Igrexa católica maronita: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Liña 47:
Segundo un informe de 2007, hai arredor de are 930.000 maronitas no [[Líbano]], onde constitúen aproximadamente o 22% da poboación.<ref name=freedom>{{cita web |url=http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/irf/2008/108487.htm |título=Lebanon - International Religious Freedom Report |ano=2008 |editor=U.S. Department of State}}</ref> En Siria son un total de 51.000.<ref name="annuario">{{cita web |url=http://www.cnewacanada.ca/source-images/Roberson-eastcath-statistics/eastcatholic-stat08.pdf |título=Datos do Annuario Pontificio: ''The Eastern Catholic Churches'' |ano=2008}}</ref> Existe tamén unha comunidade maronita en Chipre, de arredor de 10.000 fieis,<ref name="annuario"/> e que fala [[lingua árabe chipriota maronita|o seu propio dialecto árabe]].<ref>{{cita libro |autor=Maria Tsiapera |título=A Descriptive Analysis of Cypriot Maronite Arabic |ano=1969 |editor=Mouton and Company |lugar=A Haia}}</ref><ref>{{cita web |url=http://moi.gov.cy/new/admin/sections/filedepot/uploaded/file/PDF_FILES/EuropeanCharterForRegionalMinorities.pdf |editor=Ministerio do Interior de Chipre |título=[[Carta Europea das Linguas Rexionais ou Minoritarias|European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages]]: Answers to the Comments/Questions Submitted to the Government of Cyprus Regarding its Initial Periodical Report}}</ref> Finalmente, hai unha salientable comunidade no norte de Israel, na rexión de [[Galilea]], de 7.504 persoas,<ref name="annuario"/> famosa polos seus intentos de conservación da [[lingua aramea]].
The two residing eparchies in the United States have issued their own "Maronite Census", designed to estimate how many Maronites reside in the United States. Many Maronites have been assimilated into Western Catholicism as there were no Maronite parishes or priests available. The "Maronite Census" was designed to locate these Maronites. There are also eparchies at [[Eparchy of Nossa Senhora do Líbano em São Paulo|São Paulo]] in Brazil, as well as in Argentina, France, Australia, South Africa, Canada and Mexico.<ref name="annuario"/>
The history of the Lebanese Community in South Africa goes back to the late 19th century, when the first immigrants arrived in Johannesburg, the biggest city in the Transvaal coming from Sebhel, Mesyara, Becharre, Hadath El-Joube, Maghdoushe and other places. It is recorded that in the year 1896 the first Maronite and Lebanese immigrants arrived in Durban, Cape Town and Mozambique, and congregated around their local Catholic Churches.
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