Euforbiáceas: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Xián (conversa | contribucións)
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Xián (conversa | contribucións)
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Liña 22:
As '''euforbiáceas''' (''Euphorbiaceae'') son [[anxiosperma|plantas con flor]] con entre 232 xéneros recoñecidos <ref>[ Germplasm Resources Information Network]</ref> e 320 <ref> Fritz Hans Schweingruber, Annett Börner e Ernst-Detlef Schulze ''Atlas of Stem Anatomy in Herbs, Shrubs and Trees'', Volume 1. Springer (2011), p. 164</ref> e aproximadamente 6100 especies. Mostmaioría areson [[herbherba|herbáceas]]s, butpero somealgunhas, especiallyen inespecial thenos [[tropicstrópico]], ares alsoson [[shrubarbusto]]s orou [[treeárbore]]s. SomeAlgunhas areson [[succulentplanta suculenta|suculentas]] ande resemblesemellan [[cactuscacto|cacticactos]].
This family occurs mainly in the tropics, with the majority of the species in the [[Indomalaya ecozone|Indo-Malayan]] region and tropical [[Americas|America]] a good second. There is a large variety in tropical Africa, but it is not as abundant or varied as in these two other tropical regions. However, ''Euphorbia'' also has many [[species]] in non-tropical areas such as the [[Mediterranean Basin]], the [[Middle East]], [[South Africa]], and southern [[USA]].