Terminal axónico: Diferenzas entre revisións

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== Véxase tamén ==
=== Outros artigos ===
* [[Vesícula sináptica]]
* [[Sinapse química]]
* [[Telodendron]]
=== Outras lecturas ===
* {{Cita publicación periódica |first1=Stephanie J. |last1=Cragg |first2=Susan A. |last2=Greenfield |title=Differential Autoreceptor Control of Somatodendritic and Axon Terminal Dopamine Release in Substantia Nigra, Ventral Tegmental Area, and Striatum |journal=The Journal of Neuroscience |pmid=9221772 |url=http://www.jneurosci.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=9221772 |year=1997 |volume=17 |issue=15 |pages=5738–46}}
* {{Cita publicación periódica |doi=10.1016/S0168-0102(99)00050-4 |title=Localisation of the GABAC receptors at the axon terminal of the rod bipolar cells of the mouse retina |year=1999 |last1=Vaquero |first1=Cecilia F |last2=de la Villa |first2=Pedro |journal=Neuroscience Research |volume=35 |pages=1–7 |pmid=10555158 |issue=1}}
* {{Cita publicación periódica |doi=10.1016/0006-8993(79)90129-X |title=Neurochemical and morphological consequences of axon terminal degeneration in cerebellar deep nuclei of mice with inherited purkinje cell degeneration |year=1979 |last1=Roffler-Tarlov |first1=Suzanne |last2=Beart |first2=P.M. |last3=O'Gorman |first3=Stephen |last4=Sidman |first4=Richard L. |journal=Brain Research |volume=168 |pages=75–95 |pmid=455087 |issue=1}}
* {{Cita publicación periódica |pmid=3351572 |url=http://jn.physiology.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=3351572 |year=1988 |last1=Yagi |first1=T |last2=Kaneko |first2=A |title=The axon terminal of goldfish retinal horizontal cells: A low membrane conductance measured in solitary preparations and its implication to the signal conduction from the soma |volume=59 |issue=2 |pages=482–94 |journal=Journal of Neurophysiology |author-name-separator= |author-separator=,}}
=== Outros artigos ===
* [[Vesícula sináptica]]
* [[Sinapse química]]
* [[Telodendron]]