Northern blot: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Liña 28:
The advantages of using northern blotting include the detection of RNA size, the observation of alternate splice products, the use of probes with partial homology, the quality and quantity of RNA can be measured on the gel prior to blotting, and the membranes can be stored and reprobed for years after blotting.<ref name="Streit2009" />
== Northern bloblot inversa ==
Os investigadores en ocasións usan unha variante desta técnica denominada northern blot inversa ou reversa. Neste procedemento, o substrato [[ácido nucleico]] (que está fixado a unha membrana) é un conxunto de fragmentos de ADN, e a sonda é un ARN extraído dun tecido e marcado radioactivamente.
Researchers occasionally use a variant of the procedure known as the reverse northern blot. In this procedure, the substrate nucleic acid (that is affixed to the membrane) is a collection of isolated DNA fragments, and the probe is RNA extracted from a tissue and radioactively labelled.
O uso de [[micromatriz de ADN|micromatrices de ADN]] que se xeneralizou a finais da década de 1990 e inicios da de 2000 é moi similar ao procedemento inverso, porque implica o uso de fragmentos de ADN illados fixados a un substrato, e a hibridación cunha sonda feita de ARN celular. Así, o procedemento inverso, aínda que inicialmente era pouco común, permitiu que as análises mediante northern evolucionasen para permitir o estudo de [[perfil de expresión|perfís de expresión xénica]], nos cales se pode monitorizar a expresión de moitos dos xenes (ou posiblemente todos) dun organismo.
The use of [[DNA microarray]]s that have come into widespread use in the late 1990s and early 2000s is more akin to the reverse procedure, in that they involve the use of isolated DNA fragments affixed to a substrate, and hybridization with a probe made from cellular RNA. Thus the reverse procedure, though originally uncommon, enabled northern analysis to evolve into [[expression profiling|gene expression profiling]], in which many (possibly all) of the genes in an organism may have their expression monitored.
== Notas ==