Igrexa católica maronita: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Liña 31:
Cando o Líbano obtivo a independencia en [[1943]], os poderes do novo estado foron divididos entre as principais comunidades relixiosas. Os maronitas, que constituían a maioría da poboación, recibiron a Presidencia da República, cargo que continúan a manter hoxe.
[[FileFicheiro:Peshitta464.jpg|thumb|left|TheA [[Peshitta]] isé thea standardBiblia Syriacsiríaca Bibleestándar, usedempregada bypola theIgrexa MaroniteMaronita Church,e amongstoutras othersigrexas. TheA illustrationimaxe isé ofo thetexto Peshitta text ofde [[BookLibro ofdo ExodusÉxodo|ExodusÉxodo]] 13:14-16, produced in [[Diyarbakır|Amida]] in thedo yearano 464.]]
A cabeza da Igrexa Maronita é o [[Lista dos Patriarcas de Antioquía dos Maronitas|Patriarca de Antioquía dos Maronitas]], quen é elixido polos bispos maronitas e reside en [[Bkirki]], ao norte de [[Beirut]]. Dende marzo de 2011 o patriarca é o [[cardeal]] [[Bixara Pedro al-Rahi]]. Cando un novo patriarca e elixido e entronizado, pide o recoñecemento eclesiástico do [[Papa]], mantendo deste xeito a comuñón coa [[Santa Sé]]. Como un dos patriarcas orientais, o patriarca a miúdo é creado cardeal polo papa, co rango de cardeal-bispo.
The head of the Maronite Church is the [[List of Maronite Patriarchs|Maronite Patriarch of Antioch]], who is elected by the Maronite bishops and resides in [[Bkerké]], close to [[Jounieh]], north of [[Beirut]] (the Maronite Patriarch resides in the northern town of [[Dimane]] during the summer months). The current Patriarch (since March 2011) is [[Bechara Boutros Rahi|Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Rahi]], while [[Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir|Cardinal Mar Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir]] is Patriarch [[Emeritus]]. When a new patriarch is elected and enthroned, he requests ecclesiastical recognition by the [[Pope]], thus maintaining their communion with the [[Holy See]]. As an Eastern patriarch, the patriarch is usually created a [[Cardinal (Catholicism)|Cardinal]] by the Pope in the rank of a [[Cardinal Bishop]]; he does not receive a [[suburbicarian see]] because he is a head of a [[sui iuris]] Church.
Os maronitas comparten co resto de [[Igrexa Católica|católicos]] a doutrina, mais teñen as súas propias tradicións en canto á [[liturxia]], [[teoloxía]] e [[espiritualidade]]; amais de manter unha [[disciplina]] e [[xerarquía]] diferenciadas das do resto de [[Igrexas particulares]]. A Igrexa Maronota pertence á tradición [[tradición antioquense|antioquense]] e é de [[rito siro-antioquense occidental]]. A [[lingua siríaca]] é a súa [[lingua litúrxica]] propia. Porén, considéranse unha das [[igrexas católicas orientais]] máis fortemente [[latinización litúrxica|latinizadas]], aínda que hai esforzos na recuperación de prácticas orientais.
Maronites share the same doctrine as other Catholics, but they retain their own [[liturgy]], [[theology]], [[spirituality]], [[discipline]] and [[hierarchy]]. Strictly speaking, the Maronite church belongs to the [[Antiochene]] tradition and is a [[Antiochene rite#Syriac liturgies|West Syro-Antiochene Rite]]. Syriac is the [[liturgical language]]. Nevertheless, they are considered to be among the most [[liturgical Latinisation|Latinized]] of the [[Eastern Catholic Churches]], although there have been moves to return to Eastern practices.
O cardeal [[Nasrala Pedro Sfeir|Sfeir]] acelerou persoanlmente as reformas litúrxicas nos oitenta e noventa, que levaron á publicación en 1992 do novo misal maronita. O misal é unha viraxe ás formas orixinais da liturxia antioquense, eliminando a latinización litúrxica dos séculos pasados.
Cardinal [[Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir|Sfeir]]'s personal commitment accelerated liturgical reforms in the 1980s and 1990s, bearing fruit in 1992 with the publication of a new Maronite [[Missal]]. This represents an attempt to return to the original form of the Antiochene Liturgy, removing the liturgical Latinization of past centuries. The Service of the Word has been described as far more enriched than in previous missals, and it features six [[Anaphora (liturgy)|Anaphora]]s (Eucharistic Prayers).
O [[celibato clerical|celibato]] non está estritamente requirido para os sacerdotes e diáconos, puidendo casar antes de seren ordenados; os monxes, porén, deben ser célibes, así como os bispos. Os eparcas e arquieparcas responden ante o patriarca.
[[clerical celibacy|Celibacy]] is not strictly required for Maronite deacons and priests outside of North America with [[parish]]es; monks, however, must remain celibate, as well as bishops who are normally selected from the monasteries. The bishops who serve as eparchs and archeparchs of the eparchies and archeparchies (the equivalent of diocese and archdiocese in the Latin Catholic Church) are answerable to the Patriarch. Due to a long-term understanding with their Latin counterparts in North America, Maronite priests in that area have traditionally remained celibate. However, in February 2014, it was announced that Wissam Akiki had been granted permission to be ordained into the priesthood by [[Pope Francis]]. The St. Louis father will be the first married man to be ordained to the Maronite priesthood in North America and will not be expected to uphold a vow of celibacy.<ref>http://www.ksdk.com/story/news/local/2014/02/24/wissam-akiki-ordained-as-priest-maronite-catholic-church/5785101/</ref>