Lactoferrina: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
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Os pulmóns humanos e a saliva conteñen unha ampla variedade de compostos antimicrobianos, como o sistema das lactoperoxidases, producindo o [[hipotiocianito]] (anión [OSCN]<sup>-</sup>) e a lactoferrina, e este hipotiocianito non está presente en pacientes de [[fibrose quística]].<ref name="pmid17082494">{{cite journal|author = Moskwa P, Lorentzen D, Excoffon KJ, Zabner J, McCray PB, Nauseef WM, Dupuy C, Bánfi B|title = A novel host defense system of airways is defective in cystic fibrosis|journal = Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med.|volume = 175|issue = 2|pages = 174–83|year = 2007|pmid = 17082494|pmc = 2720149|doi = 10.1164/rccm.200607-1029OC}}</ref> A lactoferrina, que é un compoñente da [[inmunidade innata]], impide a formación de [[biopelícula]]s bacterianas.<ref name="pmid11048725">{{cite journal|author = Singh PK, Schaefer AL, Parsek MR, Moninger TO, Welsh MJ, Greenberg EP|title = Quorum-sensing signals indicate that cystic fibrosis lungs are infected with bacterial biofilms|journal = Nature|volume = 407|issue = 6805|pages = 762–4|year = 2000|pmid = 11048725|doi = 10.1038/35037627}}</ref><ref name="pmid12037568">{{cite journal|author = Singh PK, Parsek MR, Greenberg EP, Welsh MJ|title = A component of innate immunity prevents bacterial biofilm development|journal = Nature|volume = 417|issue = 6888|pages = 552–5|year = 2002|pmid = 12037568|doi = 10.1038/417552a}}</ref> Nos pacientes de fibrose quística obsérvase unha perda de actividade microbicida e un incremento da formación de biopelículas debido á diminución da lactoferrina.<ref name="pmid15346334">{{cite journal|author = Rogan MP, Taggart CC, Greene CM, Murphy PG, O'Neill SJ, McElvaney NG|title = Loss of microbicidal activity and increased formation of biofilm due to decreased lactoferrin activity in patients with cystic fibrosis|journal = J. Infect. Dis.|volume = 190|issue = 7|pages = 1245–53|year = 2004|pmid = 15346334|doi = 10.1086/423821}}</ref> Estes descubrimentos demostran o importante papel da lactoferrina na defensa do corpo humano, especialmente nos pulmóns.<ref name="pmid16503962">{{cite journal|author = Rogan MP, Geraghty P, Greene CM, O'Neill SJ, Taggart CC, McElvaney NG|title = Antimicrobial proteins and polypeptides in pulmonary innate defence|journal = Respir. Res.|volume = 7|page = 29|year = 2006|pmid = 16503962|pmc = 1386663|doi = 10.1186/1465-9921-7-29|issue = 1}}</ref>
A lactoferrina co hipotiocianito ten o status de [[fármacomedicamento orfo]] (desenvolvido especificamente para tratar unha enfermidade rara) na [[Axencia de Medicinas Europea]]<ref name="">{{cite web|url =|title = Public summary of positive opinion for orphan designation of hypothiocyanite/lactoferrin for the treatment of cystic fibrosis |date = 2009-09-07|work = Pre-authorisation Evaluation of Medicines for Human Use|publisher = European Medicines Agency|accessdate = 2010-01-23}}</ref> e na [[FDA]] dos Estados Unidos.<ref name="">{{cite web|url =|title = Meveol: orphan drug status granted by the FDA for the treatment of cystic fibrosis|date =2009-11-05|publisher = United States Food and Drug Administration|accessdate = 2010-01-23}}</ref>