Hiroshima: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Jglamela (conversa | contribucións)
Liña 65:
O seu avión axiña chegou á cidade, a cal bordearon. Unha xigantesca cicatriz sobre a tierra, aínda ardendo, e cuberta por unha moi espesa nube de fume, era todo o que quedaba dunha gran cidade. Aterraron ao sur da cidade e o oficial comezou a organizar medidas de axuda, despois de informar do visto a Tokio.
As primeiras novas da causa do desastre en chegar a Tokio viñeron da Casa Branca, 16 horas despois do ataque. Estímase que cara fins de [[1945]] morreron máis de 60.000 persoas debido aos danos causados pola explosión. Sen embargoPorén, este total non inclúe as vítimas a longo prazo debidas a enfermidades causadas polas radiacións.
Case de inmediato despois do fin da Segunda Guerra Mundial, e persistindo até o día de hoxe, os bombardeos atómicos sobre as cidades de Hiroshima e [[Nagasaki]] foron cuestionados. O seu uso ten sido cualificado de bárbaro baixo as premisas de que o presidente [[Harry Truman]] sabía que [[Hirohito]] tiña a intención de renderse en breve e de que, no momento do ataque, o territorio estadounidense non estaba en perigo. Ademais de destruirdestruír unha base militar e un centro industrial militar, decenas de miles de civís foron asasinados. Algúns alegan que os xaponeses estaban xa esencialmente derrotados e que o uso das bombas era innecesario.<!-- Some have also suggested that a demonstration of an atomic bomb in an uninhabited region should have been attempted.-->
<!--In reply, defenders of the decision to use the bombs say that it is almost certain that the Japanese would not have surrendered without their use, and that hundreds of thousands - perhaps millions - would have perished in the planned U.S. invasion of Japan. To support their argument, they point out that the Japanese agreed to surrender only after the second bomb was dropped, when it was evident that the first was not an isolated event, and future prospects were for a continuing rain of such bombs. (In actuality, the U.S. did not have another atomic bomb ready after the bombing of Nagasaki due the difficulty of producing fissile material.) Regarding the suggestion of a demonstration, they maintain that, given the mind-set of the Japanese at the time, it is unlikely that any conceivable benign demonstration would have induced surrender.-->
Liña 73:
<!--Others contend that Japan had been trying to surrender for at least two months, but the US refused by insisting on an unconditional surrender—which they did not get even after the bombing, the bone of contention being retention of the Emperor.[http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2002/reviews/2943hiroshima.html],[http://www.nuclearfiles.org/hitimeline/1945.html]-->
Decenas de miles de personaspersoas marcaron o 40 aniversario do bombardeo atómico da cidade o [[6 de agosto]] de [[1985]].
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