Unreal Engine: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Banjo (conversa | contribucións)
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== UnrealScript ==
<!-- UnrealScript (oftenabreviado abbreviated tocoma UScript) isfoi Unreala Engine'slinguaxe nativede ''scripting'' languagenativa usedde forUnreal authoringengine gamepara codeo andcódigo [[gameplay]]dos eventsxogos beforedesenvolvidos thecon releaseeste ofmotor antes da publicación de Unreal Engine 4. TheEstaba languagedeseñada waspara designedunha forprogramación simple,de [[high-levelalto programmingnivel language|high-level]] [[game programming]]sinxela.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/UnrealScriptReference.html#Design%20goals%20of%20_UnrealScript |title=UDN - Three - UnrealScriptReference |publisher=Udn.epicgames.com |date= |accessdate=2013-06-26 de xuño de 2013}}</ref> TheO UnrealScriptintérprete interpreterde wasUnrealScript programmedfoi byprogramado [[Timpolo Sweeneypropio (game developer)|Tim Sweeney]], whoquen alsoxa createdcreara anunha earlierversión gameprevia scriptingdesta language, [[ZZT-oop]]linguaxe.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ign.com/articles/2010/02/23/history-of-the-unreal-engine|title=History of the Unreal Engine. The Epic evolution of gaming's most influential engine, from Gears of War to Mass Effect 2|work=[[IGN]]|publisher=[[Ziff Davis]]|date=23 Februaryde febreiro de 2010|accessdate=3 Januaryde xaneiro de 2016|first=Mike|last=Thomsen}}</ref>
Semellante a [[Java (linguaxe de programación)|Java]], UnrealScript está [[linguaxe orientada a obxectos|orientada a obxectos]] sen [[herdanza múltiple]], e as [[clase (programación)|clases]] defínense en ficheiros individuais. En contraste con Java, UnrealScript non ten ''wrappers'' de obxectos para tipos primitivos, e as interfaces só están dispoñibles para xogos feitos con Unreal Engine 3 e algúns con Unreal Engine 2.
Similar to [[Java (programming language)|Java]], UnrealScript is [[object-oriented]] without [[multiple inheritance]] (classes all inherit from a common Object class), and classes are defined in individual files named for the class they define. Unlike [[Java (programming language)|Java]], UnrealScript does not have object wrappers for primitive types. Interfaces are only supported in Unreal Engine generation 3 and a few Unreal Engine 2 games. UnrealScript supports [[operator overloading]], but not [[method overloading]], except for optional parameters.
InEn Marchmarzo de 2014 Epic announcedanunciou that theque Unreal Engine 4 would no longernon becontinuaría supportingempregando UnrealScript, butsenón insteadque support gameusaría ''scripting'' inen [[C++]]. [[Visuallinguaxe programmingde languageprogramación visual|VisualA programación scriptingvisual]] wouldestaría besoportada supportedporlo by thesistema Blueprints Visual Scripting system, asubstituto replacementdo forsistema the earliervisual Kismet visual scripting systemprevio.<ref name="gamasutra">{{cite web | url=http://gamasutra.com/view/news/213647/Epics_Tim_Sweeney_lays_out_the_case_for_Unreal_Engine_4.php | title=Epic's Tim Sweeney lays out the case for Unreal Engine 4 | publisher=Gamasutra | date=March 21, de marzo de 2014 | accessdate=29 Novemberde novembro de 2015}}</ref> -->