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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Liña 71:
== Historia natural ==
In contrast to the [[arboreal]], [[nocturnality|nocturnal]] viverrids, mongooses are more commonly terrestrial and many are active during the day.
A diferenza dos vivérridos arbóreos nocturnos, as mangostas son normalmente terrestres e moitas son activas durante o día.
[[File:Herpestes edwardsii. 2.jpg| thumb |[[Indian gray mongoose]], ''Herpestes edwardsii'']]
The [[Egyptian mongoose]] (''Herpestes ichneumon'') is sometimes held as an example of a solitary mongoose, though it has been observed to work in groups.<ref>
[[FileFicheiro:Herpestes edwardsii. 2.jpg| thumbminiatura |[[Indian gray mongoose]], ''Herpestes edwardsii'']]
A [[mangosta exipcia]] (''Herpestes ichneumon'') ponse ás veces como exemplo de mangosta solitaria, aínda que se observou que traballa tamén en grupos.<ref>
{{cite web | url=http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Herpestes_ichneumon.html | title=Animal Diversity Web: ''Herpestes ichneumon'' | accessdate=2006-04-12}}</ref>
=== Dieta ===
[[FileFicheiro:Brown Mongoose.jpg| thumbminiatura | leftesquerda |[[Indian brown mongoose]], ''Herpestes fuscus'']]
MongoosesAs mostlymangostas feedcomen onprincipalmente [[insectinsecto]]s, [[crabcangrexo]]s, [[earthwormmiñoca]]s, [[lizardlagarto]]s, [[birdaves]]s, ande [[rodentroedores]]s. HoweverPorén, theytamén also eatcomen [[Eggovo (biologybioloxía)|eggovos]]s ande [[carrionprea]].
TheA ''[[IndianHerpestes gray mongooseedwardsii]]'' ande othersoutras areteñen wella knownhabilidade forde theirloitar abilitye tomatar fightserpes velenosas, andespecialmente killas ''[[venomous snakeNaja]]s'', particularlypara [[cobra]]s.o Theyque areaproveitan adepta atsúa suchaxilidade, tasksgroso duepelame toe theirreceptores agility, thick coats, and specializedde [[acetylcholineacetilcolina]] receptors that render themespecializados resistantque oras immunefan toresistentes snakeao venomveleno.<ref>{{cite web | url=http://www.pnas.org/content/89/16/7717.long | title=How the Mongoose Defeats the Snake | accessdate = 2010-10-25 }}</ref> HoweverPorén, theynormalmente typicallyevitan avoidas the''Naja'' cobra(cobras and[[elápidos|elápidas]] haveda noIndia) e non teñen unha particular affinitytendencia a forconsumir consuminga itssúa meatcarne.<ref name=Mondadori>{{cite book | editor = Mondadori, Arnoldo | title = Great Book of the Animal Kingdom | location = New York | publisher = Arch Cape Press | year = 1988 | pages = 301}}</ref>
SomeAlgunhas speciesespecies canpoden learnaprender simpletrucos trickssimples. TheyPoden can beser semi-[[domesticationdomesticación|domesticateddomesticadas]] ande aretidas keptcomo asmascotas petsque tocontrolan controlanimais [[vermin]]daniños.<ref>Sherman, D. M. (2002). [https://books.google.com/books?id=J6oxHWOnRgoC&pg=PA45&dq= Sherman, D. M. (2002). ''Tending Animals in the Global Village: A Guide to International Veterinary Medicine'']. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. p. 45. ISBN 0683180517.</ref> HoweverPorén,poden theyser canmáis bedestrutivas moreque destructiveo thanque desiredse desexaba; whenpor importedexemplo, intocando these importaron ás [[Caribbean|WestIndias IndiesOccidentais]] topara killque matasen as [[ratrata]]s, theydestruíron destroyeda mostmaior ofparte theda small,pequena ground-based [[fauna]]. Forque thisvivía reason,no itchan. isPor illegalesta torazón, import mosté speciesilegal ofimportalas mongoosesen intovarios the United States,países<ref>{{cite web | url=http://news.fws.gov/newsreleases/LACYBANS.html | title=Animals whose importation is banned under the Lacey Act | accessdate=2006-04-12}}</ref>. Australia,As andmangostas otherforon countries.introducidas Mongooses were introduced toen [[HawaiiHawai]] inen 1883 ande havetiveron hadun anegativo significantefecto negativesobre effect onas nativeespecies speciesnativas.<ref>{{cite web | url=http://starbulletin.com/2004/02/25/news/story7.html | title=Star Bulletin: Traps set to catch mongoose on Kauai | accessdate=2006-04-12}}</ref>
=== Reprodución ===
Liña 101:
[[Ficheiro:Mongoose.jpg|miniatura|''[[Mungos mungo]]'']]
[[Ficheiro:Suricata.suricatta.6860.jpg|miniatura|''[[Suricata suricatta]]'']]
Mongooses are a common spectacle at roadside shows in [[Pakistan]]. [[Snake charming|Snake charmers]] keep mongooses for mock fights with snakes. On [[Okinawa Prefecture|Okinawa]] (where mongooses were misguidedly brought in to control the local habu snake), mongoose fights with these highly venomous snakes (''[[Ovophis okinavensis]]'' and ''[[Trimeresurus flavoviridis]]'') in a closed perimeter were presented as spectator events at such parks as Okinawa World; however, due to pressure from [[animal rights]] activists, the spectacle is less common today.<ref>Charles, Bill. "Okinawa World Presents Midsummer Thrills." Japan Update. 24 August 2012. http://www.japanupdate.com/archive/index.php?id=12558.</ref>