Fosfolipase A2: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
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=== Fosfolipases A2 segregadas (sPLA2) ===
TheAs [[extracellular]]formas formsextracelulares ofdas phospholipasesfosfolipases A2 have beenforon isolatedilladas fromde differentdiferentes [[venomveleno]]s (de [[Snakeveleno de venomserpe|snakeserpes]], [[ApitoxinApitoxina|beeabellas]], ande [[waspavespa]]s), frome virtuallydesde everypracticamente studiedtodos os tecidos de [[mammalmamífero]]ians [[Tissueestudados (biology)|tissue]]incluíndo (includingo [[pancreaspáncreas]] and e os [[kidneyril]]es) as welle astamén fromde [[bacteria]]s. Para a súa Theyactividade requirerequiren [[CalciumCalcio|Ca]]<sup>2+</sup> for activity.
As sPLA2 pancfreáticas serven para a [[dixestión]] inicisal dos compostos [[fosfolípido|fosfolipídicos]] das graxas da dieta. As fosfolipases do veleno axudan a inmobilizar as presas ao promover a [[lise]] celular.
Pancreatic sPLA2 serve for the initial [[digestion]] of phospholipid compounds in dietary [[fat]]. Venom phospholipases help to immobilize prey by promoting cell [[lysis]].
InEn miceratos, groupas sPLA2 do grupo III sPLA2están areimplicadas involvedna inmaduración spermdos maturation[[espermatozoide]]s,<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Sato H, Taketomi Y, Isogai Y, Miki Y, Yamamoto K, Masuda S, Hosono T, Arata S, Ishikawa Y, Ishii T, Kobayashi T, Nakanishi H, Ikeda K, Taguchi R, Hara S, Kudo I, Murakami M | title = Group III secreted phospholipase A2 regulates epididymal sperm maturation and fertility in mice | journal = The Journal of Clinical Investigation | volume = 120 | issue = 5 | pages = 1400–14 | date = May 2010 | pmid = 20424323 | pmc = 2860917 | doi = 10.1172/JCI40493 }}</ref> ande groupas Xdo aregrupo thoughtX tocrese beque involvedestán inimplicadas spermna [[capacitationcapacitación]] dos espermatozoides.<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Escoffier J, Jemel I, Tanemoto A, Taketomi Y, Payre C, Coatrieux C, Sato H, Yamamoto K, Masuda S, Pernet-Gallay K, Pierre V, Hara S, Murakami M, De Waard M, Lambeau G, Arnoult C | title = Group X phospholipase A2 is released during sperm acrosome reaction and controls fertility outcome in mice | journal = The Journal of Clinical Investigation | volume = 120 | issue = 5 | pages = 1415–28 | date = May 2010 | pmid = 20424324 | pmc = 2860919 | doi = 10.1172/JCI40494 }}</ref>
A sPLA2 haspromove beena showninflamación toeen promotemamíferos [[inflammation]]ao incatalizar mammalso byprimeiro catalyzingpaso the first step of theda [[arachidonicvía aciddo pathwayácido araquidónico]] byao breaking downdegradar [[phospholipidsfosfolípido]]s, resultingo inque theten formationcomo ofresultado a formación de [[fattyácido graxo|ácidos acidsgraxos]] includingincluíndo [[arachidonico acid]]ácido araquidónico. ThisEste arachidonicácido acidaraquidónico isé thendespois metabolizedmetabolizado topara formformar severalvarias inflammatorymoléclas andinflamatorias e [[Thrombogenicitytromboxenicidade|thrombogenictromboxénicas]] molecules. ExcessOs niveis levelsexcesivos ofde sPLA2 iscrese thoughtque tocontribúen contributea to severalvarias [[inflammatorydoenza diseasesinflamatoria|doenzas inflamatorias]], ande haspromoven been shown toa promoteinflamación vascular inflammationcorrelacionada correlatingcon witheventos coronarycoronarios events inna [[coronaryenfermidade arteryarterial diseasecoronaria]] ande a [[acutesíndrome coronarycoronaria syndromeaguda]],<ref name="pmid21098459">{{cite journal | vauthors = Mallat Z, Lambeau G, Tedgui A | title = Lipoprotein-associated and secreted phospholipases A₂ in cardiovascular disease: roles as biological effectors and biomarkers | journal = Circulation | volume = 122 | issue = 21 | pages = 2183–200 | date = Nov 2010 | pmid = 21098459 | doi = 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.110.936393 }}</ref> ande possiblyposiblemente leadingacaba tocausando [[acutesíndrome respiratoryde distressdificultade syndromerespiratoria aguda]]<ref name="pmid20351613">{{cite journal | vauthors = De Luca D, Minucci A, Cogo P, Capoluongo ED, Conti G, Pietrini D, Carnielli VP, Piastra M | title = Secretory phospholipase A₂ pathway during pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome: a preliminary study | journal = Pediatric Critical Care Medicine | volume = 12 | issue = 1 | pages = e20-4 | date = Jan 2011 | pmid = 20351613 | doi = 10.1097/PCC.0b013e3181dbe95e }}</ref> e anda progressionprogresión ofda [[tonsillitisamigdalite]]<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Ezzeddini R, Darabi M, Ghasemi B, Jabbari Moghaddam Y, Jabbari Y, Abdollahi S, Rashtchizadeh N, Gharahdaghi A, Darabi M, Ansarin M, Shaaker M, Samadi A, Karamravan J | title = Circulating phospholipase-A2 activity in obstructive sleep apnea and recurrent tonsillitis | journal = International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology | volume = 76 | issue = 4 | pages = 471–4 | date = Apr 2012 | pmid = 22297210 | doi = 10.1016/j.ijporl.2011.12.026 }}</ref>
inEn children,nenos excessos levelsniveis ofexcesivos de sPLA2 haveforon beenasociados associatedcoa withinflamación inflammationque thoughtse tocre exacerbateque exacerba o [[asthmaastma]]<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Henderson WR, Oslund RC, Bollinger JG, Ye X, Tien YT, Xue J, Gelb MH | title = Blockade of human group X secreted phospholipase A2 (GX-sPLA2)-induced airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness in a mouse asthma model by a selective GX-sPLA2 inhibitor | journal = The Journal of Biological Chemistry | volume = 286 | issue = 32 | pages = 28049–55 | date = Aug 2011 | pmid = 21652694 | pmc = 3151050 | doi = 10.1074/jbc.M111.235812 }}</ref> ande oculara surfaceinflamación inflammationda superficie celular ([[dryollo eyeseco]]).<ref name="pmid21519031">{{cite journal | vauthors = Wei Y, Epstein SP, Fukuoka S, Birmingham NP, Li XM, Asbell PA | title = sPLA2-IIa amplifies ocular surface inflammation in the experimental dry eye (DE) BALB/c mouse model | journal = Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science | volume = 52 | issue = 7 | pages = 4780–8 | date = Jun 2011 | pmid = 21519031 | pmc = 3175946 | doi = 10.1167/iovs.10-6350 }}</ref>
IncreasedO sPLA2incremento activityda isactividade observedda insPLA2 theobsérvase no [[cerebrospinallíquido fluidcefalorraquídeo]] ofde humanspersoas withcon [[Alzheimer'senfermidade diseasede Alzheimer]] ande [[multipleesclerose sclerosismúltiple]], ande maypode serveservir ascomo a[[biomarcador|marcador]] markerde ofincremento increasesda inpermeabilidade permeability of theda [[bloodbareira hemato-cerebrospinal fluid barrierraquídea]].<ref>{{cite journal | vauthors = Chalbot S, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Fladby T, Andreasen N, Grundke-Iqbal I, Iqbal K | title = Blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier permeability in Alzheimer's disease | journal = Journal of Alzheimer's Disease | volume = 25 | issue = 3 | pages = 505–15 | date = January 2011 | pmid = 21471645 | pmc = 3139450 | doi = 10.3233/JAD-2011-101959 | doi_brokendate = 2015-02-01 }}</ref>
=== Fosfolipases A2 citosólicas (cPLA2) ===