Radiación adaptativa: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
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Liña 16:
| isbn = 1-4051-0378-7
| url = https://books.google.com/books?doi=SopsLRo1QyUC&pg=PA21
}}</ref> Os lagartos [[Anolis|anolinos]] do [[Caribe (rexión)|Caribe]] son un exemplo particularmente interesante dunha radiación adaptativa.<ref>[http://www87.homepage.villanova.edu/todd.jackman/anolis/parallel.html ''Parallel Adaptive Radiations - Caribbean Anoline Lizards.''] Tood Jackman. Villanova University. Retrieved 10 September 2013.</ref> As illas [[Hawai]] son un arquipélago moi illado e nel se encontran moitos exemplos de radiación adaptativa. Un exemplo excepcional de radiación adaptativa é o das especies de aves doda xénerosubfamilia dos ''[[CyanerpesCarduelinae|carduelinos]]'' hawaianashawaianos. Por medio da selección natural, estes paxaros adaptáronse rapidamente e converxeron segundo os dferentes ambientes das illas hawaianas nos que vivían.<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Reding|first1=DM|last2=Foster|first2=JT|last3=James|first3=HF|last4=Pratt|first4=D|last5=Fleischer|first5=RC|title=Convergent evolution of 'creepers' in the Hawaiian honeycreeper radiation|journal=Biology Letters|date=2009|volume=5|pages=221–224|doi=10.1098/rsbl.2008.0589}}</ref>
Realizáronse moitas investigacións sobre a radiación adaptativa debido aos seus drásticos efectos na diversidade da poboación. Porén, cómpre facer máis investigación, especialmente para comprender completamente os moitos factores que afectan á radiación adaptativa. Os enfoques empíricos e teóricos son ambos útiles, aínda que cada un ten as súas desvantaxes.<ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Gavrilets | first1 = S. | last2 = Losos | first2 = J. B. | year = 2009 | title = Adaptive radiation: contrasting theory with data | url = | journal = Science | volume = 323 | issue = 5915| pages = 732–737 | doi=10.1126/science.1157966}}</ref>
Liña 65:
=== En aves hawaianas ===
AnotherOutro exampleexemploo ofde anradiación adaptiveadaptativa radiationson wouldas beespecies ande aves da subfamilia dos [[endemicCarduelinae|carduelinos]] species of the [[Hawaiian Islandsendemismo|endémicas]]. Thedas [[Hawaiianillas honeycreeperHawai]]s. areEstas aaves large,hawaianas highlyson diverseun speciesgrupo whichgrande havee beenmoi partdiverso, ofque aformaron vastparte adaptivedunha ampla radiación radiationadaptativa, thatque empezou begancando as theillas HawaiianHawai Islandsempezaban started toa formformarse. As Theespecies honeycreeperdestas speciesaves wasforon shapedmodeladas bypola islandformación formationdas andillas naturale selectiona selección natural. O Themecanismo mechanismpolo bycal whichocorreu thisesta adaptiveradiación radiationadaptativa occurredpode candescribirse becomo describedespeciación asalopátrica allopatricpor speciationmedio viado themodelo peripheralillado isolate modelperiférico. EachCada timevez aque newse islandformaba formed,unha anova dispersalilla, eventocorría wouldun occurevento whichde woulddispersión, resultque intería newcomo communityresltado structuresnovas onestruturas eachda island.comunidade Newen selectioncada pressuresilla. forcedAs thepresións adaptivede radiationselección offorzaron thea Hawaiianradiación honeycreepers,adaptativa asa theymedida neededque toexplotaban exploitos newnovos resourcesrecursos fromdos thediferentres differentambientes environmentsde of eachcada islandilla.<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Schluter|first1=Dolph|title=Ecological causes of adaptive radiation|journal=Am Nat|date=1996|volume=148|pages=S40-S64|doi=10.1086/285901}}</ref> Determinouse Itque hasmoitas beendas determinedmorfoloxías thatsimilares manye ofcomportamentos thedestas similaraves, morphologiesque andviven behaviorsen of the Hawaiianillas Honeycreepersdistantes, locateddébense ona distantconverxencia islands, are due to convergence ofde analogoustrazos traitsanálogos causedcausados bypor similarambientes environmentssimilares.<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Reding|first1=DM|last2=Foster|first2=JT|last3=James|first3=HF|last4=Pratt|first4=HD|last5=Fleisher|first5=RC|title=Convergent evolution of 'creepers' in the Hawaiian honeycreeper radiation|journal=Biol Lett|date=2009|volume=5|pages=221–224|doi=10.1098/rsbl.2008.0589}}</ref>
=== En plantas hawaianas ===
Though the most famously recognized cases of adaptive radiation have occurred in animals such as Darwin's finches or the cichlid fish, adaptive radiation certainly occurs in plant species as well. The most famous example of adaptive radiation in plants is quite possibly the Hawaiian [[Argyroxiphium|silverswords]]. The Hawaiian [[silversword alliance]] consists of twenty-eight species of Hawaiian plants which range from trees to shrubs to vines. This is exceptional diversification as can be seen through the significant morphological differences between each species of the Hawaiian silverswords.<ref>Baldwin, Bruce G., and Michael J. Sanderson. "Age and rate of diversification of the Hawaiian silversword alliance (Compositae)." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95.16 (1998): 9402-9406.</ref> With some species, it is virtually impossible to distinguish visually that they were ever part of one species to begin with. These radiations occurred millions of years ago, but through studies over the past few decades, it has been suggested that the rate of speciation and diversification was extremely high. These high rates, as well as the fragmented landscape of the Hawaiian Islands, are key characteristics which point directly to adaptive radiation.