Leelah Alcorn: Diferenzas entre revisións

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En [[Twitter]] o activista [[Dan Savage]] argumentou que se deberían tomar accións legais contra os pais de Alcorn polo seu papel na morte da súa filla, comentando que por mor das súas accións eles "tirárona diante dese camión", citando a acusación de Dharun Ravi tralo [[Tyler Clementi|suicidio de Tyler Clementi]] como precedente legal para este tipo de accións.<ref name=Badash2>{{cite web |author=Badash, David |date=January 1, 2015 |title=Dan Savage: Parents Of Trans Teen Leelah Alcorn 'Threw Her In Front Of That Truck' |work=The New Civil Rights Movement |url=http://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/davidbadash/dan_savage_parents_of_trans_teen_leelah_alcorn_threw_her_in_front_of_that_truck |accessdate=April 22, 2017}}</ref><ref name=Broverman>{{cite web |url=http://www.advocate.com/politics/transgender/2015/01/02/savage-parents-trans-teen-who-ended-life-should-be-prosecuted |title=Savage: Parents of Trans Teen Who Ended Life Should Be Prosecuted |work=The Advocate |date=January 2, 2015 |accessdate=January 14, 2015 |author=Broverman, Neal |dead-url=no |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160323170108/http://www.advocate.com/politics/transgender/2015/01/02/savage-parents-trans-teen-who-ended-life-should-be-prosecuted |archivedate=March 23, 2016 |df=mdy-all }}</ref><ref name=Helling>{{cite web |title=Suicide of Transgender Teen Leelah Alcorn Sparks Emotional Debate |author=Helling, Steve |website=People |date=January 2, 2015 |url=http://www.people.com/article/leelah-alcorn-death-sparks-emotional-debate-parents-speak |dead-url=no |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20161229074424/http://people.com/celebrity/suicide-of-transgender-teen-leelah-alcorn-sparks-emotional-debate/ |archivedate=December 29, 2016 |accessdate=April 22, 2017 |df=mdy-all }}</ref> Tamén comentou que as accións legais deberían tomarse tamén contra os terapistas de conversión que trataran a Leelah, suxerindo que os Alcorn deberían perder a custodia dos seus outros fillos.<ref name=Molloy /><ref name=Badash2 />
Carla Alcorn responded to such criticism in an interview with [[CNN]], stating "we loved him unconditionally. We loved him no matter what. I loved my son. People need to know that I loved him. He was a good kid, a good boy."<ref name=Buncombe /><ref name=CNN1 /><ref name=Brennan /> Although acknowledging that Leelah had requested transition surgery, Carla stated that she had never heard her child use the name "Leelah", before reiterating her refusal to accept her child's transgender status, adding "We don't support that, religiously."<ref name=Buncombe /><ref name=CNN1>{{cite web |last1=Fantz |first1=Ashley |title=An Ohio transgender teen's suicide, a mother's anguish |url=http://edition.cnn.com/2014/12/31/us/ohio-transgender-teen-suicide/index.html |website=CNN |date=January 4, 2015 |accessdate=January 1, 2015 |dead-url=no |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160611115906/http://edition.cnn.com/2014/12/31/us/ohio-transgender-teen-suicide/index.html |archivedate=June 11, 2016 |df=mdy-all }}</ref><ref name=Brennan>{{cite web |title=Leelah Alcorn's mother: 'We loved him' |url=http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2014/12/31/leelah-alcorns-mother-we-loved-him/21139385/ |website=Cincinnati.com |accessdate=January 1, 2015 |date=December 31, 2014 |author=Brennan, Patrick |dead-url=no |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20150715083024/http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2014/12/31/leelah-alcorns-mother-we-loved-him/21139385/?from=global&sessionKey=&autologin= |archivedate=July 15, 2015}}</ref> She expressed concern that users of social media thought her to be a "horrible person", but defended her actions in dealing with her child, stating for example that she had banned internet access to prevent access to "inappropriate" things.<ref name=CNN1 /> In an email to Cincinnati-based channel [[WCPO-TV]], Leelah's father Doug Alcorn wrote, "We love our son, Joshua, very much and are devastated by his death. We have no desire to enter into a political storm or debate with people who did not know him. We wish to grieve in private. We harbor no ill will towards anyone. ... I simply do not wish our words to be used against us."<ref name=Law />
Carla Alcorn respondedrespondeu toa suchestas criticismcríticas innunha anentrevista interview withcoa [[CNN]], statingafirmando: "weAmábamolo lovedde himforma unconditionallyincondicional. WeAmábamolo lovedsen himimportar no matter whatnada. IAmaba lovedó mymeu sonfillo. PeopleA needxente tonecesita knowsaber thatque Io loved himamaba. HeEra wasun abo good kidrapaz, aun goodbo boyneno"."<ref name=Buncombe /><ref name=CNN1 /><ref name=Brennan /> AlthoughMalia acknowledgingrecoñecer thatque Leelah hadpedíralles requestedque transitionlle surgery,deixasen Carlasometerse stateda thatunha shecirurxía hadde nevertransición, heardCarla herafirmou childque usenunca thelle nameoíra usar o nome de "Leelah", beforereiterando reiteratingo herseu refusalrexeitamento toa acceptaceptar hera child'scondición transgenderde status,transxénero addingindicando: "WeNós don'tnon supportapoiamos thatiso, religiously.relixiosamente".<ref name=Buncombe /><ref name=CNN1>{{cite web |last1=Fantz |first1=Ashley |title=An Ohio transgender teen's suicide, a mother's anguish |url=http://edition.cnn.com/2014/12/31/us/ohio-transgender-teen-suicide/index.html |website=CNN |date=January 4, 2015 |accessdate=January 1, 2015 |dead-url=no |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20160611115906/http://edition.cnn.com/2014/12/31/us/ohio-transgender-teen-suicide/index.html |archivedate=June 11, 2016 |df=mdy-all }}</ref><ref name=Brennan>{{cite web |title=Leelah Alcorn's mother: 'We loved him' |url=http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2014/12/31/leelah-alcorns-mother-we-loved-him/21139385/ |website=Cincinnati.com |accessdate=January 1, 2015 |date=December 31, 2014 |author=Brennan, Patrick |dead-url=no |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20150715083024/http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2014/12/31/leelah-alcorns-mother-we-loved-him/21139385/?from=global&sessionKey=&autologin= |archivedate=July 15, 2015}}</ref> SheCarla expressedexpresou concerna thatsúa userspreocupación ofde socialque mediaos thoughtusuarios herdas toredes besociais apensasen que era unha "horriblepersoa personhorrible", bute defendeddefendeu heras actionssúas inaccións dealingó withtratar herco childseu fillo, statingindicando forpor exampleexemplo thatque shelle hadprohibira bannedo internetacceso accessá toInternete preventpara accessprevir toque accedese a "inappropriate"cousas thingsnon axeitadas".<ref name=CNN1 /> InNun ancorreo emailelectrónico toenviado Cincinnati-basedá canle channellocal [[WCPO-TV]], Leelah'so fatherpai de Leelah, Doug Alcorn wrote, escribiu: "WeAmamos loveó ournoso sonfillo, Joshua, verymoito muche andestamos aredesolados devastatedpola bysúa his deathmorte. WeNon havedesexamos no desire to enter into aentrar politicalnunha stormtormenta orou debate withpolítico peoplecon whopersoas didque notnon knowo himcoñecían. WeQueremos wishchoralo toen grieve in privateprivado. WeNon harborlle nogardamos illrencor will towardsa anyoneninguén. [...] ISimplemente simplynon dodesexo notque wishas ournosas wordspalabras tose beusen usedna againstnosa uscontra"."<ref name=Law />
Writing for [[Salon (website)|''Salon'']], [[Mary Elizabeth Williams]] commented that "it would be cruel and inaccurate to suggest that Carla Alcorn did not love her child", but added that Carla's statement that she "loved him unconditionally" revealed "a tragic lack of understanding of the word 'unconditionally', even in death".<ref>{{cite web |author=Williams, Mary Elizabeth |title=Leelah Alcorn's mom mourns a "good boy" |date=January 2, 2015 |website=Salon |url=http://www.salon.com/2015/01/02/leelah_alcorns_mom_mourns_a_good_boy/ |accessdate=April 22, 2016 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20170315113436/http://www.salon.com/2015/01/02/leelah_alcorns_mom_mourns_a_good_boy/ |archivedate=March 15, 2017 |dead-url=no}}</ref> ''[[People (magazine)|People]]'' magazine quoted Johanna Olson, Medical Director for the Center of Trans Youth Health and Development at [[Children's Hospital Los Angeles]], as stating that "Did Leelah's parents love her? Yes, I'm sure they did. Did they support her? No, they didn't. And that's a tragedy."<ref name=Helling /> Mara Keisling, the Executive Director of the [[National Center for Transgender Equality]], was quoted as stating that the blaming of Alcorn's parents was unhelpful, adding, "Despite the great cultural and policy advances transgender people have made, there is still a lot of disrespect, discrimination and violence aimed at us. And being a child or a teenager of any kind today is very difficult."<ref name=independent/> -->
WritingNun artigo para for [[Salon (websitepáxina-web)|''Salon'']], [[Mary Elizabeth Williams]] commentedcomentou thatque "it would besería cruel ande inaccuratepouco topreciso suggestsuxerir thatque Carla Alcorn didnon lle notquería loveó herseu childfillo", butpero addedengadiu thatque a afirmación de Carla's statementindicando that sheque "lovedamábao himde unconditionallyforma incondicional" revealedrevelaba "aunha tragictráxica lackfalta ofde understandingentendemento ofda the wordpalabra 'unconditionallyincondicional', even in death".<ref>{{cite web |author=Williams, Mary Elizabeth |title=Leelah Alcorn's mom mourns a "good boy" |date=January 2, 2015 |website=Salon |url=http://www.salon.com/2015/01/02/leelah_alcorns_mom_mourns_a_good_boy/ |accessdate=April 22, 2016 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20170315113436/http://www.salon.com/2015/01/02/leelah_alcorns_mom_mourns_a_good_boy/ |archivedate=March 15, 2017 |dead-url=no}}</ref> A revista ''[[People (magazinerevista)|People]]'' magazinecitou quotedunha afirmación de Johanna Olson, Medicaldirectora Directorde formedicina thedo Center of Trans Youth Health and Development atno [[Children's Hospital Infantil Los Angeles]],: as"Queríanlle statingos thatpais "Didde Leelah's parents love her? YesSi, I'mestou seguro surede theyque didsi. Did they support herApoiárona? No,Non. theyE didn't.iso Andé that'sunha a tragedytraxedia"."<ref name=Helling /> Mara Keisling, thedirectora Executiveexecutiva Director of thedo [[National Center for Transgender Equality]], wasfoi quotedcitada asafirmando statingque thatculpar theós blamingpais ofde Alcorn's parentsnon wasera unhelpfulútil, adding,engadindo: "DespiteMalia theos greatgrandes culturalavances andculturais policye advanceslegais transgenderconseguidos peoplepolas havepersoas madetransxénero, thereaínda ishai stillmoita afalta lotde of disrespectrespecto, discriminationdiscriminación ande violenceviolencia aimeddirixida atcara usa nós. AndE beingsendo aun childneno orou aadolescente teenagerde ofcalquera anytipo kindhoxe todayen isdía veryé difficult.moi difícil".<ref name=independent/> -->
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