Superfamilia de proteínas: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Liña 12:
=== Homoloxía estrutural ===
{{ArtigoprincipalArtigo principal|Aliñamento estrutural}}
A [[estrutura das proteínas]] está moito máis conservada evolutivamente que a secuencia (como tamén se pode exemplificar co clan PA das proteases). Haimoi poucos residuos que mostren conservación da secuencia de aminoácidos, porén hai elemento estruturais secundarios que están altamente consevados como tamén os motivos estruturais terciarios que forman. Os programas de aliñamento estrutural como DALI poden utilizar a estrutura en 3D dunha proteína de interese para atopar proteínas que teñan pregamentos similares. Comparando as estruturas en 3D poden identificarse exemplos de parentescos evolutivos que non se descobren coa comparación de secuencias.
[[protein structure|Structure]] is much more evolutionarily conserved than sequence (as also exemplified by the PA clan of proteases). Very few residues show much amino acid sequence conservation, however [[secondary structural]] elements are highly conserved as are their arrangement in [[tertiary structural]] motifs. [[Structural alignment]] programs such as [[Families of structurally similar proteins|DALI]] can use the 3D structure of a protein of interest to find proteins with similar folds. Comparing 3D structures can identify instances of evolutionary relatedness that sequence comparison cannot.
=== Semellanza no mecanismo de acción ===
{{Artigo principal|Mecanismo encimático}}
{{Main|enzyme mechanism}}
The [[catalytic mechanism]] of enzymes within a superfamily is typically conserved, although [[substrate (biochemistry)|substrate]] specificity may be significantly different. Catalytic residues also tend to occur in the same order in the protein sequence. Once again, the PA clan of proteases acts as an example. Even though families within the superfamily use different [[nucleophiles]], they all perform [[covalent catalysis|covalent, nucleophilic catalysis]] on proteins, peptides or amino acids through a similar [[enzyme mechanism|mechanism]].