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Breogan2008 (conversa | contribucións)
Breogan2008 (conversa | contribucións)
Liña 26:
O [[29 de xullo]] de [[1525]], foi fundada a cidade de [[Santa Marta, Colombia|Santa Marta]] na costa norte de Colombia polo conquistador Rodrigo de Bastidas. En [[1536]], [[Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada]] liderou unha expedición con 600 soldados e 85 cabalos, deixando atrás Santa Marta e chegando a territorio muisca ese mesmo ano.
Among the villages of [[Suesca]] and [[Nemocón]] the De Quesada expedition faced the first attempt of Muisca active resistance: the Muisca ''zipa'' [[Tisquesusa]], made a failed effort to oust the invaders, who then gave the first show of their military superiority.
Later, De Quesada, in Bogota´s savannah was harassed continuously by Tisquesusa's subjects, but managed to take advantage of rivalries among various indigenous chiefs to go weakening the power of the zipa of Bacatá. The chiefs of [[Chía, Cundinamarca|Chía]] and Suba were among the first to submit and collaborate with the Spanish, while men of Tisquesusa suffered defeat after defeat and failed to oppose the Spaniards, who had horses, dogs and metal weapons, rather than primitive wooden weapons: spears, clubs and darts thrown with shuttles. Tisquesusa continued to harass and attack the Spaniards, but in some obscure skirmish, late 1537, he died, without the Spaniards know immediately and without knowing anything of his treasure.<ref>{{Cite book|title=Historia de Colombia: el establecimiento de la dominación española|last=Langebaek|first=Karl|publisher=Imprenta Nacional de Colombia|year=1996|isbn=|location=Bogotá, Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango|pages=}}</ref>
Tisquesusa's successor, his nephew [[Sagipa]] (Saquesazipa) underwent soon to the Spaniards. Soon the relations between the Spanish and Sagipa deteriorated. Those eager to locate the lost treasure of the ''zipa'' apprehended Sagipa and subjected to trial, accusing him of rebellion against the Spaniards and refusing to reveal the site where the fabulous treasure was hidden.
Tundama was another chief who had appeared ready to fight. This bellicose leader called his subjects and requested the assistance of neighboring ''caciques'' from Serinza, so when De Quesada came, he found the most ordered troops and more martial aspect to here they had been among Muisca, formed by steps in different bodies, all festooned with feathers of different colors. In this battle, called Bonsa, indigenous forces opposed a desperate resistance. The Spanish general De Quesada was in danger of losing his life by falling from his horse in the midst of enemies, but at last, broke the Indians and trampled by horses, were Bonsa marshes stained with indigenous blood.<ref>{{Cite book|title=Compendio histórico del descubrimiento y colonización de la Nueva Granada en el siglo XVI|last=Acosta|first=Joaquín|publisher=Imprenta De La Luz|year=1901|isbn=|location=Bogotá, Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango|pages=Chapter XIII}}</ref>
Finally on August 6th, 1538 the city of [[Bogotá]] (named originally ''Santa Fé de Bogotá'') was founded on the remains of the original southern Muisca capital Bacatá.
== Notas ==