Secuenciación do ADN: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Este método de secuenciación e equipamento utilizáronse para secuenciar o xenoma do [[bacteriófago M13]].<ref>{{cite journal|last=Harris|first=TD|coauthors=Buzby, PR; Babcock, H; Beer, E; Bowers, J; Braslavsky, I; Causey, M; Colonell, J; Dimeo, J; Efcavitch, JW; Giladi, E; Gill, J; Healy, J; Jarosz, M; Lapen, D; Moulton, K; Quake, SR; Steinmann, K; Thayer, E; Tyurina, A; Ward, R; Weiss, H; Xie, Z|title=Single-molecule DNA sequencing of a viral genome.|journal=Science|date=2008 Apr 4|volume=320|issue=5872|pages=106–9|pmid=18388294|doi=10.1126/science.1150427}}</ref>
=== SingleSecuenciación moleculedunha realsoa timemolécula en tempo real (SMRT) sequencing ===
{{main|Single molecule real time sequencing}}
SMRT sequencing is based on the sequencing by synthesis approach. The DNA is synthesized in zero-mode wave-guides (ZMWs) – small well-like containers with the capturing tools located at the bottom of the well. The sequencing is performed with use of unmodified polymerase (attached to the ZMW bottom) and fluorescently labelled nucleotides flowing freely in the solution. The wells are constructed in a way that only the fluorescence occurring by the bottom of the well is detected. The fluorescent label is detached from the nucleotide at its incorporation into the DNA strand, leaving an unmodified DNA strand. According to [[Pacific Biosciences]], the SMRT technology developer, this methodology allows detection of nucleotide modifications (such as cytosine methylation). This happens through the observation of polymerase kinetics. This approach allows reads of up to 15,000 nucleotides, with mean read lengths of 2.5 to 2.9 kilobases.<ref name=autogenerated1 />
A secuenciación [[secuenciación dunha soa molécula en tempo real|SMRT]] baséase na estratexia de secuenciación por síntese. O ADN sintetízase en modo cero en ondas-guía (ZMWs), que son pequenos contedores similares a pozos que teñen as ferramentas de captura situadas no fondo do pozo. A secuenciación realízase usando polimerases non modificadas (unidas ao fondo das ZMW) e nucleótidos marcados fluorescentemente que flúen libres na solución. Os pozos están construídos de modo que só se detecte a fluorescencia do fondo do pozo. A marcaxe fluorescente sepárase do nucleótido cando este se incorpora na cadea de ADN, polo que a cadea de ADN queda inmodificada. Segundo [[Pacific Biosciences]], que desenvolveu a tecnoloxía SMRT, esta metodoloxía permite a detección de modificacións de nucleótidos (como a metilación da citosina). Isto ocorre por observación da cinética da polimerase. Esta estratexia permite lecturas de ata 15.000 nucleótidos, con lecturas medias de lonxitudes entre 2,5 e 2,9 [[par de bases|kb]].<ref name=autogenerated1 />
== Methods in development ==
== Métodos en desenvolvemento ==
DNA sequencing methods currently under development include labeling the DNA polymerase,<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=VisiGen Biotechnologies Inc. – Technology Overview | |date= |accessdate=2009-11-15}}</ref> reading the sequence as a DNA strand transits through [[nanopore sequencing|nanopores]],<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=The Harvard Nanopore Group ||date= |accessdate=2009-11-15}}</ref><ref name="Physorg">{{cite web |url= |title=Nanopore Sequencing Could Slash DNA Analysis Costs |work= |accessdate=}}</ref> and microscopy-based techniques, such as [[Atomic force microscope|atomic force microscopy]] or [[Transmission electron microscopy DNA sequencing|transmission electron microscopy]] that are used to identify the positions of individual nucleotides within long DNA fragments (&gt;5,000 bp) by nucleotide labeling with heavier elements (e.g., halogens) for visual detection and recording.<ref>{{US patent reference