Pobo lenape: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Breogan2008 (conversa | contribucións)
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Breogan2008 (conversa | contribucións)
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Liña 1:
{{Pobo|group=Lenni Lenape}}
Os '''lenape''', tamén chamados '''lenni lenape''' e '''delaware''',<ref name="AmHeritageBk">{{cita enciclopedia |ano=1961 |enciclopedia=,|localización= |id= |título=The American Heritage Book of Indians |autor=Editor: Alvin M. Josephy, Jr., by The editors of American Heritage Magazine|páxinas = 180-211|editor=American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc.|lccn=61-14871}}</ref> son un [[pobos indíxenas de América|pobo indíxena]], que viven no Canadá e nos Estados Unidos.<ref name=p422/> Tamén son chamados '''indios delaware'''<ref name=josephy/> e o seu territorio tradicional incluía o actual estado de [[Nova Jersey]] e o leste de [[Pensilvania]] a carón da [[conca fluvial]] do [[río Delaware]], a cidade de [[Nova York]], o oeste de [[Long Island]] e o val Hudson.<ref name="description" group="notes" />
LenapeO sistema de [[kinshipparentesco]] systemlenape haseran [[matrilineal]]os clans matrilineais, thaté isdicir, childrenos belongnenos topertencían their mother'só clan da nai, froma whichpartir theydo gaincal socialeles gañaban o seu status andsocial e a súa identityidentidade. TheO mother'sirmán eldestmaior brotherda wasnai moreera significantmáis assignificativo acomo mentor todo theneno maleque childreno thanseu waspropio their fatherpai, whoque waspolo generallyxeral ofera anotherdoutro clan. HereditaryO leadershipliderado passedhereditario throughtransmitíase thea través de maternalliña linematerna,<ref name="AmHeritageBk"/> ande womenas mulleres maiores elderspodían couldquitar removedo leaderspoder ofos whomlideres theyque disapproveddesaprobaban. AgriculturalA landterra wasagrícola managedera byxestionada womenpolas andmulleres allottede accordingasignada tosegundo theas subsistencenecesidades needsde ofsubsistencia theirdas extendedsúas familiesfamilias extensas. FamiliesAs familias wereeran [[matrilocal|matrilocais]]; newlywedas couplesparellas wouldrecén livecasadas withvivían thecoa bride'sfamilia familyda noiva, whereonde hera mothersúa andnai e as sisterssúas couldirmás alsotamén assistpodían heraxudala withcoa hersúa growingcrecente familyfamilia.<ref name="AmHeritageBk"/>
Durante as [[guerras dos Castores]] da primeira metade do século XVII, os colonos europeos foron coidadosos en evitar que as armas de fogo caesen en mans dos lenape,<ref name="AmHeritageBk"/> mentres que os seus rivais [[Linguas iroquesas|iroqueses]], como os [[susquehannock]]s e a [[Pobos iroqueses|Confederación dos Iroqueses]] estaban comparativamente mellor armados.<ref name="AmHeritageBk"/>Both the Iroquois and Susquehannocks had trade relations with Europeans and access to extensive river systems hosting beaver colonies&mdash;the most coveted furs for Europeans. This gave them access to firearms and made them militarily powerful. For example, over a decade, the Susquehannocks, who'd allied with [[New Sweden|Swedish Colonists]], fought a declared war with the [[Province of Maryland]]. By mid-century, they'd subjected the Delaware and so well armed they were much feared by surrounding tribes.</ref> Subsequently, the Lenape became subjugated and made tributary to first the Susquehannocks, then the Iroquois, even needing their rivals' (superiors') agreement to initiate treaties such as land sales.<ref name="AmHeritageBk"/> Like most tribes, Lenape communities were weakened by newly introduced diseases originating in Europe, mainly [[smallpox]] but also cholera, influenza and dysentery, and recurrent violent racial conflict with Europeans. [[Iroquoian people]]s occasionally fought the Lenape. As the 18th century progressed, many surviving Lenape moved west&mdash;into the (relatively empty){{efn
During the [[Beaver Wars]] in the first half of the 17th century, European colonists were careful to keep firearms from the coastally located Delaware,<ref name="AmHeritageBk"/> while rival [[Iroquoian]] peoples such as the [[Susquehannock]]s and [[Iroquois|Confederation of the Iroquois]] became comparatively well armed.<ref name="AmHeritageBk"/>{{efn|
Both the Iroquois and Susquehannocks had trade relations with Europeans and access to extensive river systems hosting beaver colonies&mdash;the most coveted furs for Europeans. This gave them access to firearms and made them militarily powerful. For example, over a decade, the Susquehannocks, who'd allied with [[New Sweden|Swedish Colonists]], fought a declared war with the [[Province of Maryland]]. By mid-century, they'd subjected the Delaware and so well armed they were much feared by surrounding tribes.
}} Subsequently, the Lenape became subjugated and made tributary to first the Susquehannocks, then the Iroquois, even needing their rivals' (superiors') agreement to initiate treaties such as land sales.<ref name="AmHeritageBk"/> Like most tribes, Lenape communities were weakened by newly introduced diseases originating in Europe, mainly [[smallpox]] but also cholera, influenza and dysentery, and recurrent violent racial conflict with Europeans. [[Iroquoian people]]s occasionally fought the Lenape. As the 18th century progressed, many surviving Lenape moved west&mdash;into the (relatively empty){{efn
|The European explorers, traders and missionary penetrating past the Alleghenies in the mid-17th century all report the [[Ohio Country]] to be uninhabited, perhaps shared hunting territories.<ref name="AmHeritageBk"/> As the Beaver Wars progressed, it is known that Iroquois war parties entered the area, and the confederation later claimed the lands as hunting territories.<ref name="AmHeritageBk"/> Why they were empty in the earlier days, if they were instead made empty by the wars or the degree of participation by the Erie Peoples and Susquehannocks (relatives of the Iroquois) is unknown but suspected.
}} upper [[Ohio River]] basin.
Liña 15 ⟶ 13:
== Notas ==
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=== Ligazóns externas ===
* [http://www.delawarenation.com Delaware Nation], páxina oficial
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20111102124537/http://www.delawaretribeofindians.nsn.us/ Delaware Tribe of Indians], páxina oficial
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