Wikipedia:Non fagas ataques persoais: Diferenzas entre revisións

Contido eliminado Contido engadido
Banjo (conversa | contribucións)
Banjo (conversa | contribucións)
Liña 41:
==Consecuencias dos ataques persoais==
Aínda que se recomenda ignorar ou responder cívicamente aos ataques persoais illados, isto non implica que sexan aceptables. Os padróns de hostilidade non favorecen o bo ambiente editorial e son disruptivos. Aqueles usuarios que insistan nas confrontacións marcadas por ataques persoais e non fagan caso dos avisos recibidos para desistir nese tipo de comportamentos poden chegar a ser obxecto dun [[Wikipedia:Política de bloqueo|bloqueo]] temporal.
Although editors are encouraged to ignore or respond politely to isolated personal attacks, that should not imply that they are acceptable. A pattern of hostility reduces the likelihood of the community [[Wikipedia:Assume good faith|assuming good faith]], and can be considered [[WP:DE|disruptive editing]]. Users who insist on a confrontational style marked by personal attacks are likely to become involved in the [[WP:DR|dispute resolution]] process, and may face serious consequences through [[bloqueo]].
En casos extremos incluso os ataques persoais illados poden merecer un [[Wikipedia:Política de bloqueo|bloqueo]]. As ameazas de morte ou semellantes poden dar lugar a un bloqueo inmediato sen aviso previo. Os ataques persoais considerados menos graves resultarán primeiro nun aviso e petición de reconsideración. Se este tipo de ataques continuan a pesar do aviso, darán lugar a un [[Wikipedia:Política de bloqueo|bloqueo]] temporal, ou en casos extremos, permanente.
In extreme cases, even isolated personal attacks may lead to a [[WP:BLOCK|block]] for disruption. Death threats and issues of similar severity may result in a block ''without warning''. Lesser personal attacks often result in a warning, and a request to [[Wikipedia:Refactoring talk pages|refactor]]. If a pattern of lesser personal attacks continues despite the warning, escalating blocks may follow. However, administrators are cautioned that other resolutions are preferable to blocking for less-severe situations when it is unclear if the conduct severely disrupts the project. Recurring attacks are proportionally more likely to be considered disruptive. Blocking for personal attacks should only be done for prevention, not punishment. A block may be warranted if it seems likely that the user will continue using personal attacks.
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