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Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Miguelferig (conversa | contribucións)
Liña 207:
====Usos comerciais====
O etileno acurta a vida comercial de moitos froitos ao adiantar a [[maduración dos froitos]] e a senescencia floral. O etileno acuta a vida comercial das flores cortadas e de plantas en testo ao acelerar a senescencia e abscisión floral. As flores e plantas que están suxeitas a estrés durante o seu transporte en barco, manexo ou almacenamento producen etileno causando unha significativa redución no seu número de flores. As flores afectadas polo etileno son, por exemplo, o [[caravel]], [[Pelargonium|xeranio]], [[petunia]], [[rosa (flor)|rosa]], entre moitas outras.<ref>{{cite journal | title = Effect of ethylene on flower abscission: a survey |journal = Annals of Botany | volume = 89 | issue = 6 | pages = 689–693| year = 2002 | pmid = 12102524 | doi = 10.1093/aob/mcf124 | author = Van Doorn, W. G. | ref = harv}}</ref>
Ethene can cause significant economic losses for florists, markets, suppliers, and growers. Researchers have developed several ways to inhibit ethene, including inhibiting ethene synthesis and inhibiting ethene perception. Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG), [[Aminooxyacetic acid]] (AOA), and silver salts are ethylene inhibitors.<ref name="dic_plant">{{cite book|last=Cassells |first=A. C. |author2=Peter B. Gahan|title=Dictionary of plant tissue culture|publisher=Haworth Press|year= 2006|pages=77|isbn= 978-1-56022-919-3|url=}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last=Constabel|first=Friedrich |author2=Jerry P. Shyluk|title=Plant Cell and Tissue Culture|publisher=Springer|year=1994|pages=5|chapter=1: Initiation, Nutrition, and Maintenance of Plant Cell and Tissue Cultures |isbn=0-7923-2493-5}}</ref> Inhibiting ethene synthesis is less effective for reducing post-harvest losses since ethene from other sources can still have an effect. By inhibiting ethene perception, fruits, plants and flowers don't respond to ethene produced endogenously or from exogenous sources. Inhibitors of ethene perception include compounds that have a similar shape to ethene, but do not elicit the ethene response. One example of an ethene perception inhibitor is [[1-methylcyclopropene]] (1-MCP).