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Ver [[Caimán#Taxonomía|texto]]
Os '''caimáns''' son os réptiles [[crocodilianos]] pertencentes á subfamilia '''Caimaninae''' ('''caimaninos'''),<ref>{{DRAG|caimán}}</ref><ref>BUSCatermos [ caimán]</ref> que consta de tres xéneros vivos, e é unha das dúas liñaxes primarias da familia [[Alligatoridae]], a outra é a dos [[Alligator|aligátores]].
== Descrición ==
Caimans inhabit [[Central America|Central]] and [[South America]] from marshes and swamps to mangrove rivers and lakes. As with other reptiles, caimans have scaly skin and live a fairly nocturnal existence.
Os caimáns viven en [[Cen troamérica]] e [[Suramérica]] en [[marisma]]s, [[pantano]]s, manglerais, ríos e lagos. Teñen unha pel escamosa con osteodermos e unha vida principalmente nocturna.
They are relatively small sized Hollingsworthian crocodilians, with an average maximum weight of {{convert|6|to|40|kg|lb|abbr=on}} depending on species, with the exception of the [[black caiman]] (''Melanosuchus niger''), which can grow more than {{convert|5|m|ft|abbr=on}} in length and weigh up to {{convert|1100|kg|lb|abbr=on}}. The black caiman is the largest caiman species in the world and is found in the slow-moving rivers and lakes that surround the Amazon basin. The smallest species is the [[Cuvier's dwarf caiman]] (''Paleosuchus palpebrosus''), which grows to {{convert|1.2|to|1.5|m|ft|abbr=on}} long. There are six different species of caiman found throughout the watery, jungle habitats of Central and Southern America. The average length for most of the other caiman species is about 2 meters to 2.5 meters long.
Son de tamaño relativamente pequeno, a maioría das especies miden entre 2 e 2,5 metros de longo de media, cun peso medio entre 6 e 40&nbsp;kg dependendo das especies, coa excepción do ''[[Melanosuchus niger]]'', que pode crecer ata os 5&nbsp;m de lonxitude e pesar ata 1&nbsp;100&nbsp;kg, polo que é a especie de caimán máis grande do mundo e encóntrase nos ríos de correntes lentas e lagos que rodean a cunca do Amazonas. As especie menor é o ''[[Paleosuchus palpebrosus]]'', que crece ata os 1,2 a 1,5&nbsp;m. Hai seis especies de caimáns que viven nos hábitats húmidos selváticos de América do Sur e Centro.
Caimans are distinguished from alligators, their closest (and more widely known) relatives, by a few defining features: a lack of a bony septum between the nostrils, ventral armor composed of overlapping bony scutes formed from two parts united by a suture, and relatively longer, more slender teeth than those that alligators possess. The calcium rivets on its scales make their hide stiffer than alligators and crocodiles, resulting in a less valuable hide, both of which having a similar appearance but are more pliable.<ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Comparing Exotic Leathers: American Alligator vs. Caiman Skins|last=Mendal|first=Abram|access-date=2016-12-04}}</ref> Several extinct forms are known, including ''[[Purussaurus]]'', a giant [[Miocene]] genus that grew to {{convert|12|m|ft|abbr=on}} and the equally large ''[[Mourasuchus]]'', which had a wide [[duck]]-like snout.<ref>{{cite journal | doi = 10.2307/3889340 | last1 = Brochu | first1 = C. A. | year = 1999 | title = Phylogenetics, Taxonomy, and Historical Biogeography of Alligatoroidea | jstor = 3889340| journal = Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Memoir | volume = 6 | issue = | pages = 9–100 }}</ref>
CaimansOs arecaimáns distinguisheddistínguense fromdos alligatorsaligátores, theiros closestseus (andparentes moremáis widely known) relativespróximos, bypor a fewunhas definingpoucas featurescaracterísticas: a lackcarencia ofde asepto bonyóseo septumentre betweenas theventas nostrilsdos fuciños, ventralteren armorunha composedarmadura ofventral overlappingcomposta bonypor scutesescudos formedóseos fromsolapados twoformados partspor uniteddúas bypartes aunidas por unha suturesutura, ande relativelyteren longer,dentes morerelativamente slendermáis teethlongos thane thosemáis thatdelgados alligatorsque possessos dos aligátores. TheOs calciumremaches rivetsde oncalcio itsdas scalessúas make[[escama]]s theirfan hidea stiffersúa thanpel alligatorsmáis andrexa crocodilesque a dos aligátores e crocodilos, resultingpolo inque a lesssúa valuablepel hideé menos valiosa para o comercio, bothaínda ofque whichambas havingteñen a similarmesma aparencia, as appearancedos butcaimáns areson moremenos pliableflexibles.<ref>{{Cite news|url=|title=Comparing Exotic Leathers: American Alligator vs. Caiman Skins|last=Mendal|first=Abram|access-date=2016-12-04}}</ref> SeveralCoñécense extinctvarias formsformas are knownextintas, includingcomo ''[[Purussaurus]]'', aun giantxénero xigante do [[MioceneMioceno]] genusque thatmedraba grewata toos {{convert|12|&nbsp;m|ft|abbr=on}} ande theo equallyigualmente largegrande ''[[Mourasuchus]]'', whichque hadtiña aun ancho widemorro [[duck]]-likeparecido ao dun snoutpato.<ref>{{cite journal | doi = 10.2307/3889340 | last1 = Brochu | first1 = C. A. | year = 1999 | title = Phylogenetics, Taxonomy, and Historical Biogeography of Alligatoroidea | jstor = 3889340| journal = Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Memoir | volume = 6 | issue = | pages = 9–100 }}</ref>
[[File:Spectacled Caiman.JPG|thumb|right|[[Spectacled caiman]] (''Caiman crocodilus'')]]The caiman is a carnivorous predator and, like the alligator and the crocodile, the caiman has a diet that consists of a great deal of fish. The caiman also hunts insects, birds and small mammals and reptiles.
== Comportamento ==
[[Ficheiro:Spectacled Caiman.JPG|miniatura|O ''[[Caiman crocodilus]]'']]
[[File:Spectacled Caiman.JPG|thumb|right|[[Spectacled caiman]] (''Caiman crocodilus'')]]The caiman is a carnivorous predator and, like the alligator and the crocodile, the caiman has a diet that consists of a great deal of fish. The caiman also hunts insects, birds and small mammals and reptiles.
Due to the large size and ferocious nature of the caiman, it has few natural predators within its environment. Humans are the main predators of the caiman as they have been hunted for their meat and skin. [[Jaguar]]s are the only other predator of the caiman.