Pádel: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Elisardojm (conversa | contribucións)
Ortografía e quito ligazóns externas excesivas
Liña 1:
O '''pádel''' é un deporte de raqueta xogado extensamente en España e Latinoamérica.
O pádel é un [[deporte]] tipicamente de dobles, que se practica nunha pista cerrada cun tamaño alrededor da mitadmetade das dimensións dunha pista de [[tenis]]. O tanteo é o mesmo ca no tenis, as pelotas son similares pero cun pouco menos de presión, a gran diferenza é que a pista ten paredes e as pelotas poden ser xogadas contra elas nunha maneira similar coma no [[squash]].
Este deporte foi inventado en [[Acapulco]], México, por Enrique Corcuera en 1969. Actualmente é moi popular na Arxentina, México e noutros países latinoamericanos; tamén en Europa, principalmente en España, aínda que é agora empeza a difundirse rapidamente polo resto de Europa e outros continentes. A enorme popularidade do pádel ao largo da Costa do Sol e no sur de España expúxoo a un gran número de residentes británicos e turistas, e esta é unha das razóns de que o pádel empezara a despegar en UK.
Liña 24:
== Ligazóns externas ==
*[http://www.padelfip.com/ Páxina oficial da Federación Internacional de Pádel] {{es}}
*[http://www.padelengland.org/ Official website of the Padel England Association - For all Padel related information in England and UK]
*[http://www.padelfip.com/ Official website of the International Padel Federation]
*[http://www.padelbond.nl/ Official website of the Dutch Padel Federation (Dutch)]
*[http://www.padelsweden.se/ Official website of the Swedish Padel Association (Swedish)]
*[http://www.dpv-padel.de/ Official website of the German Padel Association (German)]
*[http://www.swisspadel.ch/ Official website of the Swiss Padel Association (German)]
*[http://www.padelfederation.co.uk/ Official website of The Padel Federation (United Kingdom) (English)]
*[http://www.padelfederation.ie/ Official website of The Irish Padel Federation (Ireland) (English) ]
*[http://www.swisspadel.ch/ Official website of the Swiss Padel Federation (Switzerland) (German)]
*[http://www.padelprotour.com/ Official website of Padel Pro Tour (Spanish)]
*[http://www.pistadepadel.net/ Information about Padel Courts (Spanish)]
*[http://www.padelcanada.ca/ Official website of the Padel Association of Canada]
*[http://www.PadelCentrum.nl/ Information about Padel in The Netherlands (Dutch)]
*[http://www.palasdepadel.org/ All about Padel Raquets (Palas de Pádel) (Spanish)]
*[http://www.padelcenter.com/ padelcenter: general Padel Tennis information (Spanish)]
*[http://www.padel.info/ padel.info: general Padel Tennis information (Spanish)]
*[http://www.padelspain.com/ padelspain: general Padel Tennis information (Spanish)]
*[http://www.yourmarbella.com/groups/padel-tennis/default.aspx Padel Tennis Community Andalucia (English)]
*[http://www.liguillas.com/ Website of Padel Tournaments (Spanish)]
*[http://www.padelforum.com/ English Padel Forum (English)]
*[http://www.padelbarcelona.es/ Padelbarcelona.es All information about padel (Spanish)]
*[http://www.retospadel.com/ retospadel.com Social network and biggest community of padel players (Spanish)]
*[http://www.padelforum.com.br/ Pádel Fórum - Largest online Padel community in Brazil. (Portuguese)]
*[http://www.padeltennis.se/ Information about padel in Sweden. (Swedish)]
*[http://www.padel.nu/ Information about padel in Sweden. (Swedish)]
*[http://www.padelnordics.se/ Information about padel in Sweden. (Swedish/Spanish)]
*[http://www.padel-ireland.ie / Official website of Padel Ireland (Ireland) (English) ]
*[http://www.foropadel.com/ Foropadel.com the most largest forum of padel sport community (Spanish) ]
=== Blogs ===
*[http://www.PadelCentrum.nl/ PadelCentrum.nl:]
*[http://padten.wordpress.com/ Padel Tennis Blog]
*[http://www.doblepared.com/ doblepared] (Spanish)
*[http://sportpadel.blogspot.com/ SportPadel] (Spanish)
*[http://www.sobrepadel.com/ sobrepadel] (Spanish)
*[http://www.puntopadel.com/ Punto Padel] (Spanish)
*[http://www.padeltennis.se/ Information about padel in Sweden. (Swedish)]
*[http://www.padel.info/ PADEL.info only padel information] (Spanish)