Alexandre I de Bulgaria: Diferenzas entre revisións

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Liña 22:
| relixión = [[Lutheran]]
'''Alexandre Xosé de Battenberg''', nado en [[Verona]] o [[5 de abril]] de [[1857]] e finado o [[23 de outubro]] de [[1893]]), foi o primeiro príncipe (''[[knyaz]]'') da [[Bulgaria]] moderna, o seu reinado foi do [[29 de abril]] de [[1879]] ao [[7 de setembro]] de [[1886]]. Aínda que se coñece nas fontes búlgaras como '''Alexandre Battenberg''' ou '''Alexandre I Battenberg''' noutras linguas adoita coñecerse como '''Alexandre I de Bulgaria''', e así acontece en galego<ref>[ Enciclopedia Galega Universal]</ref>
Alexandre foi o terceiro fillo, e segundo varón, do [[matrimonio morganático]] formado polo príncipe [[Alexandre de Hesse-Darmstadt]] e a condesa [[Xulia von Hauke]]. A condesa e os seus descendentes obtiveron o título de príncipes de [[familia Battenberg|Battenberg]] (derivado dunha antiga residencia do [[Gran Ducado de Hesse|Gran Duque de Hesse]]) e o [[título de honor]] ''Durchlaucht'' ("[[A súa alteza serenísima]]") en 1858. O seu pai o príncipe Alexandre era sobriño do [[tsar]] de [[Rusia]] [[Alexandre II de Rusia|Alexandre II]], que casara cunha irmá do príncipe Alexandre sister of Prince Alexander ofde Hesse; a súa nai, filla do conde Moritz von Hauke, fora [[dama de honra]] da [[tsarina]].
==Prince of Bulgaria==
InNa hissúa boyhoodinfancia and earlye youthmocidade AlexanderAlexandre frequentlyvisitou visitedfrecuentemente [[SaintSan PetersburgPetersburgo]], ande hecando accompanieda his[[Guerra uncle,ruso-turca thede Tsar,1877-78]] whoestalou wasingresou muchno attachedexército toruso<ref>Duncan him,M. duringPerry ''Stefan Stambolov and the [[Russo-TurkishEmergence Warof Modern Bulgaria, 18771870-78|Bulgarian1895''. campaign]]Duke ofUniversity Press (1993), p. 243</ref> participando na campaña búlgara de 1877. When, under the [[Treaty of Berlin, 1878|Treaty of Berlin]] (1878), Bulgaria became an autonomous [[principality]] under the suzerainty of the [[Ottoman Empire]], the Tsar recommended his nephew to the Bulgarians as a candidate for the newly-created throne, and the [[National Assembly of Bulgaria|Grand National Assembly]] unanimously elected Prince Alexander as Prince of Bulgaria (29 April 1879). At that time he held a commission as a lieutenant in the [[Prussia]]n life-guards at [[Potsdam]]. Before proceeding to Bulgaria, Prince Alexander paid visits to the Tsar at [[Livadia]], to the courts of the great powers and to the [[sultan]]; a Russian warship then conveyed him to [[Varna]], and after taking the [[oath]] to the [[Tarnovo Constitution|new constitution]] at [[Turnovo]] (8 July 1879) he went to [[Sofia]]. The people everywhere ''en route'' greeted him with immense enthusiasm. (For the political history of Prince Alexander's reign, see [[History of Bulgaria]].)
The new ruling prince had not had any previous training in governing, and a range of problems confronted him. He found himself caught between the official representatives of Russia, who wanted him to behave as a ''[[roi fainéant]]'', and the Bulgarian politicians, who actively pursued their own quarrels with a violence that threatened the stability of Bulgaria.