender/ |title=Transgender Teen's Death Sparks Outcry From Advocates |date=December 31, 2014 |accessdate=October 26, 2015 |website=Time |last=Dockterman |first=Eliana |dead-url=no |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160412005252/http://time.com/3651037/leelah-alcorn-transgender/ |archivedate=April 12, 2016 |df=mdy-all }}</ref> which gained over 80,000 signatures.<ref name=memorial1 /> On January 6, Adam Hoover of Marriage Equality Ohio remarked that, since the request of having Alcorn's chosen name on her gravestone seemed "like a slim possibility", they would be raising money for a permanent memorial arranged as a bench, tree and [[commemorative plaque]].<ref name=memorial1>{{cite web |url=http://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/warren-county/leelah-alcorn-group-raises-money-for-memorial-for-transgender-teen-who-committed-suicide |title=Leelah Alcorn: Group raises money for memorial for transgender teen who committed suicide |date=January 7, 2015 |website=WCPO |accessdate=January 7, 2015 |dead-url=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160826002431/http://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/warren-county/leelah-alcorn-group-raises-money-for-memorial-for-transgender-teen-who-committed-suicide |archivedate=August 26, 2016 |df=mdy-all }}</ref>
The [[Ohio Department of Transportation]] put up signs on the interchange of Interstate 71 South and [[Ohio State Route 48]] in Warren County, where Alcorn died, to show that a group adopted that part of the road in memory of Alcorn.<ref>{{cite web |author=Saker, Anne |url=http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2015/11/20/signs-up-leelah-alcorn-highway/76119898/ |title=Stretch of I-71 where teen died now part of Adopt-A-Highway program |work=Cincinnati.com |date=November 20, 2014 |accessdate=April 22, 2017 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20151125054645/http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2015/11/20/stretch--71-where-warren-county-teenager-died-part-adopt--highway-program/76119898/?from=global&sessionKey=&autologin= |archivedate=November 25, 2015 |deadurl=yes |df=mdy-all }}</ref> -->