Axuda:Caracteres especiais: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Liña 14:
=== Mostrando caracteres especiais ===
Para mostrar carácteres de Unicode ou especiais nas páxinas de internet, unha ou máis das fontes Unicode, é preciso que elas xa estean instaladas no computador. Para tudo correr correctamente, tamén pode ser necesario facer cambios no menú ''setup'', ''axustes'' ou ''configuración'', do navegador.
<!--- To display Unicode or special characters on web page(s), one or more of the [[List of typefaces#Unicode fonts|Unicode fonts]] need to be present or installed in your computer, first. For proper working functionality, ''setup'' or ''configuration'' or ''settings'' from the web page viewing browser software also needs to be modified.
<!--------- To display Unicode or special characters on web page(s), one or more of the [[List of typefaces#Unicode fonts|Unicode fonts]] need to be present or installed in your computer, first. For proper working functionality, ''setup'' or ''configuration'' or ''settings'' from the web page viewing browser software also needs to be modified.
The default font for Latin scripts in older versions of the [[Internet Explorer]] (IE) web browser for Windows is [[Times New Roman]]. Older editions of the font don't include many [[Mapping of Unicode characters|Unicode blocks]]. To properly view special characters in IE, you must set your browser font settings to a font that includes many Unicode blocks of characters, such as [[TITUS Cyberbit Basic]] and [[GNU Unifont]], which are freely available.
Liña 30 ⟶ 32:
==== Changing Internet Explorer's (IE) default font ====
From the IE menu bar, follow this path''':''' &nbsp;{{nowrap|Tools &gt; Internet Options &gt; (General tab &gt;) Fonts &gt; Webpage Font:}}<br>
to a scrolling list of fonts. As indicated above, the default selection for Windows is [[Times New Roman]]. For viewing of many special characters, select a different font, such as [[Lucida Sans Unicode]], and then select '''OK'''.--->
== Fontes para sistemas de escrita específicos ==
==Fonts for specific writing systems==
=== AncientEscritos scriptsantigos ===
ev.g. [[PhoenicianAlfabeto alphabetfenicio]], [[OldAlfabeto Italicitálico alphabetantigo]], [[LinearLineal B]], etc.
;Usuarios de Windows
;Windows users
Transfira e instale unha destas fontes libremente autorizadas
Please download and install one of these freely licensed fonts
* [ AegeanExeo]
* [ Akkadian/CuneiformAcadiano cuneiforme]
* [ Cardo]
* [ MPH 2B Damase]
* [ Code2001]
* [ Junicode]
;Usuarios de Linux
;Linux users
IfSe usingutiliza aun Linux baseado na distro [[Debian]]-based Linux (ep.g ex. Ubuntu, Linux Mint), pleasetransfira downloade andinstale installpaquete [[deb (fileformato formatde arquivo)|deb package]] <code>ttf-ancient-fonts</code>, byintroducindo entering inno [[Consola Linux console|terminal]]:
:<code>sudo apt-get install ttf-ancient-fonts</code>
=== ShavianAlfabeto textShaw ===
* CopyleftFonte'' font is[[copyleft]]'' availableestá fromdispoñible [ hereaquí].
=== GlagoliticAlfabeto textglagolítico ===
* ''MPH 2B'' from [ hereaquí].
== Alfabeto Fonético Internacional ==
== IPA symbols ==
MostA [[Internationalmor parte Phoneticdos símbolos Alphabet|IPA symbols]]non areestán notincluídos includedna informa themáis mostamplamente widelyutilizada usedda form offonte [[Times Roman|Times New Roman]] (thoughaínda theyque aresexan includedincluídos inna theversión version provided withdo [[Windows Vista]]), thea defaultfonte fontestándar forpara Latinescrita scriptslatina indo [[Internet Explorer]] for [[Microsoftpara Windows|Windows]]. ToPara properlyara viewpoder IPAver symbolsadecuadamente inos thatsímbolos browser,IPA youneste mustnavegador, seté itnecesario toaxustalo usepara aincluír unha [[w:List of typefaces|fontpaleta]] whichcon includeseste thetipo IPAde extensions characters. Suchextensión, fontsque includeinclúen [[Lucida Sans Unicode]], whichxa comesinclusa withno paquete do [[Windows XP]]; [[Gentium]], [[Charis SIL]], [[Doulos SIL]], [[DejaVu fonts|DejaVu Sans]], orou [[Bitstream Cyberbit|TITUS Cyberbit]], whichque areestán [[freelibremente software Unicode typefaces|freely available]]dispoñíbeis; orou [[Arial Unicode MS]], whichque comesvén withcon [[Microsoft Office]].
OnNesta this pagepáxina, we have forcedo Internet Explorer toé use suchforzado a fontutilizar bytal fonte por defaultpadrón, soasí it shoulddebería appearaparecer correctlycorrectamente, butpero thisisto hasnon notfoi yetaínda beenfeito donea totodas allas theoutras otherpáxinas pagesque containingconteñen IPA. ThisIsto alsotamén appliesse toaplica othera pagesoutras usingpáxinas [[meta:Help:Specialque utilizan characters|specialsímbolos symbols]]especiais. BearLeve thisisto inen mindconsideración, ifno youcaso seede errorque symbolssexan suchvistos assímbolos de erros coma "຦"--><!-- The symbol used here, which is a valid but currently unassigned Unicode character U+0EA6, is here to demonstrate what the reader will see if they encounter a valid character which is missing in their fonts. Browsers like Firefox usually display these as a box, sometimes with the character code written inside; they do not display them as the replacement character. Thus, please, do not replace this character with U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER "�". Please do not change it to a Noncharacter such as U+FDD0 either: Noncharacters are for applications to use internally, and as such are "forbidden for use in open interchange of Unicode text data", and may get replaced by U+FFFD (see section 16.7 of Unicode, version 5.2). --><!-- innos articlesartigos.
SpecialSímbolos symbolsespeciais shoulddeben displayser properlyvistos withoutnormalmente, furthersen a necesidade doutros axustes, configurationnos withnavegadores [[Mozilla Firefox]], [[Konqueror]], [[Opera (web browsernavegador)|Opera]], [[Safari (web browsernavegador)|Safari]] ande mostoutros otheraínda recentmáis browsersrecentes.
== ¿Cal [[Codificación de caracteres|conxunto de caracteres]] é usado na Galipedia? ==
== What character encoding is Wikipedia using? ==
FromDes MediaWiki 1.5, alltodos projectsos useproxectos utilizan '''[[w:Unicode|Unicode]] ([[w:UTF-8|UTF-8]])''' [[w:character encoding|character encoding]].
<!---------Until the end of June 2005, when this new version came into use on Wikimedia projects, the English, Dutch, Danish, and Swedish Wikipedias used [[w:Windows-1252|Windows-1252]] (they declared themselves to be [[w:ISO-8859-1|ISO-8859-1]] but in reality browsers treat the two as synonymous and the MediaWiki software made no attempt to prevent use of characters exclusive to windows-1252). Pre-upgrade wikitext in their databases remains stored in Windows-1252 and is converted on load (some of it may also have been converted by gradual changes in the way history is stored). Edits made since the upgrade will be stored as UTF-8 in the database. This conversion on load process is invisible to users. It is also invisible to reusers as Wikimedia now uses [[m:Data dumps#What happened to the SQL dumps.3F|XML dumps rather than database dumps]].
;Unicode (UTF-8)
Liña 109 ⟶ 111:
* [ CharacterPal]—Free Mac OS X Dashboard Widget that displays key combinations for special characters
* [ Unicode Code Converter]—conversion between copy-pasteable characters, Unicode notation, html, percent encodings and other formats, helpful when trying to enter or interpret characters
* [ Shapecatcher]—online—ferramenta tool''online'' topara findatopar caracteres Unicode characters by drawing themdebuxándoos
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