Hormona liberadora da tirotropina: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Liña 6:
[[Ficheiro:Thyroid system.png|miniatura|250px|dereita|Sistema das hormonas tiroideas [[triiodotironina|T3]] e [[tiroxine|T4]]. <ref>References used in image are found in image article in Commons:[[Commons:File:Thyroid_system.png#References]].</ref>]]
A TRH prodúcese no [[hipotálamo]] polas [[neurona]]s parvocelulares do [[núcleo paraventricular]] <ref name="pmid2104587">{{Cita publicación periódica | author = Taylor T, Wondisford FE, Blaine T, Weintraub BD | title = The paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus has a major role in thyroid hormone feedback regulation of thyrotropin synthesis and secretion | journal = Endocrinology | volume = 126 | issue = 1 | pages = 317–24 | year = 1990 | month = January | pmid = 2104587 | doi = 10.1210/endo-126-1-317| url = | issn =}}</ref> <ref> de Greef WJ, Rondeel JM, van Haasteren GA, Klootwijk W, Visser TJ. Regulation of hypothalamic TRH production and release in the rat. Acta Med Austriaca. 1992;19 Suppl 1:77-9. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1519460]</ref> <ref>Eduardo A. Nillni. Regulation of the Hypothalamic Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone (TRH) Neuron by Neuronal and Peripheral Inputs. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2010 April; 31(2): 134–156. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2849853/]</ref>. Está codificada por un xene do [[cromosoma 3]] ([[locus]] 3 q13.3-q21). O primeiro transcrito do xene é un [[polipéptido]] precursor de 242 [[aminoácido]]s que contén 6 copias da secuencia -Glu-His-Pro-Gly-, flanqueadas por secuencias dibásicas que son despois procesadas [[proteólise|proteoliticamente]] para dar a TRH madura.
A TRH é un tripéptido de 359,5 [[Dalton (unidade)|daltons]] coa secuencia: (piro)[[glutamato|Glu]]-[[histidina|His]]-[[prolina|Pro]]-NH<sub>2</sub>.
Liña 18:
== Historia ==
A secuencia da TRH foi determinada por [[Roger Guillemin]] e [[Andrew V. Schally]] en 1969, que a sintetizaron. <ref name="pmid4982117">{{Cita publicación periódica | author = Boler J, Enzmann F, Folkers K, Bowers CY, Schally AV | title = The identity of chemical and hormonal properties of the thyrotropin releasing hormone and pyroglutamyl-histidyl-proline amide | journal = Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. | volume = 37 | issue = 4 | pages = 705–10 | year = 1969 | month = November | pmid = 4982117 | doi = 10.1016/0006-291X(69)90868-7| url = http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/0006-291X(69)90868-7}}</ref><ref name="pmid4983502">{{Cita publicación periódica | author = Burgus R, Dunn TF, Desiderio D, Guillemin R | title = [Molecular structure of the hypothalamic hypophysiotropic TRF factor of ovine origin: mass spectrometry demonstration of the PCA-His-Pro-NH2 sequence] | language = French | journal = C.R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci., Ser. D, Sci. Nat. | volume = 269 | issue = 19 | pages = 1870–3 | year = 1969 | month = November | pmid = 4983502 | doi = | url = | issn =}}</ref> Ambas as partes insistiron en que os seus laboratorios determinaron a secuencia primeiro. <ref name="isbn0-8039-0993-4">{{cita libro | autor = Woolgar, Steve; Latour, Bruno | título = Laboratory life: the social construction of scientific facts | edition = | language = | editor = Sage Publications - Thousand Oaks | ano = 1979 | origyear = | pages = | capítulo = Chapter 3: The Case of TRF(H) | quote = | isbn = 0-8039-0993-4 | oclc = | doi = | url = | accessdate = }}</ref>
Schally e Guillemin compartiron en 1977 o [[premio Nobel de Medicina]] "polos seus descubrimentos sobre a produción de hormona peptídica no cerebro." <ref name="urlMedicine 1977">{{cite web | url = http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1977/index.html | title = The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1977 | author = | authorlink = | coauthors = | date = | work = | publisher = NobelPrize.org | pages = | language = | archiveurl = | archivedate = | quote = | accessdate = 2009-03-04}}</ref> <ref name="isbn0-8039-0993-4"/>