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Liña 46:
===Outros tipos===
<!-- [[File:Sea Salt.jpg|thumb|left|IrregularCristais crystalsirregulares ofde [[seasal saltmariño]]]]
UnrefinedO [[seasal saltmariño]] containsnon smallrefinado amountscontén ofpequenas cantidades de [[magnesiummagnesio]] andasí como [[calciumhaluro]]s e [[halidessulfato]]s andde [[sulfatecalcio]]s, tracestrazas ofde [[algae|algal productsalgas]], salt-resistant [[bacteria]]s andresistentes ó sal e sedimentpartículas particlessedimentarias. TheAs calciumsales andde magnesiumcalcio saltse confermagnesio aconfírenlle faintlyun bittermatíz overtone[[ocre]], ande theyfan makeque unrefinedo seasal saltmariño non refinado sexa [[hygroscopichigroscópico]] (i.e., itAs graduallytrazas absorbsde moisturealgas fromdánlle airun if stored[[olor]] uncovered)mariño. AlgalA productsproporción contributede asedimentos mildlyvaría "fishy"segundo ora "sea-air"fonte odour,e thedanlle lattera fromeste [[Organobrominesal compound#Organobromineunha compoundsaparencia ingris nature|organobromine compounds]]mate. Sediments,Xa theque proportionos ofhumanos whichson variescapaces withde thedetectar source,o givesabor thee salt[[composto aaromático|compostos dullaromáticos]] greyen appearance.concentracións Sinceminúsculas, tasteo andsal aromamariño compoundsadoita arepresentar oftenun detectablesabor bymáis humanscomplexo inque minuteo concentrations,sal seacomún saltcando mayse haveemprega adirectamente morena complexcomida flavorno thanprato. purePorén, sodiumá chloridehora whende sprinkledcociñar onestes topsabores ofadoitan food.quedar Whenofuscados saltpolos isdos addedrestantes duringingredientes cookingda however,comida.<ref>{{cite thesebook flavors|last=McGee would|first=Harold likely|title=On beFood overwhelmedand byCooking those|publisher=Scribner of|edition=2nd the|year=2004 food|isbn=9781416556374 ingredients.{{sfn|McGee|2004url= |p=642}}</ref> TheA refinedindustria saltdo industryrefinamento citesdo scientificsal studiessostén sayingen thatbase rawa seadeterminados andestudos rockcientíficos saltsque doo notsal containmariño enoughe o sal en rocha non conteñen suficientes sales de [[iodineiodo]] saltscomo topara preventprevir [[Iodineas deficiency|iodinedeficiencias deficiencyde diseases]]iodo.<ref>{{cite web|title=References on food salt & health issues|url=|publisher=Salt Institute|accessdate=5 Decemberde decembro de 2010|year=2009}}</ref>
Os distintos sales naturais presentan mineralidades diferentes dependendo da súa fonte, polo que cada sal ten un sabor propio. ''[[Fleur de sel]]'', un sal natural obtido pola evaporación de auga salada, ten un sabor único que varía segundo a rexión na que se produce. Na [[gastronomía de Corea|cociña coreana]] tradicional, o sal "[[Jukyeom]]" ("sal de bambú") prepárase tostando sal nun contedor de [[bambú]] con [[barro]] nos seus extremos.<ref>{{cite book |last=Livingston |first=James V. |title=Agriculture and soil pollution: new research |publisher=Nova Publishers |year=2005 |isbn=1-59454-310-0 |url= |p=45}}</ref> Este produto absorbe minerais do bambú e do barro, e supostamente incrementa as propiedades [[clastóxeno|anticlastoxénicas]] e [[Mutáxeno|antimutaxénicas]] do ''[[doenjang]]''.<ref>{{cite book |last1=Shahidi |first1=Fereidoon |last2=Shi |first2=John |last3=Ho |first3=Chi-Tang |title=Asian functional foods |publisher=CRC Press |location=Boca Raton |year=2005 |isbn=0-8247-5855-2 |p=575}}</ref> O [[sal Kosher]], malia pasar un proceso de refinado, non contén iodo e ten un tamaño de gran maior que outros sales refinados. Isto outórgalle propiedades distintas á hora de usalo na cociña, e considérase útil na preparación de [[carne kosher]].<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Kosher Salt Guide |publisher=SaltWorks |year=2010}}</ref>
Different natural salts have different [[Minerality#I–P|mineralities]] depending on their source, giving each one a unique flavour. [[Fleur de sel]], a natural sea salt from the surface of evaporating brine in salt pans, has a unique flavour varying with the region from which it is produced. In traditional [[Korean cuisine]], so-called "[[Jukyeom|bamboo salt]]" is prepared by roasting salt{{sfn|Livingston|2005|p=45}} in a [[bamboo]] container plugged with mud at both ends. This product absorbs minerals from the bamboo and the mud, and has been claimed to increase the [[clastogen|anticlastogenic]] and [[mutagen|antimutagenic]] properties of [[doenjang]] (a fermented bean paste).{{sfn|Shahidi|Shi|Ho|2005|p=575}}
[[Kosher salt]], though refined, contains no iodine and has a much larger grain size than most refined salts. This can give it different properties when used in cooking, and can be useful for preparing [[kosher meat]]. Some kosher salt has been certified to meet [[kosher]] requirements by a [[hechsher]], but this is not true for all products labelled as kosher salt.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Kosher Salt Guide |publisher=SaltWorks |year=2010}}</ref> -->
===Presenza noutros alimentos===